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Everything posted by clifford_thornton

  1. According to Al Fielder (RIP), Arthur was playing a heck of a lot of golf down in Florida!
  2. he probably fell off the flat earth.
  3. the "other" John Edwards, I guess
  4. Ah wow, one of the last of the great modern jazz era drummers. RIP.
  5. Buzzy Linhart Tommy Moonlight Terry Adams
  6. KK Null e.e. cummings C.C. DeVille
  7. Stevie Wonder performing for the Ken Gibson campaign in Newark: https://nmaahc.si.edu/object/nmaahc_2012.
  8. NYU has Bill Dixon's archive. It would be great if they were able to create something down the road, once things are processed and programming can materialize. But as the maestro often said, you can't wait for someone else to do these things, and Mr. Zappa is doing the work.
  9. Looks wonderfully fascinating! https://october-revolution.org/ presented by Stanley Jason Zappa (who sometimes posts here, or did, I think?) and Black Editions, who have done some mighty fine LPs of new and archival improvised music. If anyone from this board goes to the concerts/panels, please let us know your impressions.
  10. Hah, oh well, it happens... can't do much about people of a certain generation who spend a ton of time on Facebook and the website formerly known as Twitter. She and I may not agree on much outside of music but I do like her piano playing. I should check in on yr IG as I don't always see who's followed me. Me too, that Levitts record is weird but cool.
  11. I don't do Facebook. No politics on this board but I'm pretty far left of the dial, so take that as you will. back to the original title of the thread, I'd ask him about Al Levitt.
  12. sure, there are grey areas and incomplete stories around sexual violence and I would never argue with that. But I find it hard to doubt the basic framework in a story of someone who was assaulted. And yeah, Getz & Grimes' closeness has been documented -- they left for California together in 1966 -- so maybe he wrote it down somewhere. and not to pile upon Hubbard, but at the very least his drinking and cocaine use, and penchant for being rather 'out of it', are fairly well-established. Not that alcoholism/cocaine use equal sexual abuser, but people hopped up on shit do some very uncool things.
  13. Igor Stravinsky Cecil Taylor Guy Picciotto
  14. It's really good. Did the pr text for it and interviewed the trio. would love to see Weird of Mouth live for sure...
  15. Men rape and assault women. It's sadly common and probably was even more prevalent (though less talked about) 50+ years ago. I don't know why this is so hard to believe. We have a pretty good idea that sexual manipulation and abuse is partly why Jutta Hipp quit the scene; seems to be a possibility for Jane Getz, too, though she remained musically active.
  16. yeah, I got the OTC box from the Miles Davis Store and it was not at all expensive. I suppose a trumpet-case extra?
  17. Great combo! I love that Arthur Doyle record. It's pretty special.
  18. In these kinds of situations, I think it's wise to believe women. So much of this shit happens to this day, and I'm not surprised. Would I toss my Freddie (or Miles) LPs because of it? No, but I think one has to realize that artists can be some fucked up people.
  19. That's a chunk of change. Yeah, I remember it being a lot more left-field than the festival has become in recent years. Obviously it is expensive as hell to put on something like this so one has to bet on some "sure things," but as an observer, to me it hits the middle of the road.
  20. Eric Bachmann Sooyoung Park Ash Bowie
  21. Bud Flanagan Tommy Flanagan Wilbur Little
  22. ha Yeah, I have a 70s white-b copy, which is just fine.
  23. Nice. I have the CBS-FR pressing of Miles a Antibes and like it quite a bit. Will be nice to add to the music by over 3 more hours...
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