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Posts posted by Adam

  1. Any recommendations for Fred's own records, 7/4?

    I have a few (Speechless, Gravity, Aliens, Traffic Continues + the Art Bears box).

    I don't care for the more 'noise' related things.

    Especially interested in hearing a disc of more recent music.

    There's a documentary that came out a couple of years ago on Evelynn Glennie, the Scottish (I think, or is she Irish....?) percussionist who is deaf. Frith did a lot of the music and there are several scenes of the two of them improvising together. I really enjoyed it. I can't remember the name of the film. And there's also "Step Across the Border" a documentary about Frith himself from 10 or so years ago.


    'Step Across the Border" is available on Winter + Winter, and it's fantastic.

  2. Wow, what a phenomenal line up.

    Jim, for you, I suggest seeing Playtime on a screen some day, and carefully listen to the sound. It's one of the most brilliant uses of sound with picture ever. Not sure if you'll ever have the chance, but that's one way to try once more. I think it's worth the attempt.

  3. Just got this:

    Dear Friend,

    The next two releases will be ready October 22nd, 2008:

    hatOLOGY 670

    Joe Morris Bass Quartet

    High Definition

    with Taylor Ho Bynum -cornet, flugelhorn & trumpet

    Allan Chase – saxophones

    Luther Gray – drums

    Total Time 53:25 DDD

    Barcode 752156067023

    Listen to the music of Joe Morris and one is immediately struck by a few things.

    First, there is his sense of rhythmic and melodic articulation; a sense of phrasing

    brimming with potent energy and focused resolve. Then there is an uncanny

    ability to balance freedom and groove. Finally, there is his ability to pull it all

    together in structures that bring out particularly inspired playing by his collaborators…

    With this release, Morris and crew cement their status as musicians from a generation

    who have fully absorbed a polyglot view of the jazz tradition. They have the

    commitment, experience, and the innate understanding to seamlessly pull from

    both inside and outside, from swing to freedom. But they also have the dedication

    and creativity to make it their own. It is how they pull together all these disparate

    threads into a unified vocabulary indelibly stamped with their own sensibilities and

    personalities that makes this such a riveting statement. – Michael Rosenstein

    Écouter la musique de Joe Morris, c’est être immédiatement frappé par un certain

    nombre de choses. Tout d'abord, on remarque son sens de la rythmique et de

    l’articulation mélodique; un sens du phrasé débordant de puissante énergie et de

    grande détermination. Ensuite, il y a cette étonnante capacité à trouver un équilibre

    entre la liberté et le groove. Et enfin, cette capacité à rassembler le tout dans des

    structures qui font ressortir le jeu particulièrement inspiré de ses complices…

    Dans cet album, Morris et son équipe cimentent leur statut de musiciens d’une

    génération par une approche polyglotte parfaitement assimilée de la tradition du jazz.

    Ils font autant preuve d’application et d’expérience que de compréhension innée;

    ce qui leur permet de développer un jeu homogène à la fois de l'intérieur et de

    l'extérieur, du swing jusqu’à la liberté. En outre, ils disposent de l’engagement et de

    la créativité nécessaires pour se rapproprier entièrement cette musique. Mais, c’est

    en fin de compte la manière dont ils rassemblent tous ces fils isparates en un

    vocabulaire unifié, marqué de manière indélébile du sceau de leurs propres

    sensibilités et personnalités, qui fait de cet album une affirmation aussi captivante.

    – Michael Rosenstein

    Hört man die Musik von Joe Morris, gibt es einiges, das einem sogleich auffällt.

    Zunächst ist da sein ausgeprägtes Gefühl für rhythmische und melodische

    Artikulation; die ungezügelte Energie und konzentrierte Entschlossenheit in

    seiner Phrasierung. Dann das gekonnte Ausbalancieren von Freiheit und Groove.

    Und schließlich seine Fähigkeit, all das in Strukturen zusammenfließen zu lassen,

    die seine Mitstreiter zu spielerischen Höhenflügen inspirieren …

    Mit dieser Veröffentlichung festigen Morris und Band ihren Status als Musiker

    einer Generation, die sich eine polyglotte Sicht der Jazztradition zu eigen gemacht

    hat. Sie spannen also mit großem Engagement, der nötigen Erfahrung und un–

    umstrittener Kompetenz einen stilistisch weiten Bogen von Swing bis Freiheit und

    gehen doch voller Leidenschaft und Kreativität einen eigenen Weg. Denn wie hier

    all diese unterschiedlichen Fäden zu einer gemeinsamen musikalischen Sprache

    verwoben werden, die von der Sensibilität und Persönlichkeit der Musiker un–

    auslöschlich geprägt ist, das macht diese CD zu einem solch fesselnden Statement.

