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Everything posted by scottb

  1. The irony of the title of this thread is that it appears my Patton Select WAS dropped!! And from a pretty great distance. This is my fourth Select and the first in an envelope instead of a box. It was obviously compressed at some point. The box is creased on the sides and one of the jewel cases is cracked. I had the same experience as hutch head, having never heard THE WAY I FEEL, I went right to The Rock only to hear that distortion! I could tell something was wrong from the first instant. I'm certainly no expert but to me it sounds like a damaged tape. It reminded me of when my old casettes would get eaten by a player and I would rescue them and continue to try to play them with the tape all visibly crumpled. (don't miss those casettes for sure!) I can live with 15 secs of distortion for all this great music if this is what the source tape has to offer, but otherwise, I want a cleaned up copy!!
  2. I failed to mention Lonnie Smith got left off as well. Actually one of the criteria for this disc was that the song wasn't on my previous compilation disc. Also I was trying to have one tune for each organist. The only Roach I have is GOOD MOVE and the only Earland I have on Blue Note is as a sideman with Lou Donaldson. It was a make up call from the last disc which had NO JIMMY SMITH!! (the theme of that disc was "the funk" and not "the organ" and at the time my funkiest Jimmy I had was on VERVE (ROOT DOWN)
  3. THE CHAMP at 13 minutes is a bit lengthy and kept Freddie Roach and Charles Earland off the disc but hey, he's Jimmy Smith and this is THE CHAMP!!
  4. I'm greazin' to my latest compilation. This is my Blue Note organ sampler 1 The Champ - Jimmy Smith 2 Trouble (No 2) - Stanley Turrentine (Shirley Scott) 3 Baby's Minor Lope - Grant Green (Baby Face Willette) 4 Congo Chant - John Patton (that bass line kills me) 5 Orange Peel - Reubam Wilson 6 Grantstand - Grant Green (Jack McDuff) 7 Down Home Funk (Groove Holmes) 8 Plaza De Toros - Larry Young 9 Blue Juice - Jimmy McGriff
  5. Just wanted to let you guys know that after nearly 7 months (I was the first to order on March 1st) I still enjoy your disc. In fact it continues to improve with each listen (as good music tends to do) as I appreciate more of the subtleties of your playing. As a guitarist (only in my house) and a fan of the instrument I certainly appreciate Joe's abilities. But Jim, YOU DA MAN. To have such command of such a difficult instrument at your age is remarkable. Your hard work is paying off. I think you've got a great future in the world of B3.
  6. Check out Lee Morgan. Sharp dresser, hair products, one smooth operator! Look closer at Jimmy's hands above. Are those nails manicured or what?
  7. I will also admit that about 6 years ago, before I was married, I was probably a zero or one myself.
  8. It has everything to do with it. It's one of the great mysteries of relationships. Women LOVE gay guys, they're more sensitive, well dressed, well groomed, can help them pick out shoes etc. The problem - they're GAY. I've got news for you, straight guys are women's second choice! A straight guy who dressed gay, groomed gay, entertained gay, treated a woman as if he were gay but wasn't guy would have more ladies knocking down his door than he would know what to do with. Just watch QUEER EYE and watch the girls reaction. They melt over these guys after the makeover.
  9. OK, I'll do it. I think the initial reactions may be supressing a lot of honest answers so I'm going to post to encourage others to be bold. I would never call myself a metrosexual and think it's a bit silly but there is nothing silly about a little hygene and caring how you look. I SCORED A 6 !!! (Actually I'm a little disappointed thought I was getting more. ) How the hell do you only get a 2? Do you guys brush your teeth? Are you married? Do you want to be? Actually I probbly picked up a few points just over the past few month. (Like the hair products.) I admit QUEER EYE played a big role. I think the show is funny as hell. The underlying truth that got to me is that my wife deserves more just than some slob in jeans and tennis shoes. So it's worth the effort to take the time to be presentable. Also at work I'm constantly in contact with people and the image I present needs to inspire confidence.
