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Everything posted by fent99

  1. I might be losing my mind but... Was there a European release of Live Joe amongst others from a festival/radio station. Can't find anything here and Joe is mentioned too often for my skills in searching. It must have been here I was reading about it. c
  2. Some great stuff here. Couple of thoughts from the UK. Most buyers seem to be from the UK for my UK listings but I like to have them end in the early evening which gives US buyers a lunchtime option for the last second bids. Harder to do that for US auctions. Definitely better to have things end at weekends but I'd include Friday nights as a weekend time... Anyone recommend a good sniping tool? Never used one to buy anything.
  3. Bit late here too but hope you had a great day. Take care c
  4. Not sure if it fits the bill but its certainly americana-y One of my recent faves is The Low Anthem - Charlie Darwin. Excellent and though it veers off into Tom Waits Beefheart for a couple of tracks the title tract is Brilliant Some tracks here http://www.daytrotter.com/ great site to provide a wee taste of these things and a lot (an awful lot) of stuff on here much of it with an americana flavor. Other folks on daytrotter with recentsessions to try are Bonnie Prince Billy and Richard Buckner
  5. How is his work? I like Pieranunzi but don't know this era other than on the Haden. I've seen him live a couple of times and greatly enjoyed. Like the recent sets on Cam Jazz (esp Live in Japan) anyone know any of these?
  6. Have we got a troll here? I'm in the UK (part of the EU) and sending vinyl transatlantic. Kinda rules out Spain, Italy, Greece, France or any EU country... And you call me an idiot...
  7. Thanks guys. Hopefully they'll get there in one piece...
  8. Hi All I've managed to sell a couple of pieces of vinyl on ebay so thought I'd ask for some advice on mailing them. Don't want to buy mailers and have lots of cardboard any hints and tips for sending vinyl transatlantic? Many thanks!
  9. fent99

