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Everything posted by scottb

  1. If anyone is interested in the Koa strat, I bought a Koa body and loaded it with neck, pickups and hardware from a 1996 USA Standard Strat with very good results that I'm actully trying to sell. I'm asking less than $700 price tag on the Korean model. I'm pretty sure I posted pictures of it earlier in this thread.
  2. Well I was up until about 2 am last night putting in a three prong power cord. The internet never ceases to amaze me. There was actually a website devoted to that model Kalamazoo amp and a section on modifications which walked me right through. Any volunteers to check and see if this fixed the problem?
  3. Does that vintage amp have three or two prongs? If only two, I would take it to a tech and have that baby grounded. Ungrounded amps can kill. Only two. I was thinking that may be the problem.
  4. When I record myself playing amplified harmonica, I am playing through a Shure Green Bullet into a Kalamazoo Model 2 amp which is in turn mic'd with a Shure SM 57 running through a Sonus TUBEPre preamp into my soundcard. If I reachdown to reposition the SM 57 with the green bullet in my hand... Yeeeoow!!! I get shocked? Is this a known hazard or does it indicate something wrong with my system such as something not grounded well?
  5. has become one of my favorite current blues harp players.
  6. Did you get yours yet? I still haven't received my disc from last month! I have cancelled my membership and now I can't log on to access the customer service department.
  7. Still no disc shipped 4-23-07!
  8. In my list of complaints I forgot to mention I haven't been able to log in from the pat month or so and now today 6 titles off my queue my not be available any longer.
  9. Yeah, I think the whole system is breaking down. Fewer new titles, broken jewel cases, slow shipping, increased prices. My ship date is the 15th but my last couple discs have been shipped on the 23rd or so. I'm still waiting for April's shipment. Now that the disc are $6.99, I have joined BMG again at 12 for 1 which should be cheaper so I guess I'm back to that scene. I guess all good things must pass.
  10. I initially recommended the box set and still would for someone looking to start exploring Buddy. It's a good representation of a long and varied career. I really dig Hoodoo Man Blues and I think A Man and the Blues is great early Buddy Guy but I think the record that best represents Buddy at his peak is Stone Crazy. When I was younger and more into blues rock, I didn't really care for it too much. Fifteen years later, my tastes have evolved Stone Crazy is my favorite record of his. That is raw Buddy Guy and the closest I've heard him on record to the two times I've seen him live.
  11. That Buddy Guy box set is a good starting point. It has a good sampling from different phases of his career. I was looking at it today and contemplating getting it just for the DVD. As for Gatemouth, I really enjoy his early Peacock recordings and there is (was) a release on Rounder Records entitled THE ORIGINAL PEACOCK RECORDINGS which I enjoy alot. Very TBone. As for his later stuff, STANDIN' MY GROUND on Alligator Records is the one I always grab. It's Gate at his prime doing the fiddle thing, impersonating female voices and well... being Gate. A good place to start exploring the blues are the Chess 50th anniversary series. Most are entitled HIS BEST except for Buddy Guy's which is called BUDDY"S BLUES. I have the Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf, Little Walter, Sonny Boy Williamson, Buddy Guy, Bo Diddley, and John Lee Hooker from this series and they are all great! The Hooker is the only one I wouldn't replace if lost.
  12. The FUNK is a substance man!
  13. I am using a Shure SM57 through a PreSonus TubePre preamp into my soundcard to mic my Peavey Classic 50 guitar amp (the one with 4 10s.) I am getting much better sound recorded than my previous setup but what I record sounds much "flatter" than what I'm hearing live. This setup seems to remove almost all reverb from the amp. Can this be addressed with mic placement or should I just crank up the reverb until it comes through or am I going to have send the signal through a processor? I would, of course, like to be able to record what I'm hearing with the least modifications.
  14. Here's my latest project. I started with a Jay Turser thinline copy on ebay for $100 plus shipping. (The pickups were absolutely worthless! and it was sporting a see through tinted pickguard which was hideous) I cut a pickguard from a tortoise shell / mint / black / mint blank, routed the body for humbuckers, replaced the neck with a Squier tele neck I had which feels quite good for a cheap neck, upgraded to Kluson style tuners, replaced the pickups with GFS Dream 90s. The Dream 90s don't come in tortoise shell so I opened up a set of black ones and inserted some tortoise shell of my own!
  15. What's up with that movie? A rock opera western? Acid is a helluva drug!
  16. "The Great Kubuki"
  17. Maybe it will pick up with the new RVG coming out early Feb. I'm about to place my order right now.
  18. Why not sell some of that live stuff to help finance the next project? Or you could include a live disc in a donation package to sweeten the deal. Example : $50 gets you a signed copy of the new disc, a lock of Randissimo's hair, and an exclusive, rare, special edition copy of Organissimo, Live at Baker's Keyboard Lounge. (I'm pretty good at this marketing stuff don't you think? )
  19. How about a little bootleg action? Maybe you guys could hook me up with some live cuts. (I said me because I don't care about these other cats, I need me some Organissimo! and I'm willing to pay for it!)
  20. I am trying to wait patiently for the next Organissimo release... but it ain't easy!! I'm Jonesin' for some new greaze!! It's been a year and a half since THIS IS THE PLACE. There have been rumors and hints of live recordings and Christmas discs but so far... I wait. I've got a pocket full of dollars I'm willing to drop on anything you guys put out. I'd even pony up an advance if you're strapped for studio dough. Don't make me come up there and apply some of my strong-arm managerial tactics on you boys to get something going! What's the skinny? Clue me in. Anything cookin'?
  21. I hope so. I have been really enjoying that disc lately.
  22. The Walton Arts Center has done it again! They've booked another quality jazz musician to an area which is not worthy (size wise at least.) He'll be here Jan 20th. The result is I get to see someone like Pat Martino in an intimate setting (he's playing one the smaller theaters there at the WAC. I'll be at a table 10 feet from him) for a good price (around $30) and WalMart floats the rest of the bill. Just a heads up to anyone close. Let me know if you're coming.
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