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Everything posted by maren

  1. EXACTLY !!!
  2. Even with Google, I had a hard time finding the answer! An actual statement in French, and an allusion to the name in a poem...
  3. Now -- what about the English word "meant" ??? I have a friend from Australia who, when she's heard good reviews about a restaurant or a movie that we're thinking of going to, says "It's meant to be quite nice." As a U.S. speaker, when I first heard that, I had to "translate" to myself. I would only say "It's meant to be nice" if I meant "Someone INTENDED for it to be nice." If I were trying to say "people say it's nice" -- I'd say that! Or, "it's SAID to be quite nice" or "it's thought to be nice" or "it's supposed to be nice." Now, I know that the German verb "meinen" is a cognate for "to mean" that incorporates both the usual meaning of "meant" ("I said what I meant and I meant what I said") AND the usage of my Australian friend. My question is: does everyone in Australia (and England?) use "meant" to refer to "the general public opinion" -- or is this a quirk of my friend's owing to the fact that her mother's native tongue is German?
  4. Cool !!! But the AP needs better proofreading/copy editing/fact checking: ???
  5. Ditto on both counts! Well, PhillyQ, 7/4 and I were at the same end of the table at first -- it was nice to SEE you, Guy ! -- how was Medicine Wheel?
  6. I totally agree, MartyJazz. I also hope somebody is carrying adequate health, life/disability insurance for Mrs. Anderson -- that's a potentially risky situation for her and her family, too.
  7. Did I say "southwest corner" in a PM? It's the NORTHWEST corner of Avenue C and East 7th Street, where the little party guy () is! The red star on Avenue B marks the house with the plaque that says "Charlie Parker lived here..." Subways are in the yellow circles or boxes (the F train stop is named "Second Avenue" but it will really let you out on First Ave and Houston Street. The M21 bus is a good connection "on paper" -- but it doesn't come along very often! The other buses -- dotted lines and "M##" -- do.) Catestapalooza!!!
  8. From the press release for this tour:
  9. C'mon, Randy! You could just drive through the night on Wednesday!
  10. Have a great birthday, Evan!
  11. The news article mentions federal charges, which may be really bad -- because I think the judges have a lot fewer options for (and a lot loss experience with) charging juveniles as juveniles.
  12. Posted not so much for the performance reviews, more for the highlighted parts:
  13. Me too! I need to eat more vegetables... Me three. Whew!!!
  14. Hoky smokes!!! Was it one of the moderators who merged these threads??? Fine by me, I'm just a little discombobulated...
  15. Reuben Radding !!! http://www.reubenradding.com/
  16. Mention of Two-Ton Baker brings back memories of an Ellington "master class" in Madison during the early '70s. Duke spotted Mr Baker in the audience and invited him onstage. Baker waddled to the lip of the stage and rolled onto it. Duke had to help him to his feet. It was one of the most uncomfortable spectacles I've witnessed.
  17. You didn't happen to walk past the Heidelberg Restaurant up on E. 86th yesterday afternoon 'bout 4:15, did you. I was standing out there in the light drizzle waiting to share a Camel Light & a Bitburger Pils w/you. B-) Drat!!! I believe I was posting on this very board at that moment!
  18. Did I get here in time?? Have a great birthday!!!
  19. I guess I should scroll down through the new posts while I'm typing!
  20. Jim and Alison Alfredson, on their visit to NYC this past February. And I'm quite certain that I was within 10 feet of Mr. Son-of-a-Weizen on the sidewalk at 7th and C the last Sunday in August, as he was quaffing a stein at Zum Schneiden while I schlepped groceries to the car I rented to drive my son back to college... but alas, we only discovered this coincidence later... And I bought a fair amount of vinyl (and browsed through even more) on State Street in Madison, WI circa 1970-77 -- so I'll bet Chuck Nessa and I have laid eyes on each other...
  21. Just change the thread title to "Jane's research for 'Klute'..."
  22. Have a great birthday, Claude!
  23. Can we let this go, please? Che didn't use "curse words" but, in my book, blithely parroting cant about a certain ethnic-religious group "ruling the world by proxy" is also ugly. Members of that group -- maybe particularly those on "the left" who've put their necks on the line and devoted much of their lives to bridgebuilding efforts and to thoughtfully distinguishing criticism of Israel from antisemitism -- may have felt personally threatened themselves. Che never responded to the content of a lengthy PM I sent him two weeks ago that I thought could have been a bridge-builder, a face-saver, an opportunity to correct an impression of him as antisemitic if it had been, in fact, a mistaken impression. And I'm just guessing that Ubu's attempted PM outreach to Che was similarly fruitless... Look, he joined on February 16th, and here's how he talked to people on February 16th! Man you have posted so many! Well lets just say I have an opinion.
  24. That would seem to me to put one in good stead here on Liberalissimo. Other than his anti-semitism, his politics seemed to be in line with most posters here. I thought it was the conservatives or the fascists that really upset the people on this Board. Who would have thought it would be someone from the left???? Well, I for one felt he was giving the left a bad name. Y'know, with "friends" like that, who needs...
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