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Brownian Motion

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Everything posted by Brownian Motion

  1. Norman Edge Guilliermo Edgehill Cliff Smalls ← Christy Canyon Christy Moore Chip and Dale
  2. Bob Dole Dr. Bob Dr. Demento ← Dr. Frist Jack Frost Tony Fruscella
  3. Dennis Mitchell Jay North Adam West ← Louis Adamic Clare Leighton Eric Gill
  4. Gary Gilmore Salmon Rushdie The Pope ← The Pope of Greenwich Village Joe Gould Joseph Mitchell
  5. Yanni Xerxes Wilhelmina ← Mimi Farina Johnny Gruelle John Barleycorn
  6. Robert the Bruce Mack the Knife Jimmy the Greek ← Zorba Zeno Zorro
  7. Jughead Jones Archie Andrews Mr. Weatherbee ← B. Traven Honey Harlowe Sting
  8. The San Diego Chicken Colonel Sanders Colonel Tom Parker ← Colonel Bogie Fungus the Bogeyman Albert Ammons
  9. Francis Davis Clementine Henry Fonda ← Rhonda Fleming Rhoda Morgenstern Dan Morgenstern
  10. Tony Perez Pete Rose Johnny Bench ← Rosa Parks Walter Pigeon Peanuts Holland and Hucko
  11. Cheech Marin Tommy Chong Rae Dawn Chong ← Radar O'Reilly Benjamin Franklin Pierce William Henry Harrison
  12. ← Excellent choice. Mark Twain would be another.
  13. I just picked up a Herb Ellis date from 1996, "Down Home", which features Rebecca Coupe Franks on trumpet. She's terrific. She has had a spotty career; her 2004 recording, a tribute to her mentor Joe Henderson, was her first recording in nearly a decade. http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=14674
  14. Louise Lasser Phil Hartman Gene, the Anal-Retentive Chef/Fisherman/Carpenter ← Hmmmm. Not much to work with here... The Three Sounds The Persuasions Rockapella
  15. Verruca Salt Leroy Vinnegar Virginia Mayo ← Vermont Royster Illinois Jacquet Indiana Jones
  16. Tim Holt Joseph Cotton Cotton Mather ← Increase Mather George Smathers Claude Pepper
  17. Lips Page Wingy Manone Jimmy "The Schnozzola" Durante ← Charles Finger John Taylor Arms Crazy Legs Hirsch
  18. I have no clue what this thread is about. But this looks like a dandy place for a picnic.
  19. Don't know whether it's the best, but that first chapter is a classic piece of writing!
  20. Sybil Gidget Norma Rae ← Dolores Huerta Caesar Chavaz Ernest and Julio Gallo
  21. Billy May June Christy Errol Garner ← Misty of Chincoteague A Man Called Horse Stewball
  22. LORD Garth of Izar Jack Lord Kam Fong (as Chin Ho) ← Hiram Fong Pongo Ping
  23. Steve Austin Lee Majors Major Holley ← Holly Golightly Truman Capote Jim Carrey
  24. Loretta Young Jojo Daniel B. Wesson ← Smith & Wesson Samuel Colt Richard Lugar
  25. Dick Carey Dave Carey Jack Carey ← Harry Carey Carrie Fisher Sparse Grey Hackle
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