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Everything posted by fent99

  1. Not as much discussion as I was expecting and I've had little connectivity last week so just managed to check in briefly. He's a pivotal figure I think, certainly in his early career with the Hillcrest gigs and the material with Giuffre. An interesting figure then, but too spiky for ECM I'd guess and fond of following his own thing. I find it fascinating though that his career is also shaped by playing two partners/ex-partners compositions and how they've recurred throughout his career. Open, to Love has 3 by Carla 2 by Annette and 2 by himself. Through his career lots of things he goes back to and revisits like the Giuffre trio reunion stuff as well as the compositions. Though he also seems to be moving forward and exploring all the time? I'd be intrigued by his autobiography and anyone know of a reasonable priced copy since its $50 on his website and I'd like to read more about him.
  2. Responsibility to pick a good AOTW has been weighing heavily on me since I meant to post a heads up before I departed on a business trip and didn't find the time. Well sleeplessness and an NYC internet cafe gives me 20 mins to make a pick. Lots of my favourite artists have had an album picked reasonably recently so I've gone for something I bought a month ago and that left a big impression. Not sure how I came to Paul Bley but the purchase (pretty randomly and mainly because of the packaging) of the 2cd reissue on ECM of Jimmy Giuffre's albums was a big influence and when I saw a Paul Bley album with Ida Lupino on it (a compilation of Savoy material with John Gimore on it) which I loved, who knew I'd be looking out for his stuff for years to come. To get on to Open to Love, its that tune Ida Lupino that made me pick it up recently in Rays in London, hoping for a quality rendition on a well recorded piano. I'm certainly not disappointed. Possibly my new favourite version and certainly my favourite Carla composition, its a majesterial centrepiece on the cd (not sure where on the album and don't have it in front of me). The rest is no less impressive though much of it has a brittle, tense quality that has taken me a bit of time to learn to love. I've probably got more Bley albums now than I need and some a hard work to digest but this is a keeper for me. Intrigued by others thoughts on him and this album especially so hopefully there'll be some interesting discussion. Maybe someone can help by posting a cover too.
  3. Things are muted in my office (opposite parliament) and waiting to hear some clear news. So far all friends and colleagues are fine and I hope there are few casualties.
  4. fent99

    Kenny Wheeler

    I've ordered Abstractions Of The Industrial North so will report back. Back to Kenny...
  5. fent99

