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Everything posted by maren

  1. Slappin' Stanley would be more like it... Dale Peck may have been slapped, but Crouch threw punches at Howard Mandel and Harry Allen. Broke Harry Allen's jaw. Sucker punches, I might add -- out of the blue, in work settings, not presaged by mutually escalating physical intimidation. Stanley Crouch is real big, too. And a former boxer? "Punk" does seem more accurate than "thug" -- because he seems to go off only on LITTLE guys (and gals -- as a matter of fact, I was briefly a waitress at the Tin Palace in the era mentioned above, though not one of the slapped ones -- I kept my distance). I'm not saying that Howard Mandel can't be a jerk. Dale Peck either. Maybe Stanley felt ripped off, since the title of Peck's new collection of reviews --Hatchet Jobs -- vaguely echoes Crouch's own collected essays, Notes of a Hanging Judge. Guess they deserve each other, but IMO it doesn't mitigate the bully-ness of walking up to people in social/professional settings and punching them.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Good luck, Randy!!! Xylem!!!
  4. I hoped you'd stick to spinning empty bottles and would let me put on some stoopid music. ...
  5. Oh my -- I've had this window open for hours, with my name showing as "currently reading this page" -- meanwhile I was editing some paper about circulating endothelial cells (believe me, you don't want them to circulate -- you want them to stay where they belong, exhibiting "endothelial integrity"). Spoken like a true alien? Or maybe it's just that
  6. What do I turn into in 53 more posts????
  7. Well, for once I have no big deadlines at work, so my employer has no dire need to arrange an organissimo outage...
  8. I got them in 2nd grade. I'm so nearsighted, the only computer letters I could read without my glasses were B3-er's "YOU CALL THAT BIG?" But when I got to be 45, the focal point changed -- so now I have bifocals, but the bottom part isn't a farsighted prescription, just a slightly different "nearsighted" one. Actually worked very well in the "transitions" type of bifocals for a few years. Now I guess I need a new prescription but not quite ready to pay $$$ for it. But at the moment my sightreading is paying for it!!!
  9. Or marissam, do you mean: Toshiko Akiyoshi, Geri Allen, Dorothy Ashby, Cindy Blackman, Carla Bley, Karen Borca, Joanne Brackeen, Terri Lyne Carrington, Regina Carter, Marilyn Crispell, Lil Hardin, Bertha Hope, Susie Ibarra, Ingrid Jensen, Melba Liston, Marian McPartland, Renee Rosnes, Michelle Rosewoman, Irene Schweizer, Mary Lou Williams... et cetera
  10. "Love thou art best of human joys" from "The Female Virtuosos" by Thomas Wright (1691) music : Henry Purcell words : Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea Included on this new release from Decca (475 529-2 DC6), Purcell: Theatre Music
  11. You rang???!!!
  12. She co-wrote "Signed, Sealed, Delivered."
  13. As Marissa herself says on her website: while, on the other hand,
  14. maren

    bassoon jazz

    BTW, if you come across some tapes of Cecil Taylor big group performances circa 1970-74 that credit "Karen Kambitsis" on bassoon -- that's Karen Borca.
  15. Speaking from the owner's perspective, I voted for "keep it real" because: the risks of any surgical procedure make me a STRONG believer in doing it for medical necessity (there are some things I believe are experienced as a true deformity and thus a medical necessity, e.g., implants for women who want them following mastectomy needed to treat breast cancer) how would they FEEL to me afterwards??? Sensation, sensation, sensation. I can't believe sensation is IMPROVED by implant surgery. breastfeeding? hello-o? good for baby, enjoyable for mom (IMHO) -- why mess with the optimum functioning of THAT?
  16. According to tvacres.com, "Elsie the Cow beat out actor Van Johnson and U.S. Sen. Robert Taft in a 1952 recognition poll surveying America's most familiar faces."
  17. Have a great time!
  18. I think that was ELSIE! I always thought she was married to ELMER, who seemed to have eternal life even though he was the source for Elmer's glue!
  19. AND Clearly I could do this till the cows come home, but I'll spare you...
  20. Since it's already Tuesday in Jerusalem, and many more!!!! (I'm sure that cake has your name on it... )
  21. But, you know, I ALWAYS thought Mike had moments where he sounded like he "got it" -- where he seemed perceptive about himself and others -- he's smart, he has that disarmingly delicate-sounding voice, he's always talked about psychology -- but then he goes OFF. I'm sure this has repeated itself time and again with women in his life -- I mean, I really don't think Robin Givens and Monica Tyson (his second wife, a pediatrician, for heaven's sake!) were ONLY in it for brute strength and big $$$. But I think it takes more than insight to stop being a Jekyll-and-Hyde. Maybe medication. Maybe nothing, at this point: poisonous combination of probably having been physically abused as a kid and NOT disciplined -- and then being handsomely rewarded for his own ability to hurt people.
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