    – Michael Rosenstein

    hatOLOGY 675

    Taylor Ho Bynum Sextet

    Asphalt Flowers Forking Paths

    with Matt Baudet – reeds; Jessica Pavone – viola

    Mary Halvorson – guitar, Evan O'Reilly – guitar

    Tomas Fujiwara – drums

    Total Time 44:15 DDD

    Barcode 752156067528

    Here’s a group of musicians who are making a commitment to the long haul.

    They are creating music for the third millennium that is savvy enough to draw

    on the forking paths of the tradition while finding room for their own individual

    voices. Get Bynum started on this group and he responds with his usual

    enthusiastic eloquence. “Whatever balance I am able to strike between tradition

    and individuality I really owe to the nurturing community of musicians I came

    up under.” This set is a tribute to that journey. – Michael Rosenstein

    Ces musiciens prennent un vrai engagement sur le long terme. Ils s’appliquent

    à créer la musique du troisième millénaire, une musique suffisamment avertie

    pour s'appuyer sur les multiples ramifications de la tradition tout en trouvant

    l’espace pour leurs propres voix. Lancez Bynum sur l’importance du groupe et

    il vous répondra avec son éloquence enthousiaste habituelle : « Quel que soit

    l'équilibre auquel je suis en mesure de parvenir entre tradition et individualité,

    je reste totalement redevable envers la communauté féconde de musiciens

    derrière laquelle j’avance. » Cet album est un hommage à ce parcours.

    – Michael Rosenstein

    Hier ist eine Gruppe von Musikern und Musikerinnen, die nicht in kurzen Zeiträumen

    denken. Sie machen Musik für das dritte Jahrtausend, die sich geschickt auf weit–

    verzweigte Traditionslinien stützt, während sie den individuellen Stimmen genügend

    Raum zur Entfaltung lässt. Und wenn Bynum einmal diesbezüglich loslegt, dann mit

    der ihm eigenen enthusiastischen Eloquenz: „Welchen Mittelweg auch immer ich

    zwischen Tradition und Individualität finde, ich verdanke ihn der nährenden

    Gemeinschaft von Musiker und Musikerinnen, bei denen ich mich voll entfalten

    konnte.“ Die Musik auf dieser CD zollt dieser Reise Tribut. – Michael Rosenstein

    In November 2008 a re-issue of a classic and a follow up

    release of Steve Lantner:

    hatOLOGY 657

    Clusone 3

    Soft Lights And Sweet Music

    with Michael Moore – reeds

    Ernst Reijseger – cello

    Han Bennink – drums

    hatOLOGY 663

    Steve Lantner Quartet

    Given – Live In Münster

    with Allan Chase – saxophones

    Joe Morris – double bass

    Luther Gray – drums

    Best regards,

    Werner X. Uehlinger

    Hat Hut Records LTD.

    Box 521

    4020 Basel, Switzerland


    Phone +41.61.373.0773


    The Journey Continues the 34th Year too!

    Hat Hut Records Ltd. benefits, for the series hat(now)ART, from

    its partnership with the Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art, Lausanne.

    This e-mail message together with its attachments, if any, is

    confidential and may contain information subject to legal privilege.

    The confidentiality and integrity of e-mail communication cannot

    be guaranteed.

  4. I'm seeing her with Philip Glass!!!

    That wouls be fun. Where is that?

    Allan, she has a lot more going on than one line from one song. And I think she's pretty great live.

    UCSB In February. Part of series which also includes Sonny Rollins.

    Wow, close enough to seek out....

  5. I've got a couple of the Joe Bataan's (hopefully the rest will crop up). I've got a really interesting Fania remix sampler, but it doesn't seem to be on eMusic yet.

    Another label that looks veeerry interesting is Emusica with something called Tito Puente Complete 78s and De Panama a Nueva York by Ruben Blades. I'll probably get me some dls from them as well.

    Emusica seems to be Fania as well - some things get posted as one and others as the other, but who knows why.

  6. And ask him what he thinks of Cecil Taylor, and whether he thinks Cecil's work is "jazz" or not.

    Does he have an interest in improvised music that doesn't fit his definition of jazz? and in what ways specifically? Who does he find exploring interesting avenues these days?

    What does he feel is important in the act of performance, and how he prepares (or not)?

    What methods does he use (if any) to help him access his muse (for lack of a better term) in live improvisation?

  7. Uncle Skid - you hit it on the head and it's funny, because I decided this afternoon that our conversation will indeed center on the tradition- one of the things I think I will imply is that the reason he does not like rock and pop music is because he has limited his exposure to vernacular music that comes from that tradition - that the African American musical traditions that many of us covet go wider (if not deeper) than the blues - was thinking I might play him some music if I can drag along some kind of boom box - hope to talk about hillbilly and other country traditions that crossover from the songster tradition to not only the blues but gospel music and string bands of all colors; hope also to make the point that the blues is only one of the streams that these black and white musics come from -

    we'll see how it goes..........................

