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Posts posted by slsmcgrew

  1. Christmas Eve day I'm driving from the Seattle area to my brother's who lives about 3 1/2 hours away. I'll celebrate Christmas with his family and my mother then turn around after a couple of hours and drive back. Then I go to my sister-in-law's house for the Christmas celebration with the hubby's side of the family. (Thank goodness they only live about 5 minutes away). Christmas morning I'm flying to Hawaii . I will be in Hawaii for 3 months to a year to watch my grandchildren. My son and daughter-in-law are in the Army and will be going to Iraq. My wonderful husband will be holding down the home front.

  2. Let me guess, you took Nyquil.

    Nyquil has an antihistamine which usually makes people sleepy as well as a little alcohol but it also contains decongestants which are stimulants and in some people (ie you) the stimulant wins out and can keep you up. The decongestant is also the ingredient that can muck with your blood pressure. It's better to treat symptoms with separate drugs.

    Take Benadryl and something else for the cough like Robitussin DM (no decongestant)

    I had to take some cough stuff that was perscribed with codine in it. I'd been coughing so bad my stomach and ribs were sore. I usually take Benadryl but this cough was beyond that.

  3. Having children is such a wonderful experience. It does totally change your life but as I’ve stated before it is worth every minute of the experience. My kids are 25 and 23, technically adults, though I still and will always refer to them as “my kids”. The interaction with the kids has changed. They are responsible for their actions. I reserve the right to give mommy lectures when they do something that pisses me off or is just plain stupid. (I’m 45 and I still do some pretty stupid things) They both know that no matter what I love them and I’m there for them. They both still come to me for advice. I’m so lucky, they both call just to say I love you. (No empty nest syndrome in this household)

    My attitude had reached the “been there, done that” mode in regards to raising children to adulthood. We just found out this week that my son will be shipping out to Iraq. His wife who is also in the military has received a stop-loss. She was due to be discharged from the military about the same time she will now also be going to Iraq. I will be moving over 3000 miles away to take care of my two grandchildren who are 5 and 6. And here I thought I was all done with raising kids. (Thank goodness they are out of diapers). It was time to be the FUN grandmother. Buy the annoying toys and ship them home with the kids. The responsibility part would be mom and dads.

    I am in some ways more apprehensive about this change in my life than I was when I learned I was pregnant with my son.

  4. I have three tattoos. The first one is Harley Davidson wings around a purple rose, located on my upper left arm. The second one is a unicorn, located on the inside of my right ankle. The third is a shooting star, located on my left hip. The shooting star is my favorite since my daughter has a matching one on her hip. I'll be getting one more. My son and I have been trying to come up with something to match that we both like. (Mr. Hadi-Blues hates all three. Wait till he finds out I'm planning a 4th one)

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