    Kenny Wheeler

    CHARCOAL SKETCHES/STATES OF MIND Basil Kirchin CHARCOAL SKETCHES PERSONNEL Basil Kirchin Piano (3), Kenny Wheeler Flugelhorn (1,2), Frank Horrocks Piano (1,2), Graham Lyons Bassoon (1), Darryl Runswick Bass (1,2,3), Alan Parker Guitar ((1,2,3), Clem Cattini Drums (1,2,3), Peter Hughes Flute (2,3), Graham Lyons / Peter Hughes Saxes, Alan Branscombe Sax and Vibes. Birdsong recorded by Basil in the forest above Barden, Switzerland, on a Nagra. STATES OF MIND PERSONNEL Evan Parker Soprano Sax, Kenny Wheeler Flugelhorn, Chris Karan Drums, Peter McGurk Bass, Harry Stoneham Organ. Anyone know anything about these? Now op unfortunately but there was an interesting bit in the Guardian on Friday http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/fridayrevie...1518048,00.html http://www.trunkrecords.com/turntable/charcoal.shtml
  6. Some highlights broadcast on the bbc on Friday. Sounded good though I fell asleep. Still up on the webcast.
  7. On Guide books for cities I'd swear by the Time Out books. Better than anything else.
  8. One of my local stores has a bunch of west wind titles I've never seen before pretty cheap. Any recs to look out for or are they all grey/no copyright stuff? Seemed to be one studio Chick Corea thing with Joe Henderson?
  9. correct: 22 euro up to 2kg, 29 euro above 2kg ← Anyone up for consolidating an order to save on the shipping. Always thought I should hear School Days. I'm in the UK by the way c
  10. Quoting myself is bad form but have listened to this a bit more and thought I'd post some more since I possibly came over a bit more negative than I meant to. Never got back to putting in my comments for the rest... 1 & 2 are excellent listening again especially 7. Like this a lot with a whole bunch of stuff in one tune. 8. Lovely dark tune with nice interplay from the two clarinets I'd have to name the two likely suspects I've heard Sclavis and Trovesi though the latter I've only heard with Gianni Coscia and this is much more dark material and I don't think I've heard enough Sclavis to pick him out 9. Interesting but not a great start with those vocals but a more interesting modern big band sound once it gets going. Exciting stuff though with so much going on and lots of propulsion. 10. Trovesi and his new wave euro trad thing? (introduced to me by Ubu) nice enough and maybe live I'd like it but somehow it doesn't grab me 11. Really like this, prepared piano and drums percussion. I've only seen Tippett do this and this isn't likely him. Like the Zither like thing going on (like a sixties film soundtrack tampered with). To finish (now that I've had a look through the answers) there is a lot of interesting stuff here that is well outside what I've heard (and without Trovesi I'd recognise nothing). Plenty fine tunes and if it comes from the Rat's lair maybe I'll have to have a lookout there and maybe even post on it...
  11. Sooner is good Thanks c
  12. Here's some thoughts so far... 1. Like this once it gets going. Its not a band I know and would be something I'd love to see live though not really something I'd come back to on disc a lot probably cause of the looseness. The snippets of a theme sound like I should know them but can't think from where (but they don't stick to it for long...) Dave Holland Conference for the Birds (I always think that the original of this has such a killer bassline that I'm surprised its never been lifted for another purpose.) Some nice solos though I could live without the latin segue. I'd guess a european festival/workshop big band and a good one! 2. Nice trumpet and piano no idea on who they are. 3. No idea here who this is and it starts interestingly enough but ends up as a bit of a circular breathing exercise and then just ends... 4. Much more interesting and no shortage of musical ideas here. Afraid no idea of the musicians though. 5. Another loose largeish outfit and some nice soloing here but not much else 6. Middle eastern/balkans sounding (I'm guessing). Quite like the music rather than the singing and the fiddle (?) solo sounds terrific 7... more later
  13. I certainly don't but can I throw my name into the ring for 2010?
  14. Just bought my first ogun. Louis Moholo's Viva-La-Black Ogun OGCD 006 Freedom tour: live in South Afrika 1993 http://www.shef.ac.uk/misc/rec/ps/efi/labe...n/ogunc006.html Not sure what I think but it has a really nice vibe. Any views on this?
  15. Anyone recommend software for copying DVDs? Just got a PC with a recorder...
  16. Nothing in London either as yet...
  17. Hi Noj, Yeah, Ernest Ranglin has been laying down some GREAT grooves for many years! He came out with a 2-CD set a little while ago called "Ska Way 'Dat"... there should be some samples floating around the 'net. You should be able to pick this up (and other titles by him) for cheap over at Amoeba. I think I found it new and mispriced for $8.00... not bad for a 2CD set! Ernest has played with virtually EVERY major ska/reggae artist, and has had his share of work in the jazz world as well (played with Monty Alexander for a spell). I'm a huge fan of his! Cheers, Shane ← Thanks Shane, I'm going to hunt that 2cd set down! ← There's a few recent Ranglin albums worth looking for on Island/Palm a couple with Sly and Robbie. not early or ska but lovely rich sounds
  18. Have been a huge fan but I'm not sure I need much more from him and though I've listened from a distance I've not bought many of the albums from when he moved to Warners and beyond. Everything is covered above really but there are a couple of collaborations to note. There's a live album with Bill Frisell which has is interesting but maybe not essential and depends on whether you are a fan of Frisell. I really like the Burt Bacharach collab (though not everyone does) and Bill Frisell has covered the whole album, which I've not heard. God Give Me Strength was done by Charles Lloyd on one of his recent records and works out well for a jazz vehicle. Also worth noting that the double reissues sometimes save some of the less interesting albums. Punch the Clock and Goodbye Cruel World have some brilliant live and demo stuff that removes some of the dated production and are filled with non album stuff which show, that even when producing average albums there was still an outpouring of creativity. Always a good live show too.
  19. fent99

    Stevie Wonder

    Didn't Stanley Turrentine do a whole album?
  20. Just bought this and though I'm not crazy about the MPB easy listening sound this is excellent and has the best version of Waters of March I've heard (and better than Joao Gilbertos version on his self titled white album is good indeed since its my absolute fave brazillian album!) There's a bit where Elis nearly laughs that is just sooooo infectious and joyous I love waiting for it.
  21. The Gilberto on Pacific Jazz is the one to find and the place to start (an incomplete blue coloured Spanish Blue note version might fill in as a stopgap I've seen around the UK recently) The label the the 3 cd set of Jobim is on Revivendo are historical pre-bossa specialists. there is a guide to their reissues here: http://www.slipcue.com/music/brazil/aa_labels/revivendo.html and brazillian music generally here: http://www.slipcue.com/music/brazil/brazillist.html
  22. Karyobin: are the imaginary birds said to live in paradise? http://www.shef.ac.uk/~ps/efi/labels/chrono/cpe20012.html Was reissued on CD but originally on Island like Surman's Westering Home etc Interesting rather than essential with Derek Bailey and Kenny Wheeler. Not so much of the ethnic but very subtle free improv.
  23. I have a feeling I remeber hearing about a hidden track on the Getz east coast 3 cd set. Don't have that though...
  24. fent99

    Charlie Rouse

    Isn't there a Monk tribute on Landmark? Any views on that?
  25. fent99

    Charlie Rouse

    Interesting rather than essential. I dismissed it after I got it but a friend said it to give it another go and I kept it but I'm still far from sure. In my mind I file along with the Herbie (Mwandishi) and Shorter (Super Nova) stuff, though its not really like either, in that it sounds like an interesting experiment that doesn't quite come off. Shouldn't be too hard to find on CD since its been issued by Charly...
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