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Everything posted by clifford_thornton

  1. Haven't dug that out in some time.
  2. It's a very interesting set. A lot to digest in one sitting but definitely worthwhile and something I'll come back to with some regularity.
  3. Webster Lewis - Live at Club 7 - (Jazzagression box set)
  4. A large number of them are well north of that now. The Roy Brooks is a few hundred bucks, and a bunch of others are around $100.
  5. and those original Muse LPs have gotten quite expensive in recent years, too. Carpe and diem if you see them.
  6. I didn't like Dune, but I have enjoyed other works of his. Mulholland Drive is certainly excellent, and I like Inland Empire a lot also.
  7. RIP. There will never be a coterie of musicians like that again.
  8. I'm in a similar boat. The Ahmed Abdullah book -- one of my favorite jazz memoir-type things ever -- illuminated a lot of it for me, and I did feel more appreciation for later Ra as a result.
  9. as an archivist I agree in most instances, unless clarification of said image is necessary to aid in research purposes.
  10. yeah, I think he finally did. That's my understanding.
  11. Fascinating. I asked Ras, too, and he said this Ali was a different guy. The drummer Rashied Ali did play trumpet and studied the instrument with Bill Dixon (with whom he was also playing drums). The timing (pun not intended) does line up, for what it's worth. Norio Maeda indeed became a very interesting pianist and composer; I have several of his albums in the racks.
  12. Jeez. I stand corrected. At least it seems easily findable on sites like Discogs, especially the later pressings.
  13. Should be Norio Maeda and ofc I would love to hear this. ditto Ali on trumpet; I asked Ras Moshe whether any recorded examples of Rashied on trumpet existed, and he thought not...
  14. would be interesting to hear the alternates, at least, but I do feel like we are swimming in Sun Ra at this point and there's material I'd rather see out there before Ra Transition-era false starts. Just my .02 of course.
  15. yes, have both of the Revelation albums filed and they are truly excellent. Domanico's birthday was yesterday, as a matter of fact. He would have turned 81.
  16. Excellent news though I would not feel wrong in saying that this could have been handled differently...
  17. Ditto. Never had that particular Anthony Davis album.
  18. they're both listed as available on CD or LP via the Delmark website.
  19. Neloms sounds great on this clip, wow!
  20. on another forum, we used to call the vinyl YT show-and-tell videos "buttlock videos." Forever clenched... anyway, I steer well clear of them as I prefer my sphincter to remain loose.
  21. cool to see the silver print design for vol. 2, but now that I've seen it I don't need it would be kinda neat if they reused the Sonet design (I do think that's a wonderfully appealing alternative), but... yeah, this stuff has been out so many times I don't see a reason to do it again. Maybe not private jet wasteful, but pretty wasteful.
  22. Very nice, though I already have the trusty Delmark issues of this material. El is a Sound of Joy indeed.
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