  10. Hi my name is Scott and I'm a greazaholic. I want to come clean. I, like Big Al, did not have a copy of BACK AT THE CHICKEN SHACK because I too thought this title was prime for the RVG treatment. I admit I was wrong and am happy to report that I have corrected the situation. I appreciate your understanding and support.
  11. OK Big Al, B3er, Let's have a little Righteous Buddha feedback. What did you think about that crazy synth and that Chinese tune with Afro-brazilian backup?
  12. I've got somewhere in the upper 70s 20 or so upgrades. (I'm the sucker Blue Note made this series for) Plan on upgrades of Mode for Joe, Search For the New Land, Our Man in Paris, and even Blue Train My only upgrade regrets are The Sermon and Houseparty. Should've at least kept the McMasters for the extra tracks.
  13. When Dave dropped off the discs he told me they are opening for THE DIRTY DOZEN BRASS BAND this weekend at a venue on the LSU campus. I better wear my boots cuz the funk is going to be thick!!
  14. Al, I actually got your message X 3. I did the same thing to B3er earlier. The error message makes you think it didn't go through but I got it. So your disc is as good as there. Scott
  15. I'm not saying his b3 playing is the best, or that anyone else turns in a virtuoso performance but the tunes really have a nice groove. I think it's an enjoyable listen.
  16. I'm going to keep bringing this one up until someone comments on it. Agree or Disagree but say something the indifference is killing me! I know some of you have this because you buy everything! Papa John Defrancesco's latest release is entitled JUMPIN' and I think this is one the greaziest organ disc I've heard in a while. No rappin' or scratchin' or beat box or crazy effects, just a good solid organ session. If no one has heard this, do yourself a favor and pick it up.
  17. If I'm not mistaken, it was Lee's RUMPROLLER RVG that was generally thought to be no better if not worse than the McMaster. The RVG of SIDEWINDER sounds noticably better to me.
  18. Righteous Buddha update: I got in touch with Dave today and he is going to bring me some disc this week. Likely Monday or Tuesday. I'm not accepting any money however until I get them in hand. By the way he was very disturbed that the sax playing was not credited. It is a guy in town who plays with them on occasion. Also, they have a new manager and hopefully the website will be back up soon.
  19. OK, Here's the scoop (of Crisco, of course) The new Righteous Buddha is entitled GET RIGHT! I have been out of town for a few days and prior to leaving I puchased a copy at the drummer's music store. I spun it continuously in the rent a car and gave it several close listens. The very first listen I was a little suprised and disappointed, thinking there were only a few good songs that measured up to the last disc but on the second run I couldn't tell which ones were the weak ones and now after several times through some of my least favorite initially have become my favorites. I remember now that the first time through BLACK, BLUE AND BAMBOO I had a similar reaction. I'm not very good at analyzing or reviewing music but I'll try to give you a idea about this one. First, Righteous Buddha is a bit hard to define as pointed out by a reviewer from All About Jazz. Even if I cheat and use them to describe themselves it's still hard. Because they've changed from the last disc. I guess there are a bit like MMW (same line up - organ, bass, drums) with similarities in their sound to early, more rootsy MMW but with more than a little New Orleans thrown in. Overall the sound is better as a results of recording at a studio. Not too important to me, you could listen through a tin-can phone and it would still make you shake your rump. The lineup - no changes except for an uncredited sax appearence on a couple tracks. (Could be Dave the bassist - I'll ask when I reach him.) What has changed are the instruments. John Smart still plays the B3 and his Wurlitzer but now also add a Fender Rhodes and even synth. To me he is like a Jerry Garcia on keyboards. He can churn out melodic solos all day long without being boring or reiterating repetitious redundancies over and over again which is a good thing because he handles nearly all the solo work.. (He