Clapton? Well, I love Cream and the early seventies rock, and even the JJ Cale-type stuff. However, I have to say, and with all due respect to EC fans out there, that I believe Clapton is terribly overrated as a straight blues guitarist. His phrasing, to my ears, is always awkward and his ideas, such as they are, are never communicated because of it. Even when he really tries hard to play straight ahead blues, he just doesn't seem to get it. There are many other players of his generation, and younger, who do a better job. One contemporary of his who I would recommend is Peter Green, who was able to achieve a more natural blues sound. Don't get me wrong, some of the blues-rock Cream type stuff sounds great, but the Freddie and Otis Rush type stuff takes a sort of relaxed yet intense approach that Eric never got. I bet he must have sh*t his pants the first time he heard Jimmie Vaughan--as many of us did.