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Everything posted by clifford_thornton

  1. glad I could provide a nudge. Wonderful LP, in my opinion.
  2. A couple of years ago I was guest lecturing a music history class at a local college and they were using a browser that automatically killed ads on YouTube. Can’t remember what it was — certainly not Google, Safari, DDG, or Firefox. Any ideas?
  3. Somewhat, yes, I can hear that. When I was writing reviews, I got promos of the two 2CD Microscopic Septet “history of” comps on Cuneiform, and while I wasn’t floored, there’s some interesting material amidst for sure. Still have the music on a backed up hard drive so I should dig it out...
  4. yeah, they were dumped around that time after the label went belly-up. My uncle said that he bought all of the jazz titles new, and they were often pretty horribly pressed. My experience has varied, and I’ve upgraded when possible. I’d agree that “New Africa” is one of the label’s best.
  5. Dave Sewelson I’ve listened to and seen a lot, and he’s a really swell guy in addition to being a hell of a musician. All the Hofstra, Hagen, Forrester, and Johnston I’ve heard has been top-notch. But all this to say I haven’t really gotten into the Micros, more likely a “me” thing than a “them” thing.
  6. Jury’s out on Duck Duck Go — limits the amount of trackers, but can also slow down sites and some older architecture might not run/display properly. not really a fan of Safari and Google is just advertiser central.
  7. definitely mine as well, a fantastic record.
  8. Sad news regarding the King Crimson percussionist, who also worked regularly with Derek Bailey and in the Music Improvisation Company. From Bill Bruford: https://www.facebook.com/100044343523529/posts/1245892226898883/
  9. this is all getting more and more intriguing by the day. Haven’t picked up Black Music in quite some time but I do have a copy around somewhere. agree, Huss/Frank & Denis don’t look that similar, at least from the cover photo on Triangle.
  10. I mostly know him from the Mike Taylor Quartet, seems as though he had quite an interesting life. https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2025/feb/13/dave-tomlin-obituary (1934-2.Nov.2024)
  11. Credited as Frank with Archie Shepp, yeah. Very interesting theory about the cabaret card, and certainly possible given Denis’ proclivities.
  12. Thanks! We’re getting some “weather” today but as for tomorrow, things look to be okay and running on time. Hope to see some of you there.
  13. I’d love to go back in time just a little bit to when I was first becoming aware of the Actuel LPs and hoovering them up in the late 1990s. It was a really fun experience to hear them fresh without the benefit of YouTube or other digital media platforms.
  14. Agree. Would have wished for complete Sonny and Linda footage with Herbie, because I understand it was part of the concert.
  15. Summer of Soul is awesome!
  16. Curious about this for sure. It’s supposed to be a very good documentary.
  17. Only heard the two streaming tracks; are they indicative?
  18. good guess on 12! I realize I own “Luv” but haven’t dug it out in many, many years… 😬
  19. Recorded in 1970 and released first in 1971 as two single LP volumes.
  20. Wish I could have seen him. My art history MA thesis in 2003 included a bit about his early music and the evolution of his trio as process and discovery (I interviewed Brötzmann for this thesis). Probably should’ve found a way to send it to him but hopefully it was out there in the ether. RIP Mr. Riley, and thank you.
  21. Sad, sad news regarding the incredible British pianist: https://ukjazznews.com/rip-howard-riley-1943-2025/ There’ll never be another one like him, that’s for sure.
  22. Cool — I’ll stop guessing. I haven’t heard much Lehman to be honest, but your comment about intertextuality made me think of him.
  23. Huh. Alkebu-Lan tapes went back to Mtume (his estate has them), though perhaps Tolliver has copies. I thought all the Dolphy Series material was with Clifford Jordan and his estate. Keno Duke is indeed a mystery! According to a comment on the LJC blog, Duke was a NYC cop who moonlighted playing jazz… the photos I’ve seen of him appear to show a man well into his 50s or older by the mid ‘70s, so my doubts are that he’s still with us. Whatever the results of this Mack Avenue thing are, we can at least hope that these reissues are done properly… which was not always the case previously (bootlegs in the late 90s, needle-drops in the last decade).
  24. Is 9 Steve Lehman?
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