I remember when that happened (but it was a "jostling with intent to steal", not a "fondling" charge). It was awful -- he was switching trains at the Union Square station, he brushed against a woman's purse trying to get into a crowded express train (everyone in NYC is familiar with this kind of crunch). Two transit police officers decided he had been trying to steal from the woman (!), handcuffed him, arrested him -- he was in jail for 27 hours before being arraigned, missed two gigs -- late afternoon special UN gig, and evening at the Vanguard. Charges were finally completely dismissed almost two months later.
I found snippets from newspaper archives online, including this:
"The woman whose shoulder bag [Kirk Lightsey] was accused of touching has not been identified and, according to the district attorney's office, was apparently unaware that police charged Lightsey with touching her bag. Lightsey, a noted musician, claimed that he merely pushed by the woman to get on the train."
Yeah, that might turn me into an ex-pat too...