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Everything posted by fent99

  1. Looking in the bargain bins last night I picked up a couple of, unknown to me, guitar discs Jack Wilkins TrioArt on Arabesque and Attila Zoller (solo) Lasting Love on Acoustic Music both very nice. Any other recs on these two?
  2. Congratulations on the job! My boss here in London is mid fifties and pretty "old school" in that he's stuffy in a way that only english gentlemen can be, dry with little interest in much beyond work and gardening. We talked about music one day at lunch in the canteen and he said his school teacher had taken him and group of boys from their school nr the south coast on a trip to see John Coltrane! Can't say we get on any better but it did put him in better light... Colin
  3. Queen are overrated soft rock nonsense. Can't argue with Freddie as a performer but even that is pure panto.
  4. fent99

    Funny Rat

    Never posted on the Rat before but a track off the Henry Grimes (or from the tour I've not got it in front of me and sure its inconclusive) is on the 2cd Wire Tapper that comes with the Wire. Sounds pretty good to me. [interesting compilation too by the way from The Fall to the Necks]
  5. Interesting character and though I seldom play his albums that I have they leave a strong impression. I have one on Cherry Red from the 80s (collecting Peel sessions?) called Beautiful Extremes which has a couple of brilliant tracks and one of which Roses in Your Room is one of my faves of all time. Another artist who Peel supported and had a long fruitful relationship with Virgin in the days when they recorded excellent and innovative stuff. Marjory Razorblade is a terrific brave piece of work.
  6. Dizzy Gillespie Alumni Big Band Performance on 3 London Jazz Festival Dizzy Gillespie Alumni Big Band Wednesday 24 November 2004 19:30-21:30 (Radio 3) Alyn Shipton introduces a concert by a big band co-led by trumpeter Jon Faddis and bassist John Lee, celebrating the music and spirit of the great trumpeter and bebop innovator Dizzy Gillespie, who died in 1993. The stellar line-up includes trombonist Slide Hampton, and saxophonists James Moody and Frank Wess. Recorded at the Barbican in London earlier this month. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/performanceon3/pip/pmziq/
  7. Nice Czech Shop Brought this thread back to life I've always meant to recommend this disc though he's mentioned much earlier in the thread MILAN SVOBODA, MICHAL GERA - DUO Bought on a trip to Prague and thoroughly enjoyable in a thoughtful way. Reminds me of a more upbeat Kenny Wheeler plus piano a little (Praise indeed). Interesting playing throughout with few of the lapses into personal introspection that you're not interested in that duos can sometimes slip into. I like the writing especially since the themes work well for the interplay and soloing. Well enough recorded live too with a nice sounding piano (though I'm no hi fi buff). There are somples of most of his recordings on his website. http://www.milansvoboda.com/
  8. Apologies. I saw this the other day and I'd never seen it before and thought it was new... Still any thoughts on whether its a worthwhile upgrade from the compilation?
  9. Has this been discussed in its new extended reissue? Have a compilation (The Divine Sarah Vaughan) which has some of the stuff with Miles and the George Treadwell All Stars and wonder whether this is worth the money
  10. I'm with Paul. The Beastie Boys would support Creative Commons wouldn't they, having never created anything original in their lives... That big corporations lawyers have more success than musicians lawyers is no great surprise either. I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot (if samples of the Beastie Boys were used by Justin Timberlake, to make lots of money) if they'd feel the same.
  11. updated and up
  12. Listened to Yes (and Gabriel Genesis) in my youth and have a lot of nostalgia for it but feel sure that's all there would be. The Yes Album and Fragile are the faves and if the remasters sound that much better maybe I should pick them up (all I have are store bought cassettes which are seldom dug out now. Last time I had a Yes moment was watching the film Buffalo 66 where something from Fragile (I forget what) is used to great effect... Always loved the cover to Tormato (though the music was a bit duff)
  13. Thanks to a board member (Cheers John) I got a couple of discs to listen to. Pretty heavy going I'd say but not without merit. Like a more depressing Will Oldham (and I speak as a huge fan of sad singer songwriters Eitzel/Kozelek etc). It'll take a while but I'll definitely spin this some more, but 20 discs of it would leave in poor shape...
  14. Jazz for Tjader for sure. All I have (somewhere) is a session with Art Pepper in Japan