    Neil Young

    I think all of the live archives are worth hearing and enjoy the Sugar Mountain and Massey Hall sets particularly. Just got the Dreamin Man set (for my birthday, from Mrs F!) and enjoying that though its a bit of a flawed concept with live versions of a whole album rather than a gig and no unreleased songs... Not sure the Archives box would be worth it mind and of course there is a ton of live stuff out there. Let me know if you'd like some recs etc.
  10. I have a cd of this as part of a box bought from the Dankworth's place directly http://www.quarternotes.com/ Not sure if they are still trading but its worth asking?
  11. Hey Jostber I love that youtube clip and the album looks right up my street (is it as good as the clip?). Maybe brazilian though?
  12. This looks excellent and I'd missed this completely. Gilles has great taste, thanks!
  13. Hi All Been reading through this thread since I'm off to Cuba in a few months and thought I'd familiarise myself with some music. Any real beginner tips to navigate here since the last entries on this thread. Never really hooekd into the Buena Vista Social Club stuff but to begin I have a Verve twofer More than Mambo and the introducing Ruben Gonzalez album. Any great newby recs? Any Recs for Havana/Cuba generally?
  14. Noticed mention of this on npr and sorry if I've missed notice of it here http://www.daveholland.com/ Dave has a new website and though I'n not much of a fan of his recent recordings there's a free live mp3 (for your email) which sounds excellent. another 3 tracks costs a dollar (or 3 in flac) this week. In no way connected with him or website by the way
  15. Slam is George Haslam's label. I have a couple of these. Lets Call this ...Esteem and Two New. I really like the Lacy, not excellent sound but fine if I remember and Lacy/Waldron are always good value. Two New is fine but the other is supposed to be better? http://www.slamproductions.net/
  16. Thanks Guys No music for my birthday as yet, though a friend gave me the Allen Toussaint album last week which is cool. Off for dinner and a movie! c
  17. Been lisening to the NPR recording from Newport 09 of Iyer (all downloadable from the NPR website) and enjoying it. Sure its clever but not so bad it put me off...
  18. I'll definitely look out for this. Nothing of his website but maybe a regular gig? Las one noted was in November. Anyone know if this is a regular fixture? Club 57 West 57 West Pine St, Orlando FL 32801
  19. Hi All I'm not going to Disney but am going to a conference in Orlando (NAVC if there are any veterinarians here?). Any music spots or record stores worth checking out if I escape the conference. I'm there over a weekend 16-20th Jan and wondered if there is anything I shouldn't miss! Thanks for looking! C
  20. 'Everybody Digs Bill Evans' from 1958 is my favorite by him. love the "Peace Piece"/"Some Other Time" work on it. Hey John Me too and the studio albums with LaFaro a close second, (maybe underrated in the shadow of the Village Vanguard stuff?) especially Explorations which has some great tunes and great interpretations of them. After that I reach for the late trio. Those boxes have so much music on them The Ronnie Scott's performances too, and those Paris Gigs I must get a hold of. He is someone I pretty much always find something of interest in and never get bored of putting on (and my wife tolerates it all too as a bonus, though she doesn't like his work with Konitz...) Recently reading a piece by Gene Lees (in Reading Jazz ed Robert Gottlieb) which flagged up Hi Lilli Hi Lo as special significance made me dig it out of the Fantasy box and thouroughly enjoyed that. There was briefly a compilation of the Columbia stuff which I used to have but traded which I wish I could go back to... Any views on that?
  21. Similar feeling as to the last track. I thought it was one of her compositions for the Jimmy Giuffre 3 Jesus Maria? Haven't had the chance to dig that out yet though
  22. I posted the question tacked onto the end of the Charles Lloyd corner but no response so hope its ok to repeat it below. I've a question regarding Charles Lloyd, its sort of Discography/Sessionography so hope I'm in the right place. Its sort of an official release too and I wonder whether anyone here can help. In 1999 I was lucky enough to be in New York when the Jazz Festival was on. I caught a couple of shows and picked up a flier saying they'd been recorded and dutifully checked a website to see if I could order them. None of the shows I'd seen showed up unfortunately but I did see a Charles Lloyd show listed and had heard Voice in the Night so I ordered a disc full. (with a couple of fillers by Charles Gayle and the Brilliant Coroners(!)) Tracks are: God Give Me Strength Voice in the Night A Flower is a Thing Requiem The Call Sombrero Sam Couple of things: Can anyone confirm when/where the show took place (All I have is June 3-13 1999 New York) Knitting Factory maybe? Does anyone have the rest of the show? I like the studio albums but this set with Lloyd, John Scofield in for Abercrombie and I think Marc Johnson on bass with Higgins is brilliant and I've been kicking myself for not springing for the whole thing... Any other shows released like this (through Knitmedia it says on the back)? Any info would be great. Its a great idea too and a shame its never really caught on. Always love momentos of the music I've heard live...
  23. I've a question regarding Charles Lloyd and wonder whether anyone can help. In 1999 I was lucky enough to be in New York when the Jazz Festival was on. I caught a couple of shows and picked up a flier saying they'd been recorded and dutifully checked to see if I could order them. None of the shows I'd seen showed up unfortunately but I did see a Charles Lloyd show listed and had heard Voice in the Night so I ordered a disc full. (with a couple of fillers by Charles Gayle and the Brilliant Coroners(!)) Couple of things: Can anyone confirm when/where the show took place (All I have is June 3-13 1999 New York) Knitting Factory maybe? Does anyone have the rest of the show? I like the studio albums but this set with Lloyd, John Scofield in for Abercrombie and I think Marc Johnson on bass with Higgins is brilliant and I've been kicking myself for not springing for the whole thing... Any info would be great. Its a great idea too and a shame its never really caught on...
  24. Hey Chris Definitely post the info here since not all here get along to AAJ. I think Ubu's directness might be lost in translation somewhat... Newbies and Street teams (esp) get a rough welcome but don't take offence since supporters/fans are very welcome here!
  25. PM'd all 3 above. Many thanks Colin
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