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Everything posted by riverrat

  1. Just to muddy the waters further, there is also the new "TOCJ24" series of 24-bit remasters. These were remastered by Japanese engineers rather than RVG. I have a couple of them and they sound great. Soul Station is TOCJ-6424 in this series. I'm not an audiophile, but I would concur with this description from an earlier thread here (found under a search of "TOCJ24"): "i have 3 titles from this new 24bit/96khz series: 'happenings' 'maiden voyage' 'a night in tunisia'. being a huge fan and collector of the original TOCJ series, i was curious as to whether the engineers at toshiba could do anything more with 'em. to my ears, they have: extended resolution and soundstage that seem to take the TOCJ sound to the next level. "
  2. At the risk of sounding like a nitpicker, the 4000 series and 4100 series TOCJs are 16-bit. The 1500, 1600 and 4200 series are 20-bit. The 16-bit ones still sound great though.
  3. I concur. Kinda like the "Adam's Apple" JRVG...where's the bass? I've not heard the domestic RVG'd Apple... My understanding is that domestic RVGs are now based on the JRVG remasters, and have been for the past several batches of RVGs. This is a change from the early RVG days when the two series were based on different remasters. I'm not sure exactly when this change came into effect- it seems that the powers that be decided it was not cost effective to have Rudy doing two remaster jobs for each session. This never made much sense to me either. Now they just use the JRVG remaster when releasing a domestic RVG. Perhaps someone who has followed this issue closer than I have can shed some light on the accuracy and details of this.
  4. half.com has "kofi" for $19.99. Not great, but also not a ridiculous price for an out of print title.
  5. Thank you Sundog. I checked their site briefly, looks like they do indeed offer many potential combinations. I also had a look at their "refurbished" stuff. I think I will contact them and ask what they might suggest for a strictly audio set-up.
  6. Riverrat here, back with more speaker questions. I'm currently in negotiation with my wife (aka the "Chief") concerning the location of my sound system in our new home, which is still under construction. I really enjoy listening to music while I cook dinner, and also while entertaining. I'm usually too busy to just sit down specifically to listen to music while doing nothing else. When I do, I'm likely to lie down on the couch and listen through headphones. So, for these reasons, I'm putting my foot down to have my system and CDs in the "great" room of our new home, rather than relegated to the "media" room upstairs. The Chief would prefer that, to the degree possible, my speakers be heard and not seen. If they are seen, they must be attractive. I'm in the market for new ones, and had pretty much written off any small bookshelf sized or wall mount speakers because my impression is that they do not produce high quality sound. I was looking at medium sized towers such as those by Paradigm or Axiom. I also briefly considered buying a used set of Bose 901s which I could hang from the ceiling. I understand people either love or hate these, the only ones I ever heard sounded great to me. But buying used speakers is a risk, and I have no idea how these might sound with my current system. I have also not broached the issue of hanging speakers from chains with the Chief yet, and I am suspicious this may not go over well. I'm wondering I should also be considering a wider range of options, especially given the plethora of new speaker systems designed for home theater that have smallish satellite speakers and a subwoofer. It would be fine with me to avoid floor standing speakers, as long as I do not sacrifice sound quality. My budget is around $1000. My system consists of an Onkyo TX-SR600 receiver and a Sony C222ES CD/SACD player. My current speakers are ancient Speakerlab S3s, so I am really looking forward to better sound. Can anyone recommend a system with smallish wall mount satellite speakers and a sub that would satisfy my desire for a significant upgrade from my current speakers but in an unobtrusive package? Keep in mind I'm not really an "audiophile", but I do appreciate bang for the buck and good clean sound. Thanks in advance.
  7. I certainly wasn't trying to steer anyone away from Kevin's offering, which is a great deal. My intent was to alert WD45 to another reasonably priced copy of the same session. It appeared that he had hoped to score the disc, but missed out. Hope no one is disappointed or offended by my posting.
  8. D'oh! Here's the TOCJ24 for $13.79 plus US shipping: Willette
  9. That Ike Quebec is great, one of his best IMO, coincidentally just listened to it during dinner this evening. I prefer to hear Ike without any organ, so maybe that is why I like this one so much.
