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Everything posted by maren

  1. You MUST enjoy your birthday!!!! (But you don't REALLY have to eat all 35 gummy bears -- unless you want to!!!)
  2. Agent Orange Red Buttons Red Green (whaddya mean it's cheating???) Vi Redd Redd Foxx Jamie Foxx
  3. H. Ross Perot G. Gordon Liddy F. Scott Fitzgerald
  4. JP -- this story of yours is making me view the whole "faith" and "miracles" thing in an entirely... ahem... NEW LIGHT!!! Please, no offense intended... that's a Zen type of laugh at all of us!
  5. Don Cherry Don Ameche Alexander Graham Bell Bella Abzug Bela Lugosi Bela Fleck
  6. Ron Swoboda Ron Darling Darryl Strawberry
  7. Thanks! Coincidentally, that probably also explains why I didn't get it ... I didn't get it either.
  8. Edsel Gomez David Sanchez Sancho Panza EDIT: Where'd Brownian's post go?
  9. 2003 interview with Percy, Jimmy and Tootie! http://www.iaje.org/article.asp?ArticleID=125
  10. Maybe on one of these threads!!! http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...topic=9788&st=0 http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...topic=9788&st=0
  11. If God had meant the clarinet to be played with that tinny tone, he would never have given us Karl Boehm! Seriously, Byron is a fantastic technician, but I get the feeling that he goes outside for sake of going outside ... I never feel any real conviction in his music, and I am not an admirer of his angular lines. I guess I am just a diehard DeFranco/Scott/Giuffre fan ... where is Perry Robinson when you need him? Polarizing effect, indeed! Maybe there's something about hearing him live... which I've done an awful lot during the past few years... but I think Don is incredible! And I know Perry Robinson, Marty Ehrlich, Kenny Davern, Buddy DeFranco and Tony Scott all thought so too, when they all played in that "Legends of the Clarinet" week at Iridium in the summer of 2003... Heard him just last night at Columbia University, playing with Ralph Peterson (drums), Lonnie Plaxico (bass) and Ralph Alessi (trumpet) -- Oh. My. God. It was stunning. The guy's been growing by leaps and bounds, for years now. Tinny tone? No way. Clinkers? None. Moments of "out sound" or "extended technique"? Some, clearly intended to sound that way. Utterly fluid, gorgeous, killer solos, nearly telepathic interaction among a quartet who've never played in that exact configuration before? Hell yeah.
  12. Best of luck, Chris!
  13. Christo Jeanne-Claude Jean-Michel Basquiat
  14. Madison is "happy" and New York "depressed" -- but I was depressed living in Madison and love living in New York... Achtung, Dr. Freud...... ?????
  15. Tracy Austin Jenifer Capriati Venus Williams
  16. Henry Ward Beecher Ward Silloway Charlie Shavers!
  17. Eddie Palmieri Charlie Palmieri Charlie Shavers
  18. Lash LaRue Snidely Whiplash Nell
  19. CSI question: Has there ever been a story line where Warrick is involved with a woman? I mean, the original "correct" (I mean IDIOMATIC, not "PC") use of the term "gaydar" would be by a gay person describing their recognition, by means of subtle cues, of another gay person...
  20. I think that's what gslade was getting at back on page 1...
  21. Well, I no longer live in Cambridge -- but right off the top of my head I know that a huge issue for bisexuals is anti-gay violence. And -- yes -- that is particularly faced by bisexuals while "acting the gay role" -- e.g., at the moment of walking out of a gay bar with your friends and running into bashers. Or while walking hand-in-hand with a same-sex companion. That would be the most immediate, self-interested "issue." In the military, I believe, it's engaging in homosexual activity that's a no-no, regardless of whether you also engage in heterosexual activity. Again, an issue for bisexuals. As would be any state laws criminalizing sexual activity with someone of the same sex (Hardwick v Bowers ring a bell?). Then there's the broader issue of solidarity with and support of one's friends, and their rights. Bisexual people do have gay friends. Then again, so do (some) straight people.
  22. Electric bass, occasional keybs & vox, various bands, various indie labels in US and Europe -- maybe about 14 in all? Plus cuts on 5 compilations? 1982-2000 ?
  23. Sorry I'm late!!! Hope your birthday was a good one -- ah, to be 40 again...
  24. Happy birthday !!!
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