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Everything posted by maren

  1. Forgive my ignorance, but what does this phrase mean? They have a lot of thunder? They've had thunder the whole time? They've had "the whole ball of wax": thunder, lightning, snow, wind, cold, sleet, hail, frogs, locusts... ?
  2. maren

    Max Roach Health

    It's one thing to say Max Roach beat Abbey Lincoln, which people here have said and to say that it is inexcusable, which people here have said and to articulate the difference between respect for his artistry versus "hagiography" of his entire life and every act in it, which people here have done. It's another to extrapolate a one-size-fits-all, admitting-of-no-exceptions, presented-as-airtight-case, single-psychological-path explanation of a "pathologic cascade" that culminates in domestic violence, insist that it applies peculiarly and distinctively to the world of jazz -- and then to equate lack of interest in discussing that grand theory with "sweeping domestic violence under the rug."
  3. Now that's using your head !!??!!
  4. I felt the same about you and Alison! Glad to hear the rest of your trip was good -- and I'll be sure to check out Moustache!
  5. We had Studebakers in the 50s: first this: followed by this:
  6. Hope you both have a great birthday!!! BTW, if you two are sharing a cake, that adds up to 99 candles!!!
  7. Ouch!!! (okay, I looked once!) but... OUCH !!!
  8. Nothing personal, Skeith -- my Wednesday was hectic with work and other obligations, so I left a few messages at the hotel Jim had mentioned in a post -- their trip was so last-minute that I don't know if they had time to PM anybody (not me anyways) -- so my buttonholing them for dinner was last-minute, too... Are Mr. & Ms. BFrank still in town? I haven't heard from them...
  9. Me three! No wonder Bart thinks it sucks!
  10. I saw Alison and Jim on Tuesday evening -- both seemed to be having a great time (except I don't think Jim lucked out on his dinner choice ) -- I'm assuming they got up to Smoke okay after I saw them off on the uptown 9 train when our paths diverged at 42nd Street! -- and that they're just about to wing their way back to Michigan...
  11. I can never choose "best" in these kinds of polls! I was 11 when I saw the Beatles "standing there" on the Ed Sullivan show, heart went boom, and I loved them for the next 8 years... Stones I liked earlier much better than later. But then there's The Kinks! The Who! The Fall! The Clash! The Buzzcocks! Gang of Four! Sex Pistols! Yardbirds! Eric Burdon and the Animals! Cream! Throbbing Gristle! Henry Cow! Young Marble Giants! Linton Kwesi Johnson/Dennis Bovell! X-Ray Spex! PIL! Bow Wow Wow! (the two British invasions of my youth, I guess)
  12. Deaf musicians? No jazz musicians come to mind, only and Evelyn Glennie...
  13. Actually, the way I saw it, the movie portrayed Mrs. Robinson as a predator whose motive was to hurt her daughter and assert her supremacy as THE desirable adult female in her family. Ego-maniac (rather than nympho-). The whole scene seemed deliberately shot to convey creepiness: Dustin sounds like he's choking when he says "Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?" And he looks really stricken when it's over. And it nearly destroyed his bond with the daughter. Pretty much spells out how the reality is toxic, and the fantasy should have stayed a fantasy. EDIT: Not to say that it's wrong for a 40-year-old and a 20-year-old without some other family entanglement to get together -- just that I don't think "The Graduate" celebrated the hook-up between Mrs. R and her daughter's boyfriend!
  14. Ditto -- in fact, I'm heading there by myself right now!
  15. I left a message at their hotel -- it seems they checked in -- but maybe they're in a "two's company" mood!
  16. Haven't seen The Aviator yet, but for a performance by Leo that "really does it" -- check out What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
  17. Question: What clubs in the U.S. still have that vintage smoky ambiance/feel? Not that I want to set myself up for a series of lectures about the negatives of smoke from the perspective of the musician or patron.....but I actually like that kind of environment.....and it sure ain't Blues Alley, Jazz Standard, Birdland, etc.. Where, other than the JazzKeller in Frankfurt, is the smoke-filled 50's club? Well, thanks to Mr. Bloomberg, you can't smoke indoors in NYC anymore (except for a few tobacconers', like Nat Sherman's on 42nd and 5th, and secret "smoke-easies" that AFAIK don't have live music) but... the Village Vanguard still FEELS like a smoke-filled club, and probably still smells like it to non-smokers whose olfactory sense is still acute!!!
  18. 349 E 13th Street, between First & Second Aves. Chris Cheek is playing there tomorrow night. http://www.jazzatdetour.com
  19. Slightly off-topic but isn't lactose intollerance simply an alergy? I have always found it very interesting that, in the case of lactose, we bother to claim an "intollerance" wheras if it were nearly anything else (hops, shellfish, etc) we would simply be "allergic". Anyway..... Well, no -- an allergy would mean your immune system (over)reacts to the allergen (foreign protein that your T cells mistake for a pathogen, like a bacteria or virus). People can have an allergy to cow's milk proteins, with or without being lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance means you lack the digestive enzyme (lactase) that breaks down lactose (milk sugar). The cells that line your intestine make lactase, and if you're lactose-intolerant, they don't make enough, or in extreme cases none at all. The symptoms of lactose intolerance are intestinal: bloating, cramping, etc., etc. The symptoms of milk allergies can include abdominal/intestinal distress, but also skin reactions (rash, hives, eczema) or wheezing/sneezing/itchy eyes, ears, nose, throat...
  20. The only East Village Indian restaurant I still eat at is vegetarian/South Indian: Madras Cafe, on Second Avenue (between 3rd & 4th Streets? somewhere between 2nd and 5th!!). When I was looking online today, it appeared on a "10 best" list along with some pricier midtown places. The 6th Street ones seem to change owners and chefs so often, I've given up, though I hear Mitali and Brick Lane Curry House are currently the best of that bunch. IMO the Lexington Ave (26th, 27th, 28th Sts) "Little India" is far better than the East 6th Street. Jackson Diner in Queens is supposed to be the very best of authentic and nonstratospheric-priced Indian restaurants -- I haven't been, but friends and food critics (including one individual who is both!) say so... I went to a wedding reception (bride and groom and ~80% of guests were Indian)at one of those upscale Midtown places (Dawat?) and the food was great...
  21. Andrea PEYSER??? The New York POST??? Puh-LEEZ!
  22. Speaking of which, this concoction wasn't bad, considering I thought I had NOTHING in the house: while I boiled the pasta (ziti in this case) and steamed some broccoli, I sauteed two sliced cloves of garlic in olive oil, tossed in the bread crumbs that were all that was left of the good Italian bread, tossed in the broccoli when you could just about stick a fork in it, tossed in some tuna, then drained the pasta and stirred in all the above olive-oil-warmed ingredients, grated Romano cheese and black pepper on top.
  23. Indian: East 5th St. between 1st ave and 2nd., unless Maren knows better that's where I point ya. I'd love to get together, but I've been sick with either a stomach virus or food poisioning so I'm not feeling too hot. Have fun! That's actually East 6th Street -- it's probably the cheapest, and it's near my place, but I'm checking out a place said to be much nicer, closer to the Park Central... will report later! 7/4, hope you're feeling better soon!
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