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Everything posted by maren

  1. Just making all this stuff up was a rather prodigious feat. I was most impressed by his ability to type a post and an expert-witness statement simultaneously, while giving a critical listen to several albums (at 78,000 rpm?) and whipping up a souffle. ...
  2. He had been at a writers' retreat in Marfa:
  3. That was my impression from the beginning, and I was never totally dissuaded of it. You, me, and.... ...and me, and Mike Ricci? from http://forums.allaboutjazz.com/showthread....97256#post97256
  4. Thanks, Rod. here are two of 'em: "See, I write jokes for a living, man. I sit in my hotel at night and think of something that's funny and then I go get a pen and write 'em down. Or, if the pen's too far away, I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain't funny." "I don't have a girlfriend. I just know this lady who'd be really mad if she heard me say that."
  5. I was thinking it was an April Fool's joke with a lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong set-up prior to the punchline -- on Che's part. Either that, or he finished his psych paper on "the effect of a newcomer upon an established group"... EDIT: Guess now he'll never find time to answer my earnest PM about political questions sent more than two weeks ago...
  6. This has just got to be named in honor of Irving Stone -- no, not the guy who wrote "Lust for Life" and "The Agony and the Ecstasy" -- but the guy known even to his wife as "Stone" -- before his recent death, he and Stephanie were "The Stones"... Some reminiscences about Stone can be found here: http://www.jumparts.org/essays3.html http://www.jumparts.org/concerts4.html
  7. Much love for Mark Ledford here.
  8. Chocolate and orange was my first thought, too, when I saw the thread title -- but more like this: Chocolate and raspberry's not bad either...
  9. This may be even be true of the car insurance and student loan payment. Especially if your paycheck is direct deposit, and you know how much money you will have in your bank account on your next payday, some creditors will agree to take a check number (and your bank routing number/account number) over the phone to be electronically processed on the date you specify. I've done this with credit card and utilities payments. I was nervous the first time I did this, but now I do this "telephone check" thing a lot -- I just specify that it's one-time-only, and that they not retain the information. So far, so good. Otherwise, maybe someone could loan you the smallest amount you need to fill the gap?
  10. I second ALL of the above. And it kind of crystallizes what occurred to me about the "ramen noodle diet" (believe me, I've been there, and so have many of my friends) -- just make sure, while eating frugally, that you're getting all the vitamins you need. Take a 1-a-day, and throw some fresh vegetables on top of that ramen! Because if you get sick -- that'll make your financial situation even worse. Free for All's right, too, about contacting the people you owe money to BEFORE they have to come after you. I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but you're not alone -- and I'm afraid this is a crunch that's facing more and more people. We all need savings tips, I guess -- but I think the costs of "essentials" eat up a lot more of everybody's paycheck than they used to. Hang in there, and good luck!
  11. Oh, I didn't want to hijack my own greeting to Brownie! And I wasn't sure who all would get it! But since you did, Ron, I'll bring him back, Dizzy-Gillespie-chin tribute and all! "About time off fom the Board -- I'll have to make myself do that for the next week or so, due to WORK!" WORK ???!!! "Yes, WORK!"
  12. Hi, Guy! So glad to see you pop in! [About time off fom the Board -- I'll have to make myself do that for the next week or so, due to WORK! ]
  13. Hey -- I just voted for "Seasons in the Sun" and the avatar immediately changed from "classic" to "Bullwinkle" ! BTW, Jazzmoose, didn't you have some different moose (or mooses?) in the distant past... shrouded in the mist of memory... Hey -- you didn't put your cat Moose's pic to the vote!!! Meow!!!
  14. Thanks, jazzshrink, but -- I never caught many of the words to that song, and I'm not inclined to start now !!!
  15. YES! Me three! [Tried to post 15 thumbs-ups, but that's "more emoticons than this board allows" -- but certainly not more EMOTION !!! ]
  16. Good and true point, Eric! I'll add Rolando Lozano to that list! Welcome, Rob -- and thanks for popping in here!
  17. Nice little Bob Cunningham photo gallery here: http://www.bobcunninghambass.com/ Can't hot-link the photos here. No. 1 is beautiful: lined up on a skinny pier stretching out into a big lake are Bob (with bass!), Dexter Gordon, "friend", Red Mitchell and Kenny Drew -- while a bunch of happy little kids splash in the water alongside! And 10 and 11 are a trip: a performance at San Quentin prison, with Bob, Lalo Schifrin, Chuck Lampkin, Leo Wright -- and Dick Gregory "who joined us and played the bongos!"
  18. I bet he studied a LOT of tapes to make sure this was really happening...
  19. No -- says he took a lovely vacation with his wife and is glad he missed all the brouhaha... (hope it's okay to share, couw!)
  20. This cat has wriggled out of Joel's clutches to issue an independent statement! Have a great birthday, Tom!
  21. You're absolutely correct!! IMO, the forum to get rid of is this angst ridden one. This is the place that all the Jr. tinkerers and micro-managers come to carp and give us their latest 'suggestions' and grand visions about how this little BB of a world should be run. You want to talk about "polarization" and "uncivility rearing it's ugly head", then look no further than the forum discussion water cooler where folks routinely gather to point fingers, gnash teeth, etc.. A wide variety of opinions about Marsalis, Bush and Krispy Kreme donuts is one thing..........bodies hovering around the conference table, latest edition of 'Blueprint for Successful Board Management' in hand, is quite another. Right here, you have a good illustration that political discussion does not have to lead to enmity. People seemed (jokingly) to think it was a sign of the apocalypse that I gave a big to Berigan in another one of these threads, and that Chuck Nessa and Dan Gould agreed, but... hey. A lot of us like and respect each other, and can respectfully disagree.
  22. I was thinking more along the lines of one of those old Star Trek episodes, where some floating cloud of sparkly goo causes everyone to go bonkers and attack one another... and then, y'know, Kirk realizes that all they have to do is laugh at the sparkly goo cloud and it will float away in a state of angry dissipation. And I was thinking it was like "Ghostbusters II" where there was this "mood slime" oozing under the city, putting people in bad moods, and then feeding off the bad energy and growing bigger and putting people in worse moods... Right, Medjuck?
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