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Everything posted by scottb

  1. Got my shipment in today - 6 days not bad from Europe. The problem is no POPPIN"!!! Where's my MOBLEY!!! Anyone else missing this one? Maybe they are out of stock. I guess we'll soon know how their customer service department rates.
  2. I saw someone mention Danny Gatton in another thread. Great guitarist - formerly known as the best unknown guitarist in America. Finally getting more known and then committed suicide. Really tragic. Anyway, seeing his name reminds me of a story... (Flashback sound effects here) When I was in college, I was just starting to play guitar and really listen to a lot of different music. I liked a certain kind of jazz that I had heard (turned out to be Hardbop) but at the time didn't know what is was called, who played it, or where to find it in the jazz section. Back to Danny Gatton, I bought his 88 Elmira Street disc and loved the song Red Label (anyone know this one? A latin groover that smokes) but not for the guitar solo but a wailling trumpet solo! I bring the disc to the big chain disc store and ask the "knowledgable staff" where I can find playing like this. Many staff members acted as if this music came from outter space and didn't have a clue. One guy who was their "jazz guy" was called in. After a close listen to the solo which today screams Dizzy, Lee, Clifford and anyone else who ever played Night in Tunisia, he suggests.... HERB ALPERT AND THE TIAJUANA BRASS!!! This story has several disurbing truths. First, how does someone in college who played trumpet in middle school, played guitar, could read music, took Music Appreciation Classes (2 of them!) at the Univeristy level, and was eager to learn about different music and jazz not know anything about jazz!! Not to mention I live in Louisiana 90 miles form new Orleans where Jazz was born. I feel I was totally let down by the music education system. A corollary to that is that this ignorance is so wide spread that a "jazz guy" at the record store doesn't know crap!!
  3. Not the greatest find but all together they are adding up to be quite a honey pot! There's a guy who keeps selling disc to the CD store I frequent. All his discs are like new as if he listens once and then discards. He can't not like all these titles and if he did why keep buying jazz!! Anyway, I don't care, I just swing by every week or so and pick the ones the guys who work there (they get first pick) don't want for $6.99. Titles I've gotten recently Harold Land - The Fox Jackie McLean - Vertigo Booker Ervin - Structually Sound Booker Ervin - The In Between Sonny Criss - Sonny's Dream The Birth of the New Cool Very Saxy - Lockjaw Davis et al Blue Mitchell - The Cup Bearers Art Blakey - THe African Beat Art Blakey - Roots and Herbs Cliff Jordan and John Gilmore - Blowing in From Chicago Titles I've seen and already had or the guys at the store got Lee Morgan - Leeway Lee Morgan - Cornbread all the Rare Grooves from the last batch (The Worm, Moonrappin) Donald Byrd - Electric Byrd Jackie McLean - Capucian Swing many RVGs that I had Not great just one at a time but to find those deals week after week has been pretty sweet.
  4. More hilarious than his actual posts were the translations to English by MilesDavis. I always had to laugh out loud when reading those!
  5. ... but there is one thing I kinda miss aobut the old BNBB. Don't you sometimes miss the occasional father pimping his 12 yr old son's grunge band or the loving boyfriend praising is girl's Nora-like vocals, or maybe even some poor sap promoting his own smooth jazz compositions inspired by TV shows ? (that guy really killed me!)
  6. Yeah, if you don't like the Foster you could always sell it to someone here at the board. It's a no risk purchase. On the McDuff, I like it. It's a good Rare Groove title. Meaning it's nothing revolutionary or mind blowing but definitely booty shaking.
  7. I caught them up this AM and placed my order!! True Blue is on the way!!
  8. I don't know what I was thinking but I was blowing this whole Spanish Blue Note thing off. Then I looked at the titles and the price and came to my senses. So, yesterday I go to the Blue Moon website and start loading up the cart. True Blue, Curtis Fuller vol 3, Boss Horn, The Cooker. . . suddenly the web site goes away and I haven't been able to get back on since!! How else can I get these wihtout "habla espanola"
