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Everything posted by maren

  1. Tania León Ponce de Leon Papo Lucca
  2. Joe Di Rita Lawrence Di Rita Condoleezza Rice
  3. Happy Birthday! hope all's well with you -- I've noticed you visiting every once in a while lately -- hope you'll post when you can -- I would say you have smarts, eloquence, artistic taste and graciousness beyond your years -- but maybe that's not a function of age at all, just some special attributes of yours!
  4. Adam Ant Beetle Bailey B. Traven ← Porfirio Diaz Porfirio Rubirosa Dodo Marmarosa
  5. And to everybody whose birthday I missed:
  6. Happy birthday, Paul!
  7. Sounds like you've been having a great birthday -- no reason to stop now! Every "Paul" cake I found said "Happy First Birthday" -- is that like the speedometer turning over ? (I'm only 7 years away from it myself...)
  8. oops – “ad un amico speciale, dall’una amica speciale”
  9. Roland Hampton Charles Mingus Alphonsus Levister ← Alonzo Levister Alonzo Mourning Amos Alonzo Stagg
  10. Rowdy Roddy Piper Roddy McDowell Rod Serling
  11. Great, timeless question posed by my ex-husband: "Is Courtney Love Mike Love's love-child?"
  12. Evelyn "Champagne" King Leonard Weinglass Naftule Brandwein
  13. maren

    Kirk Lightsey

    I remember when that happened (but it was a "jostling with intent to steal", not a "fondling" charge). It was awful -- he was switching trains at the Union Square station, he brushed against a woman's purse trying to get into a crowded express train (everyone in NYC is familiar with this kind of crunch). Two transit police officers decided he had been trying to steal from the woman (!), handcuffed him, arrested him -- he was in jail for 27 hours before being arraigned, missed two gigs -- late afternoon special UN gig, and evening at the Vanguard. Charges were finally completely dismissed almost two months later. I found snippets from newspaper archives online, including this: "The woman whose shoulder bag [Kirk Lightsey] was accused of touching has not been identified and, according to the district attorney's office, was apparently unaware that police charged Lightsey with touching her bag. Lightsey, a noted musician, claimed that he merely pushed by the woman to get on the train." Yeah, that might turn me into an ex-pat too...
  14. Unless their juries are *hung*.
  15. Are you just staying on the 9th, or also on the 10th?
  16. Happy belated birthday, Greg!
  17. Or at least all the bakeries preparing for your birthday!!!
  18. Have a great birthday, Chris! (and greetings to Katrina!) Edit: the cake must have the CORRECT year on it, right?
  19. My favorite live experience: Sun Ra and Arkestra playing "A Train" at free outdoor concert on South Street Seaport Pier in summer of 1979... Organ intro sounded just like actual A train rumbling into the station!
  20. Okay, I've waited long enough for Chris Olivarez, so... Jazzmoose, Jazzmoose...
  21. New York smells good! Now THAT'S a story! Stop the presses!
  22. couw already replied, 'g' as in 'go'. And it's pronounced gh-eee! As in Guy de Maupassant (someone who wrote almost as well as our Guy). ← and Guy Debord! ← and Guy Deplus! and...
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