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Everything posted by clifford_thornton

  1. I was surprised at the Rollins. I have been back into the Rollins world for a few years now; didn't recognize him on the cut you chose, but admittedly haven't explored much after the early 1970s.
  2. Going backwards and finished my catch-up listening -- the Ellis, Ra, and JB cuts were definitely my cuppa, the rest not so much. Thanks for the BFT!
  3. Bill Evans (1920-2013) Bill Evans (1929-80) Bill Evans (b. 1958)
  4. I saw Lowe just once with Billy Bang's group at Vision Festival a year earlier. It was a stirring concert.
  5. Looking forward to hearing this.
  6. Sweet! I know some of what they've got in the can and this will just whet the appetite. Swift Are the Winds of Life is extraordinary. Can't wait for the double LP version.
  7. Ornette, Pharoah, Izenzon, Moffett, and an orchestra. It wasn't used in the film for which it was originally recorded -- Conrad Rooks' Chappaqua -- but a musician I know screened the film with Ornette's soundtrack dubbed back in and it was a hell of a lot better!
  8. Those Keno Duke albums deserve a reissue -- excellent music. He was quite a mysterious figure.
  9. Mark David Chapman Michael Chapman Tracy Chapman
  10. neither BYG nor America-Musidisc were known for paying anyone.
  11. Absolutely true. Silva was born in Bermuda and grew up in Brooklyn. His music came out of his work with Cecil, Bill Dixon, Sun Ra, Ayler, and the Free Form Improvisation Ensemble. Apparently an additional track was recorded for the Luna Surface LP but to my knowledge it has never materialized.
  12. I have some stock of the book available for sale if anyone's interested in a holiday purchase. $25 US plus a few bucks shipping to any US address.
  13. Same! Or at least an interesting compote.
  14. yes, I agree. Trouble is, the number of surviving participants has dwindled quite a bit over the last decade or so.
  15. I know, I know -- volleys fired. That being said, as far as a snapshot of progressive jazz history, while BN did release a handful of excellent and well-rehearsed dates by established artists, those smaller imprints captured a vital and raw slice of the time period that nobody else quite did. BYG and America also covered both the expatriates (from a variety of locales) and Parisian locals in a fascinating way. ESP's documentation of the NY scene of the mid/late 60s is unparalleled (and they also released choice artifacts from a number of Europeans). And I'll echo Silva's assertion that Rudy didn't understand how to record Cecil's band. Those LPs are superb, but I'd sure like to hear them rendered in a more detailed way. Finally, I've said it before elsewhere, but there's a part of me that wishes there was more from the Shepp/Mobley collaboration that appeared across Poem for Malcolm & Yasmina, a Black Woman. Imagine a full LP with Burrell or Benedetti, Favors, and PJJ!
  16. I was born in 1977 and the Desperate Bicycles weren't on my radar until 2008 or so... Anyway, even though Rod guessed everything already, I am still quite enjoying the BFT. Was AWOL for November and will have to go back and listen to Sangrey's... sometimes life just catches up.
  17. haha, I like both of the cuts quite a bit... but yes, punk was a necessary antidote to excess (until it became excess itself).
  18. Rey Scott Ray Bradbury Rye Coalition
  19. gotcha. My opinion, perhaps not shared by everybody, is that the BYG Actuel catalog should remain entirely in print with original artwork on CD and LP. I would say that between BYG and America (Pierre Berjot), the catalogs are at least as (if not perhaps more) important than a sizable amount of Blue Notes. Ditto ESP though that's a bit of a different beast.
  20. Chappaqua Suite. It was on CBS France and also Sony Japan as a double LP, then reissued later (90s) by Columbia Europe. It's great.
  21. I didn't really encounter much of the dreaded "boom" when listening to it online.
  22. So, I would assume the license is only for a short period of time. That's very interesting. Aquariana, Africanasia, Hommage to Africa, and Other Afternoons are all wonderful albums. Glad they're slated for a rehearing.
  23. Cool. I've never had any Solid CDs; probably licensed from Charly, who were responsible for the Affinity reissue as well. Even if sourced from vinyl, it could be done from a quieter pressing than the original Actuel.
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