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Everything posted by scottb

  1. My favorite Young is INTO SOMETHIN'. I had heard UNITY and obviously it's great stuff but INTO SOMETHIN' really blew me away. I think it is some of Green's finest work as well. I think Plaza De Toros is my favorite song the record. Love that Latin groove!
  2. scottb

    Charlie Hunter

    Not to get too far back on the subject but Charlie Hunter is a true genius. The technical ability required to play bass lines, chords and melody on that 8 string monster are beyond human. (Kinda like playing the B3) His tone is unique to him - more organ than guitar. (Sounds kinda like a B3) Like B3er my two favorites are Duo and Charlie Hunter. Saw him live last year in New Orleans around Jazzfest and he was great live.
  3. I really like this idea. Actually I suggested it on another BB in the past ( can't remember exactly where..) I didn't know it had already been done, but anyway not only was there no interest but my post killed a perfectly healthy, thriving thread. (I seem to do that quite a bit. I try to rationalize that it is because my opinions are the final answer and need no further discussion but my wife tells me otherwise.) Also this is a great excuse for going out of my budget to buy the disc of the week. Just nobody recommend John Coltrane The Heavyweight Champion or the 9 disc Sonny Stitt Mosaic. OK?
  4. I missed the ALONG CAME JOHN cover problem. What was the actual fault?
  5. I too had not picked up the GROOVIN AT SMALLS RVG because of the 2disc factor (don't most double CD sets sell for LESS than twice the singles. Blue Note stumps me on this one) and the reports of sound quality. I was encouraged by Soul Stream and B3ers comments to got ahead and get it especially since I tend to like Jimmy's wilder stuff. This is a GREAT set!! May be my new favorite Jimmy!! I've heard many STUDIO recordings from the 50's that don't sound that good. The suprise for me is McFadden who I always considered adequate but he was really on this night.
  6. I thought That Certain Feeling was the Rare Groove out in April. Any one else remember it this way?
  7. Al, I'm glad to hear you're still enjoying Righteous Buddha! Their website has been down a loooooong time but Dave tells me it will be up and running soon when the new disc gets out. All three of those guys are very busy with their day jobs and unfortunately things like gigs and new music and websites have to take a back seat. But they are very much still together and active and creating some great music. Makes you wonder what guys like that could do with some serious time on the road or in the studio. It's a shame we may never know.
  8. **Spam alert** - by proceding you are willingly exposing yourself to spam and agree to except the risk inherent to such activity and are confirming that viewing spam is legal in the county, state, province, parish (it's a Louisiana thing) country where you reside. Righteous Buddha update. Talked to my friend Dave, bassist for RB, and my homeboys are putting the finishing touches on their next release! Ten new original songs! He's supposed to get me a copy as soon as it gets mixed down. I've heard some the new material live and it's GREASE from the same mold as their first effort with the expected growth from being together about 2 years more. Great stuff! There's a latin flavored number that rocks like early Santana (only without the guitar and interestingly, it is not missed!) and another tune initially called J.B. (because these guys write songs faster than they can name 'em) which is based on a James Brown inspired groove. The Godfather would be proud! If you missed them the first time, check out their review on All About Jazz. Their website is not active currently but samples can be heard on their MP3.com site. I can still get copies of their first release if anyone is interested.
  9. scottb


