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Everything posted by scottb

  1. I think the original Hummers are OK. They are so expensive that very few people have them and the taxes generated between the sales tax and taxes on gas probably outweigh the harm. There used to be one that would occasionally show up in the parking lot at work and I would think, "Oh God! What kind of commando wanna be, macho, nut case is driving this thing." Then I realized that 9 times out of 10 this thing was absolutely caked with mud and had obviously been used for its intended nonmilitary purposes. Maybe he's just mud-riding for fun but if that's his hobby then let him be. On the other hand, the Hummer 2 is a little too affordable and a little too common so that they have become quite a bother. Most of these are strictly used on-road by people who have no need for such a vehicle which I feel is inappropriate for many reasons including road wear, pollution, eye pollution (those things are UGLY), parking problems, poor visiblily while driving, drivers unable to control these oversized vehicles (ie stay in their own lanes!) The only change I would make to your proposal is to ditch "the game." There's already a little game going on over in Iraq. If you buy a Hummer, you should go to Irag and use it for its original military purposes. After a six week tour of duty you're free to have your Hummer in the states and drive it where ever you want.
  2. OK, a guitar shop in town had a couple of the Ibanez Artcore guitars in stock so I was able to play one for a little while. (Actually while I was there a guy who was obviously new to electrics and possibly to guitar in general, bought one.) My opinion is that it's not a great guitar but still a good buy at $325. The finish is nice and the overall look is good. Hardware etc seem to not be junk. It is similar in size to the Epiphone Joe pass Model which is a bit smaller than most archtops. It played OK and I'm not sure what a good set up job could do for it. There were no big flaws like buzzes or anything but it was just OK for me, Dog. Bottom line, if I were in the market for an archtop to tinker around with or on a tight budget, I would buy one but I wouldn't expect it to perform like a top of the line Gibson.
  3. I always liked Joe Pass' TUDO BEM. I enjoy Pass' playng on this one. It's a bit lighter than most of his work that I have. It seems HE was really enjoying it too. What do the guitarist on the board think of this one?
  4. Dr Scott's 10 step program for jazz CD addicts 1 obtain internet access 2 make sure you have a credit card which has not been maxed out by previous purchases 3 log on to Organissimo.com 4 realize you are in the wrong place and got over to Organissimo.org 5 read a few threads (especially the Mosaic thread, Recommendations, New releases) until your desire for a disc begins to cause that uneasy feeling of emptiness 6 comparison shop at Half.com, CDUniverse, Tower, cheapcds.com, deepdiscountcd.com 7 place your order 8 wait for the Mailman, Fedex, UPS with great anticipation 9 once the music arrives, listen to your purchase with great joy and experience the "high" you set out to achieve. 10 repeat above steps until step 2 cannot be satisfied. shopping for, collecting and listening to jazz is about as benign as an addiction gets. It is not a disease state and therefore does not need treatment, only satisfaction and should be satisfied as often as is financially responsible. Have a great day and enjoy your jazz
  5. I recently found 31 copies of Sasser on my home computer. I do very little surfing there beside checking email and this board. My virus protection runs weekly on Friday so all these worms appeared over several days. I knew something was up because my FIFA soccer game was really slow and the screen saver "flying through space" was more like "frozen in space."
  6. Im' glad SAXMAN came. I've had some great laughs over this guy. When the Organissimo board started I made a post about missing some the losers that used to show up a BNBB and everyone thought I was nuts. But come on, you've got to admit it kinda fun having an occasional delusional screwball show up and claim to be "setting the standard for saxaphonists everywhere!"
  7. Matt, is there a Borders in Tulsa? If they have deals like that and a good jazz section, I may need to make the trip. I'm right down the road in NW Arkansas. There is not too much here in way of music stores. Not even a decent place to get RVGs. I've been almost exclusively internet shopping since I've been here.
  8. scottb

    Home System

    Thanks, Kevin that was a very helpful link. Seems like everybody is more than pleased with this system and sound like you can get a refurb from Onkyo for about $100 less as well. Will that unit not support SACD? I'm not planning to go that route but you never know a few years down the road what will be required.
  9. See the thread about Singing and Playing the Blues. I think similar guidelines apply here. There is no such thing as a funky, soul jazz organ trio from HELSINKI! Not to be racist, but those are the three WHITEST guys I've ever seen and I'm not even sure weed can grow in that climate.
  10. Who can recommend which of those Methenys to pick up? Has anyone else been invited to join the "new" BMG? The offer is $7.99 per disc free shipping all the time. I think I do a little better than this with the current plan so I think I'll pass.
  11. Usually in bright light I don't notice any difference, but now that you mention it when I A/B left eye/ right eye, white things do have a slight purple hue here under the lights at the office.
  12. scottb