    If you go this route he'll tell you that music is like a gumbo and New Orleans is the nucleus.

    Ask him about the universiality of jazz music and how it has expanded from just american folk music to encompass folk music from many different cultures.

    If he does fall upon rote answers, then press him for detailed examples, and then address questions raised by those examples.

    Ask him why he thinks there needs to be a defined notion of jazz, and then follow-up appropriately.

  8. Well, I really hope they resist going to downloads only. What an awful way to acquire music! Give me the entire physical product please.

    Honestly, with the ECMs, there's not much to go with the "physical" part - just the artwork. No liner notes or anything that can't be easily found on places like AMG.

    I mean the disc itself. I don't trust hard drives or CD-Rs.

    With emusic, you don't have to trust hardware. Everything you have ever paid for is saved in your profile. If your hard drive fails, you've got everything "backed up" on their server.

    Then you just have to worry whether they will keep the label or album. I downloaded one, lost the media when a drive failed, and was unable to redownload it because they stopped carrying the album. I have successfully re-downloaded a bunch of others though.

  9. Some of the CDs in that set are very good, but others... you can hear better examples on other labels, especially Institut du Monde Arabe. (distributed in the US by Harmonia Mundi.) I'd post a link, but unfortunately, there isn't one available.

    Auvidis and Inedit have some wonderful releases of music from various parts of the Muslim world, too.

    I was lucky and was able to make copies of that series after a company for which I worked bought them when we made a show called "Inside Islam" for the History Channel.

  10. Dear Friend,

    In our 10th year we move within Basel. Our landlord needs the space.

    We have to move the office and the archives (over 30 years of files, tapes and...)

    which involves a lot of time and unexpected high expenses too.

    Therefor NO September 2008 releases!

    Cher ami,

    En cette 10ème année d’activité, nous changeons d’adresse à Bâle. L’actuel

    propriétaire souhaite récupérer son espace. Nous avons à déménager le bureau

    et les archives (plus de 30 années de données, bandes, etc ...), ce qui nécessite

    beaucoup de temps et occasionne des frais élevés inattendus.

    Par conséquent, AUCUNE sortie en septembre 2008!

    Lieber Freund

    Im 10. Jahr in Basel ziehen wir um. Unser Hausbesitzer hat Eigenbedarf

    angemeldet. Der Umzug des Büros und der Archive (über 30 Jahre Dokumente,

    Verträge, Tonbänder etc...) benötigen einen grossen Zeitaufwand und es

    entstehen auch unerwartete hohe Kosten.

    Deshalb KEINE Veröffentlichungen im September 2008!

    Back in October 2008 presenting two releases of important future artists:

    Retour en octobre 2008 avec la présentation de deux futurs artistes d’importance:

    Zurück im Oktober 2008 mit zwei Veröffentlichungen wichtiger zukünftiger Künstler:

    Joe Morris Bass Quartet : High Definition on hatOLOGY 670

    with Taylor Ho Bynum -cornet, flugelhorn & trumpet, Allan Chase – saxophones;

    & Luther Gray – drums.

    Taylor Ho Bynum Sextet : Asphalt Flowers Forking Paths on hatOLOGY 675

    with Matt Baudet – reeds; Jessica Pavone – viola; Mary Halvorson – guitar,

    Evan O'Reilly – guitar & Tomas Fujiwara – drums.

    In November 2008 a re-issue of a classic and a follow up release of Steve Lantner:

    En novembre 2008, la réédition d'un « classique » et une 2ème parution de Steve

    Lantner sous la label hatOLOGY:

    Im November 2008 folgen eine Weiderveröffentlichung eines "Klassikers" und die

    2. Veröffentlichung von Steve Lantner auf hatOLOGY:

    Clusone 3 : Soft Lights And Sweet Music on hatOLOGY 657

    with Michael Moore – reeds; Ernst Reijseger – cello and Han Bennink – drums.

    Steve Lantner Quartet : Given – Live In Münster on hatOLOGY 663

    with Allan Chase – saxophones; Joe Morris – double bass & Luther Gray – drums.

    Best regards,

    Salutations distinguées,

    Beste Grüsse,

    Werner X. Uehlinger

    Hat Hut Records LTD.

    Box 521

    4020 Basel, Switzerland


    Phone +41.61.373.0773


    The Journey Continues the 34th Year too!

    Hat Hut Records Ltd. benefits, for the series hat(now)ART, from

    its partnership with the Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art, Lausanne.

    This e-mail message together with its attachments, if any, is

    confidential and may contain information subject to legal privilege.

    The confidentiality and integrity of e-mail communication cannot

    be guaranteed.

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