    I have expressed pretty much the same opinions as Soul Stream in the past. 1 They really are much better live, their recent albums have been overpolished 2 the albums are getting worse with each release 3 you lose me with DJs, rappers and singers 4 I was looking foward to this new release as a possible return to roots funk fest. Unfortunately, I checked out the samples on the Bluenote site and were less than impressed. I'll probably pass on this one.
  10. Finally got my copy today!!! Great job Jim, Joe and Randy! Nice variety of great tunes. I think Jimmy Smith Goes to Washington may be my early favorite. Jim, I can hear a little Smith, Patton and Young in your style. You've obviously studied your lessons on the masters! I wish you could've seen my girls (1 and 3 yrs old) dancing to Clap Yo' Hands. I think it's their early favorite. Joe, I was kinda getting a Larry Carlton vibe on this one. (that's a good thing in my book!) I've been on an organ kick lately and this is going to get some heavy play!
  11. Alright now I'm pissed!!! Brussels gets delivery in 3 days and I been waiting since March 1st!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  12. Hey Big Al, If cash is tight, I can burn you a copy as soon as I get mine. I'm just kidding B3er!!! For a second there you must've known what Blue Note / Mosaic felt like seeing some of the posts about CDRs.
  13. GREAT !!! I like looking down at the stats and seeing whose logged on. It's great to see the old familiar names Soul Stream, Big Al, JSngry, bertrand, catessa, wilwin, B3er Every day more familiar names. I'm surely gonna miss the inside scoop from Tom@ and I haven't seen Kevin B yet. His chats with Cuscuna are invaluable. The bright side of this place is no SPAM from 50% of junior members who join just to spam about their kid or their girlfriend who sounds just like Norah or even themselves. Anyone remember the guy who was trying to get feedback about his smooth jazz compositions inspired by TV shows?? I laughed my butt off (as I am now just remembering the dude.) Politely, his post sank without any replies. I'm all for spam from members. I did a little spamming about my friend's band and even sold some discs to members. I did it because they're a good band and I knew people on the board would enjoy them. If they ever get their next CD out I'll probably let you guys know. I've ordered B3er's CD and Quartet Out is next. I'm genuinely interested in what fellow boardmates are doing or listenening too. But not some Joe Smooth with one post ever.
  14. ... is to keep trying on the spelling of recommendation! R - E - C - O - M - M - E - N - D - A - T - I - O - N - S
  15. My favorite JOS is THE SERMON / HOUSEPARTY. Not necessarily saying this is Jimmy at his best, but the overall performances are outstanding and this session ranks among the best in jazz not just organ jazz or Jimmy Smith in my opinion. I like his work with Kenny Burrell more than the Wes stuff. Actually I've been holding off on Back At The Chicken Shack and Midnight Special because I'm afraid they'll be RVG'd as soon as I get them. ( I have been burned on Our Man in Paris, Mode for Joe, Search For the New Land, Grantstand all of which I've gotten in the past year and are due out on RVG. I just can't figure out what's coming!!!) I do have Organ Grinder Swing, Bucket and Home Cookin' and these I really dig about half of and tolerate the rest.
  16. ... is to check the spelling of recommendation.
  17. I would like to take this opportunity to repent. On previous BB (I forget where ) I once called ACCENT ON THE BLUES " a stinker." I had sampled it in a store and was less than impressed. You have to admit that the band is not too tight on the head of the opening track. Which is about all I sampled. Later, however, even on that song, things heat up and the groove takes over and well... you've heard the disc. Anyway, I publicly renounce my previous statement and beg your forgiveness for my slander against this disc. My favorite Patton (and I may stand alone) is BLUE JOHN. It was my first John Patton and my first exposure to Braith. Tommy T has some great moments on this one too. Maybe I'll tire of the Braith someday but for now this one's my pick. I'm realy looking forward to THAT CERTAIN FEELING which I've never heard.
  18. Did you forget the RECOMMENDATIONS forum or leave it out on purpose? This was one of my frequent stops. A great place to ask where to go next with a artist you like or which new artist to check out. Not to mention the home of the Keepin' It Greazy thread. Speaking of Keepin' It Greazy, maybe we could talk Big Al into joining here. He made a deal with himself to cut down on BNBB but I bet he didn't say anything about this joint!! Don't you just love loopholes?
  19. How can I add one of those cool pictures by my name??
  20. scottb


    Anyone checked out this release from "Papa" John Defrancesco yet? I've really been enjoying this one. Some great, straight ahead B3. No rappers, DJs, crazy effects, just the real greaze!!
  21. I ordered mine 3-1-03, as you know. I've been anxiously checking the mailbox since Tuesday expecting its arrival. Then on 3-6-03, I get an email that my order has shipped and to expect it in 3-4 business days. Ahhhhh! The suspense is killing me!! There's nothing quite like the anticipation of a shipment in transit. I guess I'll get it early next week. Are they always this slow in getting discs out or is this just another example of my rotten luck? Another point. You guys should have your your disc reviewed by All About Jazz. Especially since so many Blue Note folks are over there. My friend's band got their disc reviewed there, check it out. ( Righteous Buddha - You actually bought a copy of that one.)
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