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Everything posted by maren

  1. I caught one of these (Don Byron was the guest) and it was fantastic...
  2. I remember this test from the BNBB (it's been around a while, I guess) -- and she was the only one I got wrong! As I said at the time -- I didn't think a BOY could look so TOMBOYISH!
  3. Does Mosaic Abuse count? Do you smoke them? No, THEY smoke ME.
  4. Nothing wrong with the original "Mission Impossible" theme, either, if you ask me.
  5. You're right, Alexander, kind of morbid, but it got me thinking. If I'm laying around in a bed, lingering, I hope somebody I love is there singing to me, or playing an instrument.
  6. Congratulations, jm! I Can't Stop Loving You.
  7. What a sweet picture! Makes me imagine she's thinking "I've been getting to know these people for about two months now, and they're really nice!"
  8. Kevin, you have all my prayers and hopes for the best for your Dad (and you and your family).
  9. I'm so sorry, Conn! But I did think of you, and your handsome son, right after I left the computer (DOH!) for a day-and-half, and hoped I could re-edit my original post before you saw!!!! Now I need the "50-lashes-with-a-wet-noodle" smiley
  10. oh, like danasgoodstuff!
  11. Well, Rainy -- you didn't provide the information in your profile, but you have let it slip that you are a Gemini -- and least some of the following seems to support your contention Sooo.... belated or not,
  12. When the new Belgian wife of a bandmate of mine had just moved to the U.S., her English was limited (hubby spoke French) -- and she was stunned to see signs in stores forbidding farting! Laughed hysterically once we explained the true English meaning of "no pets allowed"!
  13. from yesterday's NY Times:
  14. To all the devoted dads on this board: Jim Alfredson, Jim Dye, Jim Sangrey, JazzMoose, Weizen, Alexander, Aggie87, Chuck Nessa, AfricaBrass, Ed Swinnich, ScottB, TonyM, Dr. J, Kevin Bresnahan, Brad, The Mule, Edward, Jad, RDK, PhillyQ, Arno Marsh, and those I think might be Dads (montg, Eric, BruceH, Jazzbo, Paul Secor) and anyone else I missed… Have a great day, and keep up the good work! Hope you all get all the barbeque, beverages, books, boxes (Mosaic, that is), babes (1 per customer, please!) and back-patting you deserve! [edited to spell Randy's dad's name right]
  15. Among my college friends were a group of three guys who shared an apartment and answered their phone with their last names (like a law firm): Hyman, Love and Falik. Yup, pronounced "phallic." I kid you not.
  16. Well, somebody fixed it...
  17. Awww....
  18. Sad, sad, sad. Really glad the city of LA honored him back in April while he was able to be there.
  19. Does this have to go on the "Politics" page? January 18, 1915: Three-quarter length portrait of Mrs. Lucy E. Parsons, arrested for rioting during an unemployment protest at Hull House in Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. Parsons is also the widow of Albert Parsons, one of the men hanged for complicity in the Haymarket affair.
  20. I'm having too much fun, Chris! My boss is going to be very angry with you! Here's one from 1926, of "Hindu musician Premla Shahane playing a sitar": I think I heard that Ravi Shankar was her father...
  21. Well, I entered "jazz" and found twelve photos, but everyone in them was white (Al Jolson, Benny Kruger, Gussie Keller, and University of Chicago Jazz Band -- that's IT). Then I entered "Negro" and found "Four members of the Negro Players in performance at Cube Theatre": and 17 other photos, mostly of Negro Leagues baseball: "Blues" turned up NOTHING related to the blues! "African American" brought up no musicians, but more sports stars (Jack Johnson again) including this photo of a jockey published in 1903, just before Jim Crow slammed the door shut on the black jockeys who had dominated racing since Reconstruction:
  22. I agree about the lack of jazz, but - but - but Otis Skinner, Sophie Tucker, Enrico Caruso? Performing arts?
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