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Brownian Motion

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Everything posted by Brownian Motion

  1. Angela Lansbury Glynnis Johns Hermione Gingold Hermione Granger Harry Potter Charles Dickens
  2. Jose Marti Simon Bolivar Bernardo O'Higgins Fidel Castro Che Guevara Che
  3. Ford Frick Bowie Kuhn Kennesaw Mountain Landis A. Bartlett Giamatti Pete Rose Shoeless Joe Jackson
  4. This is some solid advice right here. I disagree strongly. If you're inclined to quit, try to do it. I had several false starts, where I was able to quit for months at a time, but eventually went back to it, usually in a social situation. I finally quit for good 23 years ago, but it seems obvious to me that I'm better off having quit intermittently for a total of two years or so than I would be had I smoked straight through these aborted attempts.
  5. If you're a coffee drinker, switch to tea. Don't get discouraged if you slip; start again.
  6. William Goldman Dustin Hoffman Lawrence Olivier Vivien Leigh Clark Gable Fletcher Christian
  7. Maggie May Rod Stewart Rachel Hunter Moose Skowron Jimmy Foxx Bobcat Goldthwaite
  8. Cookie Coogan John Cougar Mellencamp Cat Stevens Dawg Deputy Dawg Barney Fife
  9. Emmylou Harris Lou Harris George Gallup Elmo Roper Elmo Cookie Monster
  10. Lauren Bacall Lauren Hutton Ralph Lauren Lorne Lofsky Herb Ellis Emily Remler
  11. Vanilla Ice Freddie Mercury The Queen Mum
  12. Emily Bronte Emily Dickinson John Dickinson (for my fellow Pennsylvanian Brownian Motion) "John Dickinson lived one of the most extraordinary political lives of all of the founding fathers. It is perhaps only because of his steadfast opposition to American independence that he is not celebrated with the likes of Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin."
  13. Wilbur Charlotte Charlotte Bronte
  14. It makes perfect sense from a Darwinian perspective. To the tune of "You're Some Pretty Doll". You're so ugly, oh! so ugly You're some ugly chile The clothes that you wear are not in style You look like an ape every time you smile Oh how I hate you, you aligator bait you why don't you lay down and die? You're knock-kneed pigeon-toed box-ankled too there's a curse on your family and it fell on you Your teeth are yeller, who's your feller? You're some ugly chile. Words and music apparently by Clarence Williams.
  15. Jack Albertson Alberta Hunter Onterrio Smith Canada Lee Paul Robeson Butterfly McQueen
  16. Michael Learned Schoolboy Cleve Albert Einstein Niels Bohr Hans Bethe Hansel & Gretel
  17. That's what I figured. But I thought I might be missing something.
  18. Colonel Mustard Colonel Sanders Allen Lowe Alan J. Lerner Frederick Lowe Lerner & Lowe
  19. Ed Rollins Lynn Nofziger Jim Brady Diamond Jim Brady Pearl Bailey Ruby Keeler
  20. Ralph Kramden Ed Norton Emperor Norton Norton Simon Simple Simon Simon Legree
  21. King Curtis King Oliver King Kolax Vernon Duke Margaret "Countess" Johnson Earl Grey
  22. My opinion is that you're being set-up. Don't send them any money until you are absolutely certain that their check has cleared.
  23. It seems to have occurred to these high IQ swindlers that potential swindlees may grow a bit suspicious after receiving a couple dozen emails about account-trouble at banks they not only don't have accounts at but have never even heard of. Thus the new explanatory sentence, which I've put in bold. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear valued Union Planters member, Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the online banking community we have issued the following warning message. It has come to our attention that your Union Plantersr account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and renew your records you will not run into any future problems with the online service. However, failure to confirm your records may result in your account suspension. Once you have confirmed your account records your internet banking service will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. To confirm your bank account records please click here. <http://unionplanters.upib.org/upib/index.php> Note: This e-mail was sent on behalf of the online banking community, if you do not have an online banking account with Union Planters then this message does not apply to you and you may ignore this message. Thank you for your time, Union Planters Billing Department.
  24. Barnabas Collins Jonathan Frid Johathan Livingston Seagull Barbara Seagull Barbara Hershey Barbara Carroll
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