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Everything posted by Д.Д.

  1. I listened to it on Spotify, thanks for heads-up. I found the guitar, brass and electronics contributions totally unnecessary.
  2. Clifford, which albums would you recommend?
  3. Sorry to hear this, I've enjoyed his music a lot.
  4. There is a short documentary filmed in 2012 about Aldo Sinesio (shortly before his death in 2013) on youtube. Looks like he had a lot of sealed Horo LPs still...
  5. "Triangle" is one of the best piano trio albums ever, IMHO. "Bluesine" is excellent stuff too.
  6. Yeah, it's a good one, even if Vinkeloe is the least interesting player here. Phillips and Uuskyla are phenomenal on this one.
  7. Been listening to Biggi Vinkeloe lately, she is such a clever player. https://peeteruuskyla.bandcamp.com/album/the-forgotten-song And this one too: https://biggivinkeloe.bandcamp.com/album/maghzen-2
  8. It's a 2023 excellent-sounding Melodiya reissue (digital only), available on Spotify: I've now listened to it all, stupendous performances.
  9. Listened to the early sonatas only so far, very impressed. Punchy performances. Very precise.
  10. Michael Cameron bassist with Guillermo Gregorio and Michael Cameron percussionist with George Benson. Steve Jordan guitarist with with Ruby Braff and Steve Jordan drummer with Don Pullen. Michael Moore bassist and Michael Moore clarinetist / altoist. My favorite is Clark Terry / Terry Clarke.
  11. Eric Stokes on New World What an excellent composer!
  12. Well, apparently Oistrach said to Vishnevskaya and Rostropovich that unlike them "he is not a fighter". He lived through great terror of 1937-38 expecting to be arrested any night (most of the tenants in his apartment building eventually were), and this traumatized him deeply (same goes for Shostakovich who was sleeping on a camp cot right next to the entrance to his apartment so that if "they" came to arrest him in the night his pregnant wife and young daughter would not be woken up). Oistrach made a point of continuing playing Weinberg's Moldavian Rhapsody after his friend Weinberg was arrested in 1952. If not an act of active resistance, this was a principled (and potentially dangerous) stand.
  13. Well, Ancerl could not have been a purely political communist party appointee, right? He defected to Canada after 1968 Prague spring after all... Coincidentally, I just listened to Ancerl / CPO Shostakovich Symphony 10 yesterday - the energy and precision (and speed!) are just scary. Is this the greatest recorded version of this work or what?! And I don't even like Shostakovich...
  14. Сome on, please... He was absolutely not known in Russia before he left. He started studying in Kyiv conservatory in 1918 (at the age of 15) and he left Russia (Ukraine Republic, to be exact, it was not absorbed into USSR yet) in 1919 arriving in the US in 1921 at the age of 18.
  15. He was not, he left Russia still a teenager. He was Dyagilev's protege in Paris (where he spent some time already after having settled in the US), if this is what you mean by "Russia". Dyagilev commissioned a ballet to Duke (Vladimir Dukelsky then) in 1920s. It was not successful for whatever reason - it is really good: Prokofiev - who was in Paris at the time as well - was apparently very supportive and complimentary of the music (maybe because it sounded a lot like his own). They considered each other friends and maintained correspondence for many years afterwards when Prokofiev already returned to the USSR (in one letter Prokofiev called Dukelsky a prostitute for writing popular music for money. Jealousy, I guess). Dukelsky met Stravinsky in Paris as well, but I have not read anything specific about their relationship or about Stravinsky's opinion of Dukelsky's music. Dukelsky was a really skilled composer, and what (little) I heard of Gershwin is not anywhere near when it comes to "serious music" (apologies for the unfortunate term). Back to Gershwin - it was apparently he who advised Dukelsky to change his name in the US.
  16. Yeah, van Asperen recorded four CDs of Louis Couperin music for Aeolus. I have Vol. 1, it's excellent (thank to mikeweil's recommendation). All four can be obtained as a bundle direct from the label: https://www.aeolus-music.com/Alle-Tontraeger/Bundles/AE80013-Louis-Couperin-Complete-works-for-harpsichord
  17. I know what you mean (well, after I checked what agogics is). The flow is sometimes disjointed. Also, the tempo choices are somewhat eccentric. I still find it a very satisfying listen. I don't like Staier that much (have not heard his Goldbergs though), seemed a bit bland to me. Haven't listened to him for ages. I love Dantone's expansive Handel: Will check his Bach out. Gugliemi I don't know. I thought he was a piano player.
  18. Oh man, let me check... It's 85 minutes, the instrument is a 1988 Anthony Sidey, copy of the Ruckers-Hemsch Blandine Verlet playing Francois Couperin is excellent as well. A very deep sounding instrument too.
  19. Goldberg Variations by Blandine Rannou:
  20. That Sempe Scarlatti album is scary! Such precision and speed. I love this Francois Couperin recording by Violaine Cochard:
  21. A new Japanese CD (UHQCD, to be exact) series, 40 items so far. I am not into chasing new remasters, so I got Larry Young's "Unity" only - and have to say it sounds just excellent, more neat than the RVG. https://store.universal-music.co.jp/feature/bluenote85th/?perpage=72 https://www.discogs.com/label/3561133-ブルーノート85
  22. Well, life expectancy in Australia has got to be very different if death of 80- and 85-year-old males is unbelievable and shocking. Meanwhile, Vortex in London is organizing a tribute concert: https://www.vortexjazz.co.uk/event/a-tribute-to-martin-davidson/
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