  9. I was actualy listening to BLUE SOUL when I thought of asking this question. How is THE BIG SIX??
  10. I have many of the titles suggested and like his playing on those too but BLUE TRAIN is a cut above. I'm just making sure I'm not missing a Curtis gem that I don't know about. The Bluesette discs sound more like a Golson record to me and Golson is not my favorite. He is certainly a good player I just don't like the overall "vibe" of his tunes. I am looking forward to INDESTRUCTABLE and have been eyeing the Jazztet recordings for a while but haven't pulled the trigger mailnly because of Golson and thought it would be more like Bluesette. Am I right? The Mosaic is another story. I'm still avoiding the full Mosaics although they got me on the Selects. The Fuller was maybe the hardest for me to avoid of all of them. If I win the lottery I'm in, but until then I just can't afford to start collecting Mosaics especially with so many gems OOP. I keep hoping to see some of the Mosaic Fuller titles maybe as Conns or RVGs now that the Mosaic is OOP.
  11. My favorite playing of all the Curtis Fuller I have is on BLUE TRAIN. Does it get any better than this or this considered his best playing? What's your favorite Fuller outing?
  12. I got just one thing to say in response to SEKs post... "Boys, get the rope !!!"
  13. I'm a liitle suprised there are not more votes for Led Zep I. This is the one I always go for. I guess it's my personal preference for the blues. I love the heaviness they bring to the blues. I guess that's why I like the first Black Sabbath as well. Both bands are still in their bluesy roots but obviously headed elsewhere. A couple of my favorite tunes are Traveling Riverside Blues and The Girl I Love Has Long Black Wavy Hair from the BBC Sessions. Again, blues with an edge. How these didn't make their respective albums is a mystery to me. I CAN think of a couple tunes off of Zep II I would replace.
  14. Selling the defective disc?
  15. I also got rid of all my Dead studio albums except Americal Beauty and Workingman's Dead. Ditched Steal Your Face as well. I really like One From the Vault and Two From the Vault. Another one of my favorites is 100 Years Hall from Europe in 1972. I like Reckoning too when I'm in the mood for acoustic Dead
  16. I just got ROUGH AND TUMBLIN' yesterday. After a couple times through in the car I thinks it's OK. It is a very good soul jazz record. A little too mainstream but the playing is good. It's just my personal preference for hardbop I think.
  17. One of my favorites is Lou Donaldson Midnight Creeper
  18. 1 Larry Young INTO SOMETHIN' - one of my all time favorites period. 2 Tina Brooks MINOR MOVE or BACK TO THE TRACKS (of course TRUE BLUE if you can find it, I can't. Not for under $30. I'm holding out for the RVG.) 3 Hank Mobley THIRD SEASON 4 Sonny Clark SONNY'S CRIB - sounds like a warmup to BLUE TRAIN 5 Andrew Hill GRASS ROOTS Honorable mention: Dizzy Reece COMIN' ON Lee Morgan TARU Art Blakey AFRICAINE
  19. Be careful to include shipping. By the time you add the $3 per order the deals aint so sweet unless you get multiple titles.
  20. I got my copy a couple months ago at half.com for a similar price. It came unopened in original wrap. I got it from a seller called recordsurplus. I also picked up a copy of Lou Donaldson's Hotdog from the same guy - unopened for less than $10. Needless to say, I highly recommend this seller and if you see him you can expect a great product.
  21. My slection of the month at BMG is Jimmy McGriff - McGriff Avenue I'll get two free with it. Anyone got any comments on this one. It's kinda hard to tell with one minute sound samples.
  22. AfricaBrass, I can't stop reading the adventures of Mixerman. I just finished week 2 and really should be doing some work but I can't seem to pull myself away. I can't wait until tonight when my wife goes to sleep and can read it for a while.
  23. Anyone have young kids? My kids have this Barney Christmas video that is somehow in rotation year - round. On it the kids sing this song as they show up at the house. " pass one window hidee ho, pass two windows hidee ho .." You get the picture. I've never heard the song before and I'm not sure it's unique to the show but anyway, it's to the tune of Organ Grinder Swing!! This is one my favorite Jimmy Smith songs and I love Kenny Burrell's playing on this one. This video has ruined it for me! I considered not mentioning this in case it might ruin it for others but then I decided YOU'RE GOING DOWN WITH ME!!!
  24. Once again I will recommend JUMPIN' , the new release by Joey's dad, "Papa" John Defrancesco. No one else seems to have picked this one up yet but I'm telling you guys this one is the real grease! GET IT!
  25. I totally agree about TANYA. How many other 18 minutes songs do you wish were longer?
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