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About slide_advantage_redoux

  • Birthday 01/16/1956

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  • Location
    beautiful north-east texas
  • Interests
    Playing guitar and piano as often and as well as I can! LP/CD collecting
    Organic gardening
    Estate Sales

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  1. If you’re ever in Charleston, S.C., Record Stop is a worthy destination. They have a huge jazz selection. This was my one buy yesterday, a Mingus record I wasn’t familiar with. Hampton Hawes? Hell yes. https://www.discogs.com/release/2284676-Charles-Mingus-With-Hampton-Hawes-Danny-Richmond-Mingus-Three
  2. Question: Whenever I try to attach a pic I get messages saying the file is too large. I tried using a file compressing app, but that doesn’t solve the problem. Am I missing something?
  3. I was in half-price books yesterday. I rarely find anything special. This was different. I found an original pressing of Fantastic Frank Strozier, his first leader date (Veejay) w/ Booker Little, Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers and Jimmy Cobb. In very good condition. A steal @ $9.95
  4. Has the Gilmore catalogue been discussed in this forum before?
  5. One of the three from the label I have. Along with Bley's Axis also solo Easily one of my favorite Bley dates, and the first one I bought years ago.
  6. I would love to have more Improvising Artists LPs in my collection. edited: I didn't realize till now that this LP was recorded in Seattle
  7. in 1990 My daughter was born at home (w/ the assistance of midwives). I had two records ready to play after the birth. The first was Keith Jarrett's My Song. The second one was Coltrane's Ballads LP.
  8. I hope the reports are false. I just don't get the motive for someone to start a hoax story of a jazz musician's death.
  9. I have been exploring Videos of Bud Powell in performance. There is so much out there. Loving it.
  10. Released 1969 and 1970 respectively
  11. Not necessarily. You hook up whatever vac you have to the unit, using the adapter hose. Here is a link to the company and the cleaner. (KAB EV1) https://www.kabusa.com/frameset.htm?/ev1.htm
  12. I have just one Solal LP. Martial Solal Big Band
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