  10. The copy of the SACD version of Bela Fleck's fantastic session "Drive" that I got from casacaiman skipped on the SACD layer. It was not like a normal skipping CD, but seemed to skip from section to section of the track without dropouts. Has anyone else experienced similar problems with this or any other dual-layer hybrid SACD? As an aside, casacaiman was a pain in the *ss to deal with regarding my return. I got a polite email saying to visit their site and use their return procedure, which didn't work, then waited many days for an email response to a query about this, telling me that they would send a return mailer, which never came after two weeks, then finally they just sent a refund after I left negative feedback on eBay (first neg feedback I've ever left). When coupled with my previous experience with them regarding unfilled orders of CDs they list but do not stock and apparently cannot get, I think I have finally learned my lesson about casacaiman.com.
  11. I like TOM CAT too. I don't think this one has ever been available as a TOCJ or JRVG either, at least I have never seen it as such.
  12. thanks for the suggestions, I will carefully consider all of them!
  13. Thank you Sundog, I will have a look.
  14. Well dang, 58 views and no responses. Must not be popular speakers, which says something I guess. Maybe I should rephrase my question: What are some speaker recommendations for under $1000? I am not bent on getting floor standing towers, but I am leaning this way- simply because it seems that design gives the most bang for the buck. We listen mostly to jazz, but also some world music, blues and older rock. The speakers will most likely go in a combination living room-kitchen-dining room, a so-called "great" room. They will probably not be used in conjunction with a TV or home theater system, i.e. they will be used for two channel playback. Thanks in advance for any advice!
  15. Is this one of those cases in which the JRVG and RVG are the same remaster?
  16. Long past time to replace my speakers- circa 1978 Speakerlab S3's that I built from a kit with help from my grandfather. I'm looking at the Mission M35i's that Amazon is selling for $450/pr. This is alledgedly half price, but seems close to the going rate in the UK. I've also considered the Axiom M60ti blems which are currently about $800. But the Missions are much less expensive and seem pretty nice. Has anyone heard the Missions, or the Axioms for that matter? Rest of my system: Onkyo TS-XR 600 receiver, Sony C222ES CD/SACD player, Sony 755 used as a DVD-video player. As you can see I'm not an audiophile, just looking for some nice sounding speakers that don't cost a bundle.
  17. Ready for Freddie certainly qualifies as essential, at least in my book! If I could only own one Hubbard session, this would be it.
  18. Crap! Anyone got a spare copy of this one sitting around? ← AMG sure gives this one a lukewarm review. 2.5 stars: "Theoretically, the pairing of Jimmy Smith and Lou Donaldson is a smart idea. Both musicians were instrumental in the development of soul-jazz and were recognized as among the leaders of their genre. Instead of catching fire, however, Jimmy Smith Trio + LD, falls flat. There are a few moments that fulfill the duo's potential -- both Smith and Donaldson trade hot lines on "Star Eyes" -- but in general, the session is bland but pleasant offering nothing truly memorable." What do the Jimmy Smith fans here have to say?
  19. Alec, just sent a PM re the Larry Young. I am basically a hard bop fan, trying to step out a little...
  20. I'm another migrant from the old Blue Note Bulletin Board. I joined that board almost completely clueless about jazz, learned an incredible amount and gradually built a decent collection of mainly 50's and 60's hard bop based on the amazing archive of info and some occasional queries to the veterans. REALLY sad how the BNBB melted down...but it was great that this board provided a refuge. As I recall, a number of us also joined All About Jazz at about that time, but the established community there seemed to feel a bit overwhelmed and annoyed by the sudden influx of immigrants, many of whom had well established opinions. Hard to blame the folks at AAJ, really, for feeling a bit put upon. Anyway, my take is that Organissimo seemed to provide a fresh start, rather than dropping into an established community, and here we still are. I'm so busy I mostly just lurk, not that I ever had much to contribute except questions, but I stop in most everyday. This is a great board.
  21. Not sure why I keep getting these, maybe they read my mind and realize I was about ready to cancel my membership. At any rate, here is another BMG coupon for 60% off no shipping, for 2 days only (Sept 1-2): A5DS18 FWIW, they will tack on shipping to some orders with box sets. The coupon does say that it doesn't apply to box sets, although the prices on many of them do reflect the 60% off, and it appears possible to order at least one without getting shipping tacked on. But I ordered three box sets and had to pay about $6 in shipping. Still much better than their usual exhorbitant shipping charges.
  22. Maybe you order too many box sets during their best promotions? Got this one today for 60% off no shipping 48 Hour sale, August 29-30: A5DS2
  23. Well thanks alot SS1. I just wandered over to Dusty Groove for a look via your link and before I knew it, "Brown Sugar" and "Good Move" were on their way to me. I'm not broke yet, but I do hold you responsible.
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