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Everything posted by maren

  1. Japanese spam?
  2. No -- I only WISH I had $500 to contribute to WBGO!!! There's a Maren who does some music programming at Symphony Space (also not me!) -- maybe it was her?!
  3. family of Hannes? Monica was born in Toronto, Hannes in Dresden? Distant cousins? The bass who will be singing the role of Jesus, Kevin Deas, sang in the recording of Anthony Davis's X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X.
  5. Happy birthday, Joe!!! VERY late, sorry! But maybe you're still partying?
  6. Actual VIRTUAL (oxymoron) Spam from me: I'm singing in the chorus at this Carnegie Hall performance on Friday, May 14, 7:30 PM: BACH St. Matthew Passion David Randolph, Conductor Randal Rushing, Tenor Kevin Deas, Bass Claire Stadtmueller, Soprano Monica Zerbe, Mezzo-Soprano Steven Tharp, Tenor Kerry Henderson, Baritone St. Cecilia Chorus and Orchestra If anybody's interested, rear balcony tickets are only $15!!!
  7. Wall-O-Spam:
  8. Hey Dmitry -- how will I recognize you??? I'm wearing white pants, a black suit jacket, and a pink t-shirt that says "California: As Seen on TV"
  9. I'm reading this thread with my fingers over my eyes, like a kid in a horror movie!!! (oops -- muskrat love? DON'T THINK!!! you light up my life?? QUIET!!!) I settled on quoting this because THANK GOD, I don't even KNOW any of these!!! I must admit to a fondness for the maligned Donovan songs on this thread, however!!! "ee - lec - trickle bo - NANN -a zbound to be the very next crayayaze"
  10. Oy ge-fucking-valt! Medical, arts, or social/educational funding???!!! This sounds SO-O-O-O familiar to me -- but at least for this week I escaped the clutches of glitches, barely... Won't recount them 'cause just thinking them through would bring back the headache they caused... Rainy Day? As in, "let a smile be your umbrella"??? Sounds like it's been one of those days when the umbrella gets blown inside out!!!
  11. Ain't that the truth! My son started sleeping through the night when he was 3 weeks old! But years 15 through 20 (he'll be 21 in September) have been another story entirely!
  12. Me too! Don't know what led Evan to this thread, but I'm thankful for it! Beautiful work, Jon!
  13. GAS??? could be many things but in this context I refered to the Great American Songbook. You know the stuff by Porter, Kern, Gerswin etc!! Thanks!
  14. maren

    Ray Charles

    Don't mean to hijack this serious topic with jokes -- just saw a news story that Ray Charles' studio in Los Angeles will be dedicated by the city on April 30 as a historic landmark, with a big event. Does seem like the kind of honor that might be inspired by knowing someone's on the decline and wanting to give him something while he's still able to enjoy it.
  15. That's the first thing I thought of when I read the title of this thread? ("A Great Day in Harlem", right?) That story cracked me up! I hear music in my sleep, too... When I'm actually deeply asleep and dreaming, it's usually a clear single-line melody, which I can remember when I wake up. But sometimes, when I'm in that falling-asleep state -- or that not-sleeping-well-half-awake state -- it's really like an aural hallucination, and it's VERY complex, kind of free-jazz-meets-20th-century-symphony -- very full sound -- half the time it's like it's just playing, and then I get the sense that I can shape it -- "compose" the phrases, "conduct" the dynamics. The music is exciting but the feeling is weird -- seems to coincide with being a little sick -- fever from the flu or something -- or being really "wired" for some reason. Then I've also had the experience of literally talking with someone, like on the phone before I fall asleep, about a tune we're both trying to remember -- and then waking up with the melody in my head.
  16. maren

    Ray Charles

    Natalie Cole??? Nancy Sinatra??? Karen Mantler??? Pyeng Threadgill??? New York's local NBC weatherwoman Audrey Puente??? Oh, you mean Anoushka Shankar???
  17. I'm afraid this stupid question might not be noticed on the "Stupid Questions" thread, so -- I'll ask it here, right where I felt stupid! What is(are) GAS???? Great Art Songs? Golden Age Standards? Goofy Acronym Syndrome?
  18. In that case, what you saw was TEST, with Sabir Mateen & Daniel Carter on reeds. And Tom Bruno on drums? (TEST) Thanks, Pete C and PhillyQ!!!
  19. Good point! In my early years living in New York, playing in bands at places like CBGB and Mud Club, that music was either cheap or I'd be on a guest list. Jazz -- I waitressed at the Tin Palace and heard a lot of great things. Classical -- hang out at the front door of the Lincoln Center halls and get offered ticket stubs by corporate poseurs in evening dress splitting at the very first intermission -- especially for any music written after 1890! Saw a great series of the Bartok String Quartets that way, and most of the operas "Lulu", "Wozzeck" and "Mahagonny"!
  20. Jim should do whatever he wants -- in the occasional minute he has free!!!!!!!
  21. Interesting -- I don't post on other boards, so I didn't realize that this board's software was so unusual. The "highlight word and click bold or italic" thing is how MSWord works -- and I've been doing word processing for a zillion years, so I knew that, plus the "hold CTRL and use arrow keys" to move from word to word. Pink-collar-job skills. Berigan, did you know that you can highlight something, then click "CTRL X" to delete it or "CTRL C" to copy it, and then in either case you can hit "CTRL V" to paste it in elsewhere? This is helpful for making a list in this board's software: say you've typed in a bunch of points you wanted to make, and you want to make them clearer by "bulleting" them. You can enter them line-by-line after clicking "list" above or just enter the first line then highlight and "CTRL C" the "[ * ]" that makes the bullet and "CTRL V" to paste the "[ * ]" wherever you want
  22. My goodness, the years keep rolling by!!! With love from couw & maren:
  23. This has me trying to remember what I saw with a LOT of basses, all lined up on risers at the BACK of the orchestra... I think Mahler "Lied von der Erde" and Stravinsky "Nightingale" were both on the program...
  24. Grew up in Wisconsin, where it was POP (and a drinking fountain was a BUBBLER -- to us a WATER FOUNTAIN was a big thing in the middle of a park that you looked at and maybe waded in). Our cousins in Texas said "SODA-POP" -- but that may have been for our benefit so we would have a clue what they were talking about -- they couldn't bring themselves to say just "POP" like we did. Moved to Boston and then New York after college and have said "SODA" ever since -- except I usually ask for it by brand name. In Boston, a lot of the natives said "TAWN-IC" (TONIC) as a generic name for a sweetened soft drink (??!!). And among urban African-American gentlemen of a certain age (a little older than me), a "POP" was what you stopped into a bar for. "Let me get a pop.."
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