    Home System

    OK, Nobody with any comments? What's the deal...? 1. Never had any experience with Onkyo 2. Have experience with Onkyo but Momma said "If you can't say anything nice..." 3. Have experience with Onkyo but are afraid to admit it because I'm a self professed audiophile and have gold cables and don't buy any equiptment under $1000 4. I know all about Onkyo but I don't care to share my knowledge because I don't like you very much 5. other
  13. scottb

    Home System

    Several years back I bought an Onkyo 6 disc changer and have been satisfied with it. My plan was to get an Onkyo surround sound receiver next. Both were rated fairly high in their price range in some audio mag I read at the time. Several years later, and I still haven't upgraded the system. Is Onkyo still a good move? There's a 750watt home theater system in the Sunday Circuit City paper insert for $500, which is about what I 'd like to spend. There are simialr Yamaha systems available but to be honest, I've never been overly impressed with the Yamahas I've heard.
  14. You guys must be single. I don't require a sex record, a single song is usually enough. No Ordinary Love by SADE (skip to about minute 2 secondary to time constraints)
  15. Over the weekend I bought FUNK1 and FUNK2 at Walmart. No kidding! These disc are full of the great funk classics I grew up on. Superfreak, Funkytown, Lowrider, Word Up, Jungle Boogie, Sex Machine, You Dropped the Bomb On Me, Love Rollercoaster, Brick House, Car Wash... the list goes on, all the classics by the original artists all for the low ... This is starting to sound like a commercial. Anyway I'm actually enjoying it. Brings back a lot of memories.
  16. scottb

    Summer RVGs

    I don't think I've seen the dates of the next RVGs posted so for anyone who's making out the budget. (You can do it if you skip vacation! "Hey kids, how would you like to go bowling instead of taking that LONG, boring drive to that HOT, LAMO Disney joint?") JUNE 29 Inner Urge The Thing To Do Buhaina's Delight Breaking Point Dexter Calling Action JULY 13 Sixth Sense Doin' Alright Home Cookin' Black Fire Night of the Cookers Serenade to a Soul Sister AUGUST 10 Destination Out In 'n Out Tender Moments Free For All One Flight Up Blue Spirits P.S. Still No GIGOLO!! Apparently the only way for The Gigolo to be released as an RVG would be for me to rebuy the current release. I sold my previous copy in anticipation of the RVG!!
  17. I voted coke because this is what I usually say but a couple choices that were missing which you will here a lot in the DEEP south are COLD DRINK and SOFT DRINK.
  18. I hadn't actually pick a name yet but I'm pretty sure I'll go with something other than that.
  19. Deficiency? Ha! I laugh at you mere mortals!!! I've been endowed with the superpower of UV vision!!! Just like Peter Parker's spider bite and David Banner's radiation exposure lead to their power, so too did my paintball to the eye (ouch!) lead to my superpower of UV vision! I took a paintball to the globe several years back and developed a cataract. The lens implant I received does not filter UV light like a natural lens so I see black light (discos, Halloween, Spencer's Gifts) just like a purple neon light. Instead of that cool glow effect, all I see is purple light splashed all over the place. Only in one eye mind you so it's really annoying to be in the presence of a black light. I'm still waiting for this power to become of some service to mankind so I can take my rightful place beside Superman, Mighty Mouse and Hong Kong Phooey! (my wife doesn't buy the superpower bit either)
  20. My favorite would probably be The Sermon and Houseparty combo, mainly strengthened by contributions from Lee Morgan, Curtis Fuller and Tina Brooks. In the organ trio or trio + sax category I would say Back To The Chicken Shack. I just got Prayer Meetin' in the mail but early thoughts are that it's a good one too.
  21. I keep thinking about Jimmy's reported behavior as well. It doesn't bother me, I think it's hilarious and think Chappelle aught to do a skit about it but JS is probably not mainstream enough for people to get it.
  22. Ya mean ya didn't shoot nuthin'? What happened, your gun jam? I hate it when that happens! (I'm down here in the middle of "Sportsman's paradise" and usually a story like that ends in a killin'. I always find it humerous to hear hunters talk about the beauty of nature and especially the beauty of the animal they are about to kill. Take a picture for God's sake!!)
  23. I was a huge Beatles fan back in high school. really all I listened too for about 2 years. Didn't miss much from pop music at the time (1986-1988.) The worst - THE LONG AND WHINING BORE Favorite - impossible to say but THINK FOR YOUSELF is up there.
  24. By the way Eric, where can I find some of this "stupid money?" I only know about the stupid work that leads to good money. But if I could find some, I'm sure this stupid money would be just as good.
  25. This thread is only about 5 hours old! How have you already picked up five of these titles. (I need this kind of service)
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