is the "righteous buddha" by the way.) Partly because of all the textures with the different keyboards. Dave Hinson plays some electric as well as upright bass. Behind Chris Wood of MMW, he's the funkiest upright player I've heard. When he gets his turn , he takes it. Great melodic solos. Chris Dejohn is still so funky "you have to open a window" as one reviewer remarked. The tunes - 1 Au Jus - just sop your poboy in this and let the grease drip down your arm. This one is similar to their previous tunes. Very MMWish 2 Get Right - similar hook as Jimmy C from the last disc but reworked enough to be fresh 3 Groove For Junior - I don't who Junior is but he must be one funky muther. After the intensity builds on a repeated theme which is more soulful than funky, the stuff hits the fan when Buddha enlightens us will a lazer beam synth solo that brings to mind Emerson Lake and Palmer. (This makes me laugh out loud every time I hear it but is somehow not cheezy.) Sax solo ( is that you Dave?) and B3 follow. 4 Why You Did That - funky number to a Mardi Gras shuffle - typical RB 5 So Much For Love - Funky ballad? Is there such a thing ? Think of the Meters. 6 Ancient Chinese Secret - OK this one's tough. If Jerry Garcia was Chinese and played Fender Rhodes, backed up by a Afro-Brazilian rhythm section produced by the Mizell brothers in 1973, you might get something that sounds like this. 7 Sanctify - Motown, Ike and Tina and a young Stevie Wonder (Uptight) are the prophets that inspire this sermon to Sanctify yo' soul. 8 Neckbone - need I say more? You name a song Neckbone and you better bring it. They do. Highlighted by a Headhunters sounding synth solo. 9 Fish Eleven - more booty shakin' as I've come to expect. 10 Batter Whipped - and ready for the hot grease!! Starts slowly with Hendrixian Little Wing intro then it kicks into a funky mutation of Sweet Home Alabama with more Emerson Lake and Palmer laser synth. Righteous Buddha has built on their funky foundations adding tasty retro textures and pull it off sounding fresher than tomorrow's donuts. So GET RIGHT and get your copy. You guys have got to ckeck this one out. Let me know if you want a copy and I'll try to get one to you. $10 get this one to your door first class. Scott
  20. Hey Big Al !! Good News !! The latest Righteous Buddha is out!! Looks like about 12 cuts. Recorded in the studio so hopefully better sound than their last "live" recording from the recital hall. For those who don't remember they are an organ trio (B3, upright bass, drums) from Baton Rouge. Similar to MMWs funkier stuff. Lots of New Orleans influence. I saw the disc today while I was picking up the RVGs. I'm a little disappointed I didn't get a sneak preview of this one from my buddy Dave (the bass player) but I'm glad it's finally out. I'm going to try to get the hook up from Dave ASAP meaning $10 per disc which I gladly pass on to any of you who are interested. I eat the shipping but don't mind. I just view it as supporting the group. I haven't heard this disc yet but I'm sure it'll be great. The first album was recorded after they were together only a few months and it rocked. Now after almost three years together they are a really tight unit. More later when I get my greazy little hands on a copy.
  21. INDESTRUCTIBLE I love the Blakey sessions with Curtis Fuller!
  22. You could try copying it.
  23. Half.com has several titles you are looking for. Quite pricey but I don't know how much you are willing to pay. I usually keep an eye out for deals on Conns by searching "rudy van gelder limited" on half.com and this brings up a lot of them.
  24. I used to have neighbors above me who would bring the party home after the bars closed at 2AM with the monotonous thumping bass of club music at club like volumes!!
  25. OK, I guess I'll answer my own question. The web site now indicates POPPIN' is temporarily out of stock. I got Boss Horn, True Blue, Curtis Fuller Vol 3, The Cooker, Up and Down, and Poppin' I didn't get Basra which I should have so I might as well get another 5 or so. I'm thinking about the Reuben Wilson, Freddie Roach, Lonnie Smith, Basra, and maybe some Ike Quebec Anyone with recs about these or others I'm overlooking that are a must?
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