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Everything posted by rachel

  1. The rules were changed a couple of years ago. An artist now must release at least 1 but not more than 3. There ya go.
  2. She was so young -- I hate to hear that skin cancer was the cause. May she rest in peace.
  3. ...depends on who you're rooting for. Great game!
  4. Not such a big surprise as Invesco field has been a house of horrors throughout Tom Brady's career. Still, that was all under Mike Shanahan. Game was close. Pats stop the Bronco offense at the end of the fourth quarter to force overtime. Then they win the coin toss, and the offense has another chance. Overtime in the NFL is a casino crapshoot. ...and the Pats' defense had 4 more chances to stop 'em.
  5. We get attacked by an affectionate female lab! ... and she is somewhere in her house right now, "getting that ball..." Sweet baby.
  6. Ellen Degeneres knows probably as much about singing as Paula Abdul does, so there you go. Now if you're talking about pitch correction and lip synching, then yeah Paula has her beat there.
  7. That's why I'm here! To see WTF Chuck said yesterday!
  8. Don't let 'em get you down. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie hopefully this week with my brother and niece.
  9. ... and you swing, sir!! (I'm responding in such an untimely manner to your comment to me from last year since I just *now* saw it! I need to pay more attention to my profile page!!

  10. Happy Birthday Lon! Hope you feel better soon.
  11. ok... back to lurk mode.
  12. I'm envious! Glad you had the chance to get out West, but welcome back! You were missed.
  13. A belated Happy Birthday to you, Barak! Hope you had a wonderful day filled with love and laughter with your beautiful family!
  14. Happy Birthday to one funny guy who is a great person with a big heart.
  15. Esperanza!
  16. Happy Birthday Peter! Hope you have a wonderful week-end of celebrating.
  17. We miss you here, Rachel! (even with Joe downstairs practicing as I type this ) Peter: It would have been nice to see you and Laura, too. I'm sure I'll be in the Philly area at some point--heck I have family there! I hope you have fun at the show!! Thanks, Ron! You and Leslie are the consummate hosts. I treasure the time we spent with your family a few years ago. I miss that sweet baby Zoe!! I bet she's fetching a ball as I write this.
  18. My brother, niece, and nephew are going. Reservations are all set.
  19. Happy Birthday Bill!!
  20. I saw it twice and will probably see a third time. Loved all of the characters and the references to the TV show. I like when Bones first encounters Spock. "I don't know who he is... but I like him!!" I could overlook the implausibility of this or that. Seriously.... we're debating how physics doesn't support parachuting from outer space but it makes sense to be beamed everywhere? As far as the inconsistencies with The Enterprise already being in service when Kirk takes command ( the TV series), remember this is now an alternate reality because of the time travel so anything is plausible. The scene on Delta Vega with the monster/creature was kind of throw away, for me. It did make me chuckle a bit, however, because it was J. J. Abrams' wink/nod homage to his series "Lost". Saw it at IMAX also, and when young boy Kirk almost drove the Corvette over the canyon, I seriously thought I was falling out of my seat and over the canyon wall. Loved that scene.
  21. My favorite Van Gundy moment:
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