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Everything posted by clifford_thornton

  1. They've been leaving off the liner notes on a bunch of the UMS titles lately. If it's "Unheard," then give people some context already! There is a lot of the Thurston list that has yet to see the proper light of day - the Colbeck, for example, really needs to be on CD. It's one of the best jazz records in existence...
  2. Well, the French Columbia CD set isn't even OOP, last I checked... Plus, he's ripping shit off left and right. It stinks. I support trading burns and stuff like that, but selling them in a shop? C'mon...
  3. That may be true and would be interesting if it's the case. I was referring to something totally different, however - a shopowner who burns his LPs and sells them at $15-$20 a pop. Including the album in question.
  4. It's great; I have it on a Japanese LP pressing. I think the DMG CD-R business is a crock of shit, and I really want to get all "chewy" on their asses.
  5. Anyone pick up that Dizzy Reece Futura reissue? I think it's out now. Taylor is a motherfucker on that one - Gilmore, Kessler, Caratini...
  6. Agreed. Though the Ak-Ba sessions are on CD, you never see them in the States.
  7. Wow, jumps eh? That's pretty wasted... The only French dealers I buy from are La Dame Blanche and Paris Jazz Corner.
  8. I think the term "skip" means different things to different people. Daniel, do you mean "repeating tics" or "stuck in the groove?" The first sounds reasonable for a Euro-graded ebay VG+.
  9. Many dogs are lactose intolerant and cannot eat ice cream, the companies said. Missing the point entirely, it seems...
  10. He MUST be making a mistake... unless he caught the GEMM bug!
  11. Just get Chuck, Clem, youmustbe and chewy in there and see how long the newbies last!
  12. I'd agree on disc 2 of the Collier, but disc 1 blows my mind... I've been pretty impressed with Cuneiform. They have an aesthetic and stick to it, and I can't say I haven't learned a lot from their liner writers, in addition to the music they've put out. Now, if they could just do a BOB live box set... I generally like UMS too, though "unheard" is often pretty debatable - some of those aren't in the least bit rare, though I suppose they weren't on CD before. I'm wracking my brain trying to think of a reissue in Cuneiform's catalog comparable to the circle-jerk that is Starship Beer, however... Corbs will never be able to live that one down, as much as I like the guy.
  13. Lived there for three years. Now I'm down here for grad school. So, I'm at the opposite of Nord!
  14. V-mark's Free Jazz Classics sessions are great, and he can play the shit out of some Newk, Shepp, Kirk, Bley (&c.) tunes... but I bet a lot of people wouldn't agree. The Americas are both great, and I agree on the short songs. They're very focused, and A.T. plays his ass off!
  15. Ohhh yeeahh... Been a long time since I've had one of those. Used to be the drink of choice when I was an undergrad.
  16. Sorry bro, can't follow you there either!
  17. Ouch. I can't say I've heard him enough (or at all) to make an opinion. Eddie Jefferson is good, though!
  18. No irony, just honest down-home funky free-blues. Excellent date. Few is on it and plays piano - it's the original quartet of Wright, Howard, Few and Ali.
  19. That's it. Strangely enough, I'd always thought it was called "Unity." That's how it was presented to me, anyway... I prefer the stuff with Noah Howard but the Center of the World band is "good." The whooping and hollering I was referring to was Adieu, Little Man, which is retarded but also very enjoyable.
  20. Or Shudan Sokai - Sono Zenya: Live at Hachioji Alone, which would eat Funny Rat for breakfast! japanimprov.com gets my vote for the hippest, weirdest Japanese improv CD site. I do wish for more discographical data, but what can you do?
  21. Actually, the cover pic you posted is the one only used for the cd. The lp cover is completely different. It's a must have IMO. I have only seen it once and I snapped it up quick. I think I paid something like 2.99 for the lp. Uh, my copy of the LP has that very cover and I've never seen it with anything else. I don't know how many times Leo pressed it, but I'm surprised that it was enough times to change up. Could you post the alternate artwork?
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