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Everything posted by mke

  1. I found "Parker's Mood" to be one of the most pointless records I have ever heard. Virtuosically played, of course, but I fail to see the interest of slavish recreation (note-for-note at times). Why buy this when the originals are available cheaper? I'm also in the '"Round About Roma" is dull' camp.
  2. It's around 40+ minutes long, with 6 tracks, iirc. The first two are great funk, the rest are more "modern" r'n'b-inspired and not as good, but pleasant enough.
  3. mke


    I don't know if it was a mega-seller, but it got a very good critical reception and probably did well. His follow-up is called "Wonderland," same crew and style, but taking on Stevie Wonder tunes. If you like "Hymne," you'll like "Wonderland."
  4. Bremen to Bridgwater is good, but the sound quality of the last 2 of the 3 concerts is terrible. The first, good-sounding, concert pre-dates the Travelling Somewhere material as is at times really, really great.
  5. There are lots and lots of music blogs ranging from pop to classical, but very few on jazz. http://jazzthinks.blogspot.com is one, but it's having a bit of trouble getting off the ground, IMO.
  6. mke

    The Bad Plus

    I have all three albums an like them. However, I think that their originals are by far more interesting than the covers (my favourite of which, "Flim" rarely, if ever, gets mentioned and in any case pales in comparaison to the Aphex Twin original). "1972 Bronze Medallist," with its combination of stiff-but-jaunty rhythm and totally far-fetched melody line, is my favourite.
  7. I recently learned that the flugelhorn is an Adolphe Sax invention.
  8. I've seen the Quintet (twice), Octet and Big Band, and it's been excellent every time. Both times I saw the Quintet, Nate Smith was playing (the first time, a few years ago, as a sub, the last time (in March, I think) as the "new guy"). As a sub, he was clearly reproducing Billy Kilson's role, whereas now he is clearly doing his own thing, which is different but will doubtless become just as cool over time.
  9. I've heard both Olympia albums and totally agree with the Trane/Stitt assessments. I love how Miles "butchers" 'Round Midnight.
  10. I had exactly the same experience about a week ago.
  11. Wow, the third story is really horrific.
  12. A very good album. Which is why I brought up the MTB album, in which you can hear Mehldau's hardbop mode. But with or without the hardbop, I think he has plenty of soul.
  13. That's quite a nice album. What other current pop do you think is begging to be covered? And to be fair, Mehldau started (or at least popularised) the Radiohead cover, AFAIK. French trumpeter Stéphane Belmondo has recently put out "Wonderland," which gives semi-orchestral, acoustic readings of Stevie Wonder tunes. Not contemporary pop, but a nice enough album.
  14. I don't think this is true. Of course, it depends what you mean by soul: soul (as in expression of self that reaches out to the listener) or Soul (as in a genre of music, or possibly an overarching term for certain characteristics of Black American Music). Mehldau may not be the greatest hardbop/soulful player, but he can play in that style competently. I recently came across an album, MTB "Consenting Adults", a quintet with Mark Turner and Peter Bernstein (hence the title), Grenadier and Leon Parker. Mehldau plays in a more bop style their and is often litterally unrecognisable (in a good way). Both times I've seen him live, he's had one bluesier song that reminded me of Ray Charles. And the way he played River Man the last time I saw him... if that isn't soul, I don't know what is. Not Soul soul, but soul nonetheless. He also played Radiohead's Knives Out at that concert.
  15. mke

    jazz...."with strings"

    Brown's trumpet provided a lot of meat to me, even if there is little to no improvising. I'm listening to Stefano DiBattista's "Round About Roma" for the first time. Doesn't seem hugely interesting so far.
  16. One album not mentioned I like a lot is Cassandra Wilson's "Glamoured" - it feels like her percussion/guitar folk-blues-jazz fusion is really getting very good.
  17. mke

    Joss Stone

    He is indeed listed on AMG, but I don't know on which and how many tracks he performs and produces. Cindy Blackman is also listed.
  18. mke

    Joss Stone

    I've listened to "The Soul Sessions" and share your reaction exactly. She can't go on singing old soul forever (or maybe she can?), so I'm curious what she does next.
  19. I listened to this for the first time yesterday, it's very good!
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