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Everything posted by scottb

  1. Attention Greazy Texans, Righteous Buddha will be in Austin again at the Flamingo Cantina on September 18th. Check them out!
  2. Everybody's down on carbs these days. It's all over the news. Anyone have any weight loss stories? Here's mine. About a month ago I stepped on the scale at work, which I did about weekly, and hit an all time high. Grant it that I was fully clothed and it was after lunch but I had no business weighing that much (about 30 lbs above my high school weight) I had been in denial about my pants and even my suit coats getting a bit snug (you know how washing makes them shrink, right?) I even ignored the changing of my belt "settings." But seeing that number on the scale was more than I could ignore. The next visit to the grocery store I decided to get some Special K cereal to replace my POP TARTS in the morning. A modest step in the right direction. On the box a claim to lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks with "The Special K diet" Basically eat Special K for 2 meals and eat your regular meal for the third. The Vanilla and Almond flavor is really pretty good. (Interestingly, Special K presents themselves as a diet cereal when actually it has as many calories as Fruity Pebbles, Frosted Flakes and Sugar Smacks. The difference for me is that it somehow fills me up better than those others.) I had never dieted before. My attempts at weight loss were vague statements about "watching what I eat." In reality, very little change. But with the structure of this diet, I began to cut out all the snacking and desserts. If I was going to eat only cereal twice a day, I wasn't going to blow it by eating crap in between. In 2 weeks I lost ten pounds! I'm now down 15 pounds and have put on muscle as a result of a 10 minute exercise regimen I do 3-4 times a week. (a few situps, pushups, dips, curls thats it.) Could've lost more but I usually don't follow the diet on weekends or when I have to work nights, which is about once a week and one weekend a month. I feel better, my clothes fit better, I think I look better too.
  3. Here's my story... I had regular visits to the dentist until I moved after college. Went about 5-6 years and then saw one because of some tooth pain which ended up not being much. Moved again and again and again and never got a new dentist. Which brings us to the present, about 7 years since my last visit. Have had no problems but have been considering going for cleaning and to get whitened a bit. My wife actually called Friday to schedule for me but the dentist was golfing... Saturday my back lower molar crumbles while eat cereal. (Special K if you must know - Vanilla and Almond flavor.) No pain luckily. Saw a dentist and now I'm looking at a root canal and a cap and $1500 could've bought a lot of RVGs! I'm also a little nervous because the dentist was only interested in the broken tooth so who knows what other problems are present. I go back to him again next week for a more comprehensive look, with the root canal scheduled the day after. The bright spot is I'm bringing my headphones and plan to have a couple hours of uninterupted jazz listening!
  4. I suggest, as I always do, to buff out the scratches with toothpaste. It works!
  5. My saga continues. I received the correct disc for my order and since they were charging me for the incorrect discs I sent them back. Over the weekend I got a credit indicating they received them back BUT NOW it seems they have mailed a duplicate of the correct order and I have been charged for them again!!
  6. "Cocaine is a helluva drug." - Rick James
  7. This is a guitar site that has lots of jazz charts. Guitar Masters
  8. With Brian McBride not likely to play much and even Bocanegra's starting status in question, I may lose interest in Fulham this year even though I think their prospects are good. So I may need another team to follow. I of course watch Man U and Chelsea and Arsenal and Liverpool because so many of their games are televised, but I like to pick a middle of the pack team that I can follow and hope to see rise into the upper ranks without the big dollars (pounds, EUROs, or whatever you guys are using these days) SO SELL ME YOUR TEAM! Who should I pull for? (I'm thinking about Middlesbrough - I like JFH and would like to see Chelsea regret that sale, I like Viduka, I like Medietta so they are my early pick)
  9. Yeah, the announcers were praising him for his good play just prior to that, making them look almost as foolish as he did!
  10. I hope Tim Howard is getting all his bad luck out of system before the Premier League starts. Did anyone else watch the ManU Milan match? How heartbreaking was that for Howard? Give up a goal in the 90th minute on a questionable free kick. (not really his fault.) Have three shots against him in the shootout go off the woodwork and IN including one that he blocked off the post which rebounding hitting HIM and then finding the net. And to top it off he misses the last penalty off the woodwork to lose the shootout. Talk about a bad day! Tomorrow, Chelsea and Milan, should be a good one.
