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Everything posted by fent99

  1. First Listen on way to work today. I'll post more as I work my way through. 1. Nice bass and vibes, I'd guess Hamp but though I love the vibes I've little of him. Kinda skiffley? 2. No idea but I like this, nice marching start 3. Abdullah Ibrahim! I think I can guess right. Live in the late 70's early 80s? 4. Nice theme and arrangement sax is fine but the band isn't outstanding and it goes on a bit... 5. Don't have much flute and this doesn't inspire though the playing is fine 6. Not sure about this either another lengthy and loose number 7. Great tune and version and the presence of accordion narrows it down to Carstensen ? so its his duo with Ballamy Nice and playful 8. Not for me. Reminds me of thos Tippet or Riley albums I keep buying in the hope that I'll get it 9. Nicer lovely soprano palying and I should know the tune 10. Even lovelier, no idea on who it is but really lovely stuff
  2. There was a great version of One Morning In May on the Piano Jazz featuring Jim Hall either Hall or Mcpartland recorded that?
  3. Received too. Look forward to listening over the weekend
  4. Bought the below CD recently (for a bargain sum of 50p) Plays Art Tatum: Transcriptions Of 15 Classic Tatum Solos, Steven Mayer, ASV It sounds ok but clearly not Tatum. Just about worth 50p and interesting to have heard but unlikely to spin again... I'm not recommending this but I'm wondering if this sort of thing is ever a great idea. Even if the piano's are poor and the recording is fuzzy I'd rather hear the original artist. Anything like this have any merit, how about piano rolls (different but a similar issue)?
  5. UK Guardian http://arts.guardian.co.uk/news/obituary/0,,1854612,00.html Saw this a few weeks ago and was majorly intrigued. Anyone recommend where to start with his output on bagpipes? I've a friend who plays in a pipe band who I'd love to hook upwith some and would love to hear some myself. I've only heard some Paul Dunmall on the pipes and didn't enjoy that much . Anything with Rollins available?
  6. Must admit to having bought this but after a couple of years passing it on. Admire the energy and commitment of this, and its a ground breaking, scene defining moment I'm sure (though I'm of the opinion that a lot of the documentation of the free scene is more important as documentary evidence than music to be re-listened to too much). I tend to like the idea of this (and things like it) more than the reality and it often sends me scuttelling back to my Ellington and Bill Evans albums...
  7. One of the best organ centric records I've heard in a while (present company excepted of course). Nice writing too. I saw him live about a year ago with byron Wallen a piano, bass drums and a great young vibes player (though his name evades me). Exciting stuff
  8. Finally picked up this record and its great. I've uploaded a tune from the BBC broadcast late last year which I've been listening to (if anyone minds I'll take it down) http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...enton@gmail.com Definitely worth a purchase http://www.tonykofi.com/
  9. Surprising there are so few posts here. I haven't kept up with the Deluxe issues of Marley but some of the live stuff looks great. I've the 2 disc Catch A Fire. Any of the others essential?
  10. I've heard that some of the 80's live stuff was far superior to the studio albums from that period, but haven't wanted to lay down $180 for the Montreux set to find out if I agree. Listened to We Want Miles recently and it was better than I remembered. Worth a shot at any rate and its a twofer and cheap here in europe. Lots of this stuff floating around in semi official releases here (and swapping amongst collectors) and can't imagine the Montreux set is any better than the others. On the main topic I've gone off Columbia issues of Miles since I know they'll all come out again someday, with more or better. They issue a definitive set and then release it again soon after... Bored of the box sets too, Jack Johnson had lots of great music and its fine that its out there but I don't need to hear it all...
  11. Most Brick and Mortar shops are pretty poor and really expensive but I'm a bit of a bottom feeder and love a secondhand bargain. Good riddance to most and their overinflated prices. I've been thoroughly enjoying recycling on ebay, putting those things that looked interesting into the hands of others. I'm sure there are plenty of cds in circulation already, just not in the right hands. I could get rid of a few hundred to someone who'd want them and never miss one... One change I've noticed in the 20 or so years I've been trawling record stores. There are more women in them than when I was young. I'm not just talking about the pop sections either. I see young woment searching through used vinyl racks much more than I remember (and I think I'd remember?) Never mind the greying (as I am myself) Are there more women into music?
  12. I've been a long term fan since the early 80's and seen him half a dozen times. I've lost patience with his studio albums since Spike and the "rock" albums have all sounded forced for some time. He's tried my patience live too, self indulgent shows too arch and knowing for their own good. But and its a big but, there's always something of interest. Plenty of great songs since Spike even though the albums mainly annoy after a while. All this Useless Beauty had some great songs but they sounded better on the limited edn live set with steve nieve on piano (its great and deserves wider release and a boot of a full show from the Filmore I have is really good) I did like Painted from Memory but hated North (even with Konitz!). I'll try the Tousaint collaboration sometime though since I've a couple of compilations of his early stuff which I adore.
  13. I'm from Aberdeenshire myself though I live in London. Can't fault the advice so far. The west is the most beautiful part of Scotland to me (though I'm from the east) and I'd spend the most time there on any vacation (and Skye is fantastic). The north coast is a bit bleak and windswept but the drive down to Inverness is pretty nice. Since you've got a bit of time and are going to head east you're in my home turf so... Stuff to catch on the way from Inverness depends on your route and time. The main road is a bit tedious and busy but it'll get you to Stonehaven quickly enough. Detour to some of the National Trust castles though and (if you pick Fyvie Castle let me know since my mum works there) Alternatives are via the coast and there's a colony of dolphins in the Moray Firth and some great places on the way round. Great art gallery in Duff House, Banff. Make sure you stop at some of the villages Pennan, Crovie/Gardenstown and there are really nice coastal walks with red sandstone cliffs and caves. Fabulous beach and Dunes at Newburgh too. Or... If you're looking for distilleries. I'm a big fan of Speyside malts and this site has a distillery finder. http://www.scotch-whisky.org.uk/ Always great to buy the stuff you've seen them make. I haven't been on a tour in Speyside since I was at school so I can't recommend any tour in particular. Try to get a bit of a tasting at a whisky shop (sure there's one in Inverness) and see if that helps you pick a distillery? (I like the Macallan myself) If you pick Speyside then I'd recommend driving to Aberdeen via Tomintoul and down through Royal Deeside for a great drive (Aberdeen via Tomintoul and Ballater on the AA planner) through great scenery. Plenty of other castles on the way too and hill or scenic walks in Deeside. I'd not give too much time to Aberdeen myself though its a nice enough mid sized city Granite means its very grey on a grey day and fine when its sunny. For a flavour of the area esp. round Stonehaven/Dunottar read Sunset Song by Lewis Grassic Gibbon.
  14. Been on a serious Martyn binge lately so thought I'd lift this up a little. Bought some of the reissues with the extra tracks (Bless the Weather, Sundays Child, Inside Out) and all are nicer than the originals with better sound and art. As with all reissues the extra tracks are all interesting to varying degrees with the BBC Peel session on Sundays Child getting the most play from me. Lovely to hear the songs in a more direct acoustic setting, though the albums are pretty spontaneous already. 2 things coming are a DVD of live BBC material and A fuller CD of BBC sessions. There is a German Radio broadcast out there called "On Air" from the 70s too but I haven't sprung for that yet...
  15. Miles is a kind of touchstone in this music. Can't be many who he hasn't touched in some way. I was at college too, trying to be cool no doubt. I'd been raiding friends vinyl collections for things to listen to and since listening to "jazzy" things (Tom Waits Joni Mitchell) taped a bunch of jazz stuff off a friend. Most of which I thought were awful. They were a random bunch with some UK trad, Dizzy's Swing low sweet Cadillac etc etc One tape though got a second chance it had some Parker Dial stuff on one side and Kind of Blue on the other. It was the Parker that got me first. My folks were away and I was at home doing some serious digging in the garden on a wintery day. Tape in the Ghetto Blaster was the Parker and when "The Gypsy" came on I stopped and had to listen. From then on I was hooked and learned to love Kind of Blue more than the tricky multiple takes of Parker on the other side of the TDK c90 First Miles I bought was a UK twofer of Cookin and Relaxin which I played while cooking dinner night before last. Still plenty of magic there.
  16. Arrived and is fascinating! Thanks
  17. I really like this, good humoured live date in good sound. Lacy can be a bit dry for me though I've loads of his stuff. This though is great. On George Haslam's label http://www.slamproductions.net/menus/main.asp and he has a couple of duo albums with Waldron too which are worth th £8 he charges.
  18. fent99

