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Everything posted by scottb

  1. I remember when this one first aired I was upset that I had missed the first 3 or 4 shows. When I tuned in and they were still talking about Louis I knew it wasn't the show I was looking for and changed the channel and have never seen it to this day.
  2. Exactly what should I take prior to viewing this?
  3. Well, I've got my system up and runnig. Out of the box, this system sounds extremely thin. I replaced the two front speakers with my old Marantz 3 ways and this has helped. For movies, the system has pretty good sound somehow. Not room shaking volume but decent quality. For music or TV it's unlistenable. I switch to the TV speakers for TV and will be listening to music elsewhere.
  4. that's so accurate it scares me! Thanks for posting that for me.
  5. no wrong scott I'm scottwb
  6. mines there too under scottwb (I can't figure out how to save these things either)
  7. Look at his face! He knows exactly what he's doing! He's thinking "Hey Queenie, I got your King right here."
  8. I just noticed that there are pecans in that cookie recipe. Santa's cookies may be a bit different this year at our house!
  9. I would think that I am the RVG poster boy. I had quite a few Blue Notes prior to the series but now I have nearly all the RVGs. I have upgraded every title possible and have bought discs that I knew I wouldn't like, simply because they were in the series. I got into jazz just a few years ago and so many good titles haven't been in print during that time. I know a lot of people here want to see unreleased Andrew Hill or Grachan Moncur III but it would seem this series would be focusing on more popular titles by more well known artists. It would be a shame for the series to end (God forbid something happen to Rudy or Blue Note go belly up (thanks Norah for making that a less likely)) and there be no remastering of BACK TO THE CHICKEN SHACK or THE GIGOLO or THE CONGREGATION. Anyway, a few I would like to see. Hank Mobley REACH OUT, SLICE OF THE TOP, any of those early ones that are on the Mosaic Lee Morgan GIGOLO, GIGOLO, GIGOLO (I thought the idea was to upgrade the sound on the essential Blue Note catalogue. If GIGOLO is selling well, it seems to fit the bill) Also CORNBREAD would be nice Kenny Drew UNDERCURRENTS Jimmy Smith BACK TO THE CHICKEN SHACK, MIDNIGHT SPECIAL, CRAZY BABY (see comment about GIGOLO) Art Blakey THE BIG BEAT Johnny Griffin THE CONGREGATION Grant Green STREET Of DREAMS Kenny Burrell - Isn't there anything out there worthy of RVG other than MIDNIGHT BLUE? John Patton - Isn't there anything out there worthy of RVG? How about Dizzy Reece (I know there's a Select,) Freddie Roach, Booker Erwin, Horace Parlan, Duke Pearson, Curtis Fuller? Instead of yet another Jackie McLean and Horace Silver. Thank God (and Michael Cuscuna) we're finally getting TRUE BLUE and BASRA!!! That's just one man's opinion!
  10. I could easily see onion in a pumpkin pie. To me, pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie taste very similar and I'm often asking which one I'm eating. (eat first ask later, that's what I always say) If I suggested onion with sweet potatos, no one would bat an eye so why not pumpkin. Might I suggest pecans being involved. Like my dad always says "Pecans (that's PA-CONs not PEE CANs you damn yankees ) would taste good on a cow chip."
  11. I've dropped hints about the Reece Select and the Randy Weston Select. For some reason no one likes to order online in my family (except me.) I think everyones paranoid about ID theft. I've gotten Selects as gifts before but usally have to order them myself then they are "given" to me by my family.
  12. I remember my sisters were pissed that I wasted my choice on that instead of a compilation.
  13. Is it just me or does this guy look like a wolf-man?
  14. Back in 1980 I bought an 8 track of Lipps Inc. based on the strength of Funkytown. Overall, I guess I was disappointed.
  15. Thanks for the intervention Jim. I awoke this morning and said "Oh my God, what did I type last night?" Luckily, nothing offensive or too embarassing. I was truly in a zone, walking that fine line of exhaustion and mania I feel much better now after a few hours sleep. I just had a thought that maybe I should try some creative writing or even guitar playing in that state. I wonder what it might produce.
  16. I have my Pralines and Egg nog ( not usually together ) By the way, these are PACON PRAW-LEENS not PEE-CAN PRAY-LEENS as the recipe comes from NAWLINS not NEW OR-LEENS Actually the way I say New Orleans cannot accurrately be represented by our alphabet. I'm from south Louisiana but not from New Orleans and not a Cajun, Creole, Coon Ass or Yat. Although most people are suprised by my lack of an accent (aside from the slow rate of speech characteristic of the deep south (no, I didn't say I have a drawl, I just pace myself.) we do have our own way of saying New Orleans. This pronunciation is generally excepted as correct, even in N.O. (unlike NEW ORLEENS or NEW OR LEE ANS) but is different from the pronunciation of the N.O. native out of respect. Nobody can say Nawlin's like a native and to attempt it only makes you look foolish. In summary: NEW OR-LEENS Webster NEW OR-LEE-ANS Yankee NWAW-LINS South Louisiana (non New Orleans) NAH-LINS N.O. native (please do not attempt to even read this one aloud. Just imagine what it might sound like.)
  17. Sorry for the parentheses. I have a condition which worsens this late at night. Interestingly enough, I tend to speak in a simialr fashion with tons of asides. I've never really heard any negative feedback on this and it seems most find it a bit amusing as many of my asides are of a humorous nature. I imagine it could get annoying. Did I also mention I tend to ramble on when I'm tired? Anyway I gotta go get some sleep.
  18. I've just entered the world of DVD. (better late than never) My first DVD was PALE RIDER (I'm a big Eastwood western fan (Unforgiven is one of my all-time favorites)) Picked it up for $5.99 (really can't ever see me paying full price for a DVD) At first I was a little disappointed because all I was getting was the version modified for TV. It took a little while but I finally discovered the Wide screen version was on the reverse side. WHAT??!! THE REVERSE SIDE?? How can this be? And if it be, How come it don't be on music CDs?
  19. I just noticed Africa's avitar. That is awesome!
  20. I guess I've missed that one so far. Yeah, Mayer can play. I was shocked when I heard him play some real blues instead of that pop crap he sings.
  21. I saw Buddy Guy a few years back before I was such a B3 fan. (Sorry, it took a while to warm up to) He had this huge guy (300+ pounds) that was playing a B3 wildly at times like I'd never seen. That might have been the first B3 playing I really enjoyed. Cray, Clapton, Guy, Vaughan, others. Sounds like either the Tribute to SRV in which case you should see Bonnie Raitt, BB King, Dr John OR the Albert Hall shindig Clapton had a few years back in which case you'll see Albert Collins.
  22. For the past few years I've been making our Christmas cards. Tonight I completed this year's design and thought about sharing it with all of you. Not to show off my abilities on Paint (you will see what I mean) but to genuinely share a wish of good tidings for the season. So God bless and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  23. Actually it didn't seem even as heay as forty pounds!
  24. I figured the FREE system wouldn't be the greatest but still was suprised at the low output. It is the KS5190 Looks like the subwoofer takes 190W and each of the six surround speakers 135W
  25. I got a FREE home theater system (DVD with surround sound speakers) when I bought my new TV. It's a 1000 watt system by KOSS. I would never have bought this brand but like I said it was FREE. My problem is that the output sure seems low for a 1000 watt system. Can't really rattle the roof like I'd like. Is this just a crappy system or do I have problem? My theory is that the sub woofer is not a powered subwoofer and as such sucks a lot of power from the rest of the system. Does that sound reasonable and could it account for the low output?
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