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Everything posted by scottb

  1. Some are yellow...others purple....like the Pepper & Miles ones that he and Sjarrell are iso. Riverside=red Prestige=purple Contemporary=yellow Green = Fantasy Actually, Fantasy=blue (at least in my collection, e.g., Brubeck--Jazz at Oberlin, Guaraldi--Jazz Impressions of Black Orpheus) Jazzland=orange Pablo=lighter (than Contemporary) yellow Now that we've cracked the color code, are you sure you really wanna get rid of 'em? I was going from memory of my Jazz at Oberlin and I thought the sleeve matched the green cover. Obviously my memory has let me down. Damn it I am getting old!
  2. Some are yellow...others purple....like the Pepper & Miles ones that he and Sjarrell are iso. Riverside=red Prestige=purple Contemporary=yellow Green = Fantasy
  3. up with changes
  4. I do keep them but that's not as important as the insert.
  5. A very nice gesture and I wish to God that would fix the problem. However, my OCD runs a little deeper than that. Without the packaging it just wouldn't "count." Thanks anyway.
  6. It's not letting me PM you. PM me your email.
  7. I know it doesn't make any sense. But it drives me crazy to not have these four titles in the same format. I had decided just to sell the K2s and get the Legendary Prestige Quintet box set but now I will see if I can get the Cookin disc from Claude.
  8. Prices include shipping to cont. US K2s Bags Meets Wes $9 Sonny Rollins The Sound of Sonny $9 SOLD Sonny Rollins Worktime $9 Art Pepper Smack Up $8 SOLD Mulligan Meets Monk $8 SOLD others Bluesnik - Jackie McLean (not reissue) $5 The Birdlanders Vol 1 $7 The Birdlanders Vol 2 $7 Hope Meets Foster $6 SOLD
  9. That is exactly what I did, and exactly what happened. I paid about 6 bucks for copy and it was the original version, not the remaster. I looked on half.com and that is too confusing as well because under the description they list details about the K2, the RVG, the gold disc and several other versions. They also have the title as Cookin' at the Plugged Nickel but have the image of the Cookin' disc so there is no telling what you would get. That's why I'm looking here. Because people here know what a K2 of Cookin' is and if they say they have it, they have it. Yes, that is what I would do. HERE is a link. The main problem with amazon marketplace is that the bigger sellers often don't take time to ensure that they have their listing in the right place. gohastings is one of the worst in this regard. I would avoid them. And no matter which seller you choose, it is worth it to contact them after you order to explain exactly which issue you want, point out that they have their CD listed as the K2, and ask for a refund if it is not that issue.
  10. Up because I still want a copy of Cookin' K2. When I ordered it from Concord they eventually sent a message saying it was no longer available.
  11. up with changes
  12. The Hastings by my house has John Coltrane Fearless Leader and the Sideman box for $19.99 each. 6 discs in the leader box and 5 in the sideman box, great price. Both with nice sound, nice book and packaging. So check your Hastings! Lots of single discs are suddenly $5.99 as well. Looks like they are clearing inventory. With tax, paypal fees and shipping I could probably ship it to anyone who wants it for $30.
  13. With the RVGs out I no longer need these. I thought some Conn collectors might be interested. I don't know if anyone is collecting the Spanish Blue Note series but otherwise its been RVG'd too. Prices include shipping to Cont US Baby Face Willette - Stop and Listen - Conn $10 SOLD Paul Chambers Quintet - Conn $10 Horace Parlan - Up and Down - Spain $6 SOLD also non RVGs Jackie McLean - Bluesnik $5 Grant Green - Grant's First Stand $5 SOLD added Tenor Conclave (BMG disc) $5 Coltrane - Traneing In K2 $7 Coltrane - Coltrane Prestige 7105 K2 $7 Coltrane - Fearless Leader box (6 discs) $30 Cotlrane - Interplay box (5 discs) $30
  14. Instead of a baritone, have you considered an alto? Joe Beck used to have a signature alto guitar built by Cort. Not sure they still make it. Same scale length as his signature guitar (24 3/4 I think) but strung with 2 bass strings A to A. He used it on the duo album POLARITY with Jimmy Bruno. Sounded great, at least in his hands.
  15. Here's a few of the pickguards I've been working on.
  16. Here's my thinline.
  17. there used to be a picture on post 861 of this thread but is looks like it has disappeared. Don't know how or why that happened
  18. I can make you a custom pickguard if you'd like. I cut a tortois shell for my thinline and it looks sweet. I'll post a picture when I get home to my computer.
  19. Hey guys, Long time no see... or chat... or whatever. (Hope that doesn't make this spam) I have developed a way to print images onto pickguards. Actually, I print them then cut the pickguard. I can make a pickguard with any image you desire. Some other people do this but they charge $80 and they are apparently applying their images on the back of clear acrylic. My images are printed INTO the plastic for a durable image on pickguard that looks and feels like a real pickguard. I can do it in the $30 to $40 reange. I thinks its a good way to customize / personalize your guitar which is ealtively cheap and reversible. Attached is a picture of a pickguard with Santana's ABRAXAS artwork on it. If anyone is interested let me know.
  20. There's a sale at Musicians Friend on MXL mics. Any of these worth having. Most reviews are good. Prices seem very good. Any advice on which would be the best one get?
  21. Boy do I feel stupid! It was as easy as going to the website and ordering it. Who would of thought of that? I had tried that in the past to order from Concord but when I got to the checkout it would tell me it was no longer in stock. Because of the RVG version, I thought it probably wouldn't be restocked but it was there this time. Thanks guys.
  22. Anyone looking to get rid of their K2 of this title? I'd prefer it over the RVG. Have I waited too long to find this?
  23. Here's my latest project. I put together a guitar for a guy at work (it seems everyone at work plays guitar.) It is patterned after the Tom Delonge strats including the Invader pickup which is ridiculously hot. (16K) This was a challenge for me because other than the hardtail bridge, it is the antithesis of what I want in a strat. But like they say, the customer is always right!
  24. The picture is on page 56 post number 831. The picture doesn't do the finish justice, it's beautiful.
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