    gil scott-heron

    The TVT is great with 3 or 4 live cuts including Winter in America. Worth finding for the extras
  19. There's a special edition with DVD, anyone sprung for that? Also some out takes on the Jobim "man from ipanema" set. Not worth buying for that but its a great set
  20. Well I'm way too young to have bought this when it came out. I taped this from a library copy in the early 90s. It never did much for me until I'd been at a gig in London (a horrible Wayne Shorter/Herbie Hancock duet gig, anyone else go to those gigs?) and stayed over at a friends place. In the morning she put on a compilation of the RCA stuff (a cheap one on Camden in the UK) and I realised there was something special there. Its been a firm fave since. Bought the french remaster and been picking up others too. Is the box worth it? Mosaic has a non RCA album with Hall but the complete RCA has the strings album which I don't like as much... In truth I've been on a major Hall kick recently after I heard the Piano Jazz show with him. Excellent stuff. The other Desmond I can give unequivocal praise to is the Brubeck/Desmond duet album from 1975. How's the live album from Toronto at about the same time?
  21. Paul Desmond - Take Ten (click to buy) Here's my pick for album of the week. Hope its not too late. I could have picked any of the Paul Desmond/Jim Hall albums really (and am fond of Glad to be Unhappy and Bossa Antigua especially too ) Not sure what exactly is so brilliant about this combination but the sax and guitar are sublime and though a little smooth they're never dull. I'm not a huge fan of Brubeck although he definitely has great moments, Desmond is in many of them. Populist Take Ten might be but no-one puts a foot wrong and I've played it again and again and again. Discussed a bit from time to time here but never as an album of the week. Anyone got anything more to say? Like to hear albums I know discussed ...
  22. Finally got a hold of Capra Black comparatively recently and enjoyed it but since I've been looking so long it didn't quite have the impact I was hoping for... Love Harper though and pick up anything I see with him on I love Black Saint and In Europe, the energy and passion, and would love to hear Priestess by the Evans band in a better form than the hissy cassette I have. (they really need to reissue an few of those antilles titles) Capra Black should be in print too though and I'd upgrade from my copy in a second
  23. Picked up Time Capsule recently and thought pretty dated cosmic soul jazz with poetry. Time Capsule for sure...
  24. Always kinda liked that about him but each to his own... He adds something unique to every session he's on and his electric bass sound is instantly recognisable. Anyone know what he plays? Lovely sound too. One of my faves is a Carla Bley/Steve Swallow Duets which has some sublime moments
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