  15. Only a little to add on disc 2 Enjoyed more of disc 2 and again guessed none of it. I love vibes so will definitely check out more of Tjader (where do I start?) Stand out for me was Johnny "Guitar" Watson and wonder why I love the 'sound' of this, imperfect though it is. Maybe it reminds me of FM radio processed sound or just the crap stereos I grew up with cranked up... Oh and Harry Lookofsky loopy but brilliant. Thanks Mike!
  16. Been away and came to this late (yesterday). Had an enjoyable time listening to the two discs but since I'm behind the curve I've looked at the answers before typing anything. Thanks for some enjoyable music! I'm continuously amazed at the diversity chosen on these things. I listen to lots of music (not all jazz) and find that other folks interests have so little overlap with my own its incredible. I could recognise very little on these discs (exactly none) and have precisely the same amount of it in my overflowing shelves. Don't have much to add to the comments on the other pages and though I wasn't sure of much of it I'll go back to the music with a little knowledge and give some of it another try. I have to mention that the Michel Sardaby: Lush Life is one of the best interpretations I've heard (on a lovely sounding piano too) and I'll be looking for some of his work for sure.
  17. Only one I have is Angle originally on CBS in the 60s. I tend to file alongside Tippet (they duo together) as a bit difficult for me c
  18. Hi ubu Listened to this (and recorded it) and its pretty good. http://www.shef.ac.uk/misc/rec/ps/efi/mriley.html for more info (this site is a great resource...) c
  19. Guess the tourists round Buck House come from all over so maybe thats not fair. To be honest I'd much rather live in a republic than a monarchy but looking at what sophisticated so-called democracies throw up as their leaders makes it harder to say. Choosing between Gearge W (or even T Blair) and the Queen would be a pretty hard choice
  20. I always thought we only kept the royals for the americans...
  21. Disc 2 Bit more my style here though on disc 2 and a few recognisable folks (rare for me) 1. Love this style. Sounds a bit Strata East and 70's. Lots of energy and a lovely live sound. Need to hear more. 2. Doesnt need any intro from me and by the sound its late 50's ? Lovely to hear something I've heard loads of times live and stretched out. Interested to hear who else is on this 3. Definitely Swallow on bass. Doorbells would suggest an all star Burton reunion concert appearance Metheny (surely not), Corea? not that I can recognise them... 4. Nice alto though again no idea who this is 5. Interesting and makes me think of a Bley/Oxley album though I'm sure this isn't that or them really bit too technical and unfeeling for me. 6. Woody Shaw I'm sure, somehow the arrangements give this away, great! Very interesting disc and again a few things I'll go back to Cheers c
  22. As ever with bfts I can positively recognise very little. Heres some thougts on what I hear... Disc 1 1. My Favourite Things. Lovely sound and piano and quite a dark interpretation. Like this a lot 2. Not to my taste but sounds fun at least 3. Have this on a compilation I'm sure where he 'Stanley Turrentin Plays the Hits'. Rolling good fun though I prefer the Bacharach and David hits! What is it with Beatles tunes in Jazz 4. Nice version of Taking a Chance on Love but can't idthe pianist 5. Like the trombone a lot and another favourite tune 6. I can guess Andy Bey (though I've heard very little) and like the buttery voice. Don't generally like male vocalists but this has a lived in warmth I like, kinda like Terry Callier if anyone out there likes him. 7. A song killed by many a lounge singer has a near resurrection here but I don't know if I could come back to this because of the song... Playing is fine enough though. 8. Lovely intimate recording and sensitive playing is a plus here and again I've no idea who this is but like it a lot 9. Sounds ok but no ideas on who this is 10. Like the duet and the informality. no idea who it is though 11. No ides here either but the clarinet is really ho! 12. This sounds familiar and sure I've got this (Konitz?). Have a lot of his stuff and it all needs a play through since though I love it, its quite chewy. 13. No ideas here either and as ever with these things I always realise I need a bit of a history lesson Excellent disc though with things I'll love to know what they are Thanks Reading through others comments and coming back to this I'm glad to see that its not just me who can't recognise a lot of folks. Looking forward to the answers...
  23. Sound quality on freeview is fine. FM is a better signal I'm sure but in North London we get a lot of pirate interference and there is none of that on digital. There's the odd drop out but in general its pretty stable
  24. Record these when I can too (through my freeview box). The Muthspiel was a great gig since I was there so will definitely be recording this
  25. I'm scottish so love haggis though my girlfriend will only eat a vegetarian one, (nut roast in a bag). How about grits, chitlin's and the ultimate in grim food... Macdonalds
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