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Brownian Motion

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Everything posted by Brownian Motion

  1. Emerson Thoreau Margaret Fuller
  2. Geraldine Chaplin Flip Wilson Sirius Black
  3. Gimbel Bloomingdale Robert Hall
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. I'd particularly like to track down the air checks mentioned. I did find a Black Lion CD containing a pair of performances by the Grimes-Stewart unit that were originally released on V-Disc.
  5. Jerry Dadd Daddy Warbucks Daddy-o
  6. Margaret Court Jinx Falkenburg Katherine Hepburn
  7. Miss Lulu White E J Bellocq Brooke Shields
  8. Dirty Dingus Magee Travis McGee When You and I Were Young, Maggie
  9. The Dukes of Durham James Buchanan Duke Liggett & Myers
  10. F. Stop Fitzgerald Stephen King Boris Artzybasheff
  11. I really enjoy Art's playing in the 1944 trio setting with Slam Stewart and Tiny Grimes. I have a "Giants of Jazz" CD with 20 titles by this group--is this all there was? I know that at some point Grimes was replaced by Everett Barksdale, but I don't believe I've ever heard recordings by this unit, if indeed they recorded. Any recommendations?
  12. Dock Ellis Otis Redding Queen Elizabeth II
  13. John Hardee John Hardy's Wife Mrs Humphry Ward
  14. Jimmy Walker Fiorello LaGuardia Dick Tracy
  15. Warren Chappell Rudolph Ruzicka Bruce Rogers
  16. Ursa Major Major Major Ursa Minor
  17. Ryan O'Neal Ryan's Daughter Lawrence of Arabia
  18. Frank Thomas Thomas Frank Dorothy
  19. Hal Roach Mal Hallett Cal Collins
  20. Laura Bush Prescott Bush Major General Smedley Butler
  21. Adrian Rollini Pete Suggs Tyree Glenn
  22. Jack Be Nimble Jack Be Quick Johnny On the Spot
  23. Sylvester Lewis Ovie Alston Albert Snaer
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