  11. I admired his effort, certainly not his technique or effectiveness. He definitely got the worst of that little incident.
  12. OK, I take it back, Chelsea may win everything! FA cup, the League, Champions League you name it. They looked good again last night against Roma. 3-0, could've been more. They seem to be playing very well as a unit with some great teamwork in front of goal despite all the new faces. I liked to see Ketzman (sp) step up for his teammate. That was an ugly foul.
  13. Let's see... $9.3 million divided by a gazillion Paypal users... comes to .. oh, I don't know, a couple of cents. By the way they won't send a check for an amount less than a dollar. And they take a dollar from you for procssing if by some mathematical error your amount is more than a dollar (likely something in the neighborhood of $1.02, $1.03.) Thank God for those hard working lawyers that are really looking out for the little guy! I'm sure they feel so self fulfilled that they will turn the down the well deserved THREE MILLION DOLLARS!!!!! 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
  14. I'm getting excited about the EPL as well. I think Middlesbrough may be one the teams to watch. JFH is a good addition to a solid team. My adopted team, Fulham, has picked up some good strikers. Bad news for McBride I guess. I think they could definitely make some noise. I have a feeling Chelsea may be disappointed again this year. They look so good on paper (and against Celtic) but a new coach and WAY too many transfers in and out.
  15. Up because I can't believe nobody wants Dial S For Sonny.
  16. I'm taking Kevin's word as gospel truth. Only been wrong once ("Remember THE GIGOLO") I'm a sucker for upgrades but I can't resist! I've got these to trade for similar titles. (Conn for Conn, others for RVGs or McMasters) Sonny Clark DIAL S FOR SONNY (CONN) ***SOLD*** Tina Brooks TRUE BLUE (Spainsh Blue Note) Art Blakey A NIGHT IN TUNISIA My wants: Conns - FIRST SESSION, JACKNIFE, A SLICE OF THE TOP, SUNNY SIDE UP, MAN WITH A HORN, THE FLIP Others - CORNBREAD, CARAMBA, CRAZY BABY, LEAPIN' AND LOPIN', THE BIG BEAT, any RVG I don't have Or make an offer (cash offers considered) Thanks.
  17. I play some guitar and a lot of my early jazz exposure was "guitar jazz." To this day I consider jazz and guitar jazz two separate entities. Maybe because I favor hardbop. Art Blakey with Lee, Wayne and Curtis is hard to beat in my book. Guitar is not so common in hardbop groups and when Grant Green and others make an occasional appearence it always suprises me. I think it works but it seems it just wasn't done a lot. Solo Joe Pass or duos like Pass and Herb Ellis or even recent duos like Joe Beck and Jimmy Bruno more typify what I consider Guitar Jazz. Having said that, I'm also a big fan of organ trios and soul jazz where guitar is prominent. So I guess what I'm saying is it depends a lot on the style of jazz being played.
  18. James and Wes is from THE DYNAMIC DUO.
  19. Components, The Empty Foxhole and Understanding are available on Half.com. Prices vary but available.
  20. My account info shows that the correct discs were shipped yesterday but my balance due is still showing the faulty shipment as well. At $27 each, I ain't paying for them! I guess they'll take it off my account when they receive them back. I'm going to wait until I get the right ones before I send them back to see if I need to keep my free disc coupons.
  21. Been trying to cut down lately, but previously required a caffeinated beverage at bedtime to be able to sleep. Granted I drink colas and not coffee but usually the warmth of a late night cup of coffee puts me right to sleep.
  22. Up for some follow up from Eric on some of these recs.
  23. Well, as a follow up to my phone offer... They screwed up the shipment and sent me TENOR MADNESS and THE QUINTET LIVE AT MASSEY HALL SACD hybrids for $27 bucks apiece! I had ordered NEWKS TIME and ROCKIN' THE BOAT. THis is my first screw up with them in a long time.
  24. Big Al, Big Al , Big Al, (imagine me shaking my head in disappointment) I thought you corrected that little Chicken Shack deficiency a while back. What are we are going with you?
  25. Big Al, Do it. All your friends have one. You'll be so cool if you get a copy. Everyone will like you. Really, this was my first John Patton and still one of my favorites. George Braith makes this thing deep fried in greaze!
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