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Everything posted by riverrat

  1. Not that I really know what I'm talking about, but I agree with this advice. We have a TV almost like the one pictured. Its nice, but we wish it had a bigger screen or at least full width so movies would show full screen and/or without the black bars at the top and bottom. There are literally hundreds of surround sound receivers available on eBay at any given time. Home theater is hugely popular and lots of people need to have the latest and greatest stuff so there's lots of turnover in good used gear. If it were me, I'd investigate some good receivers that are 2-3 years old, also buy used speakers, and put the majority of my budget into the TV.
  2. Hope Jimmy was given a copy of the VEE by Verve - or was the Lonehill his first CD copy? Mighty fine album. All I know is what I read on Amazon, a review of the Lonehill posted by some guy named Christopher Byars, a "jazz musician". Here's the link:Link to amazon
  3. "I would check out the OJC "Song of Songs" since it seems like OJCs are disappearing..." Good tip, ordered a used copy from Amazon for $9. The other one they had was $40. Not available there new. half.com has it for about $20 used. Walmart.com does still have it new for about $13. I'll choose one of the High Notes (Vol. 3 has been mentioned as a favorite). "Two More Pieces of the Puzzle" (which I have) includes both "Iron Men" and the live in Germany session. I also own "Demon's Dance" and "Unity". I personally like "Demon's Dance" a lot, whereas I really have to be in the mood for some of Jackie's more "out" sessions. DD strikes a nice balance, IMO, semi-adventurous just like me... Maybe that is why I like Woody's "Moontrane" so much, it is in a similar vein. "Bemsha Swing" seems to already be hard to find and spendy. I'll keep my eyes out. In the meantime, there are lots of affordable Woody sessions to pick up. Thanks for all the tips folks!
  4. Please excuse the cross post, but I'm casting a wide net ISO responses! _______________________________________ After listening to "The Moontrane" via headphones last night, I resolved to expand my supply of Woody Shaw. I also have "Two More Pieces of the Puzzle" and "Lotus Flower". I ordered "Little Red's Fantasy" before I went to bed, and I can see that "Stepping Stones" is another must have. Reading through the extensive thread in the "Artists" forum, it seems its hard to go wrong with virtually any Shaw date. Couple of questions though: 1. Are the CBS recordings available on CD other than the OOP Mosaic? 2. In view of the fact that Shaw has (thankfully) a rather extensive catalog, are there any particular OOP CD reissues that I should focus on before they become even more difficult to find and expensive? Some of the 32 Jazz reissues seem to fit this category. Thanks in advance!
  5. After listening to "The Moontrane" via headphones last night, I resolved to expand my supply of Woody Shaw. I also have "Two More Pieces of the Puzzle" and "Lotus Flower". I ordered "Little Red's Fantasy" before I went to bed, and I can see that "Stepping Stones" is another must have. Reading through this thread, it seems its hard to go wrong with virtually any Shaw date. Couple of questions though: 1. Are the CBS recordings available on CD other than the OOP Mosaic? 2. In view of the fact that Shaw has (thankfully) a rather extensive catalog, are there any particular OOP CD reissues that I should focus on before they become even more difficult to find and expensive? Some of the 32 Jazz reissues seem to fit this category. Thanks in advance!
  6. I didn't really understand why Lonehill was "evil", but after reading this quote in one of the Amazon reviews for the Lonehill "complete" Cleveland compilation, I think I'm getting the picture: "Having spoken to Jimmy Cleveland about this CD, it's a bittersweet story. He was never contacted by the record company, didn't even know it was being reissued. I sent him my copy - he wasn't thrilled with it." Sooo, instead of picking up the Lonehill, I went ahead and located the VEE version of the "Introducing" session. Great stuff! I guess I will need to just wait for the other sessions to come out on CD in versions that are done with Jimmy's permission and hopefully provide him some compensation.
  7. Yes it was convenient, but I am definitely through with yourmusic.com. I'm glad some folks are still getting the $5.99 price, and I don't wish them any ill will at all- better some of us than none of us getting that price. But it really annoys me that they started charging some of us $6.99 on January 1st while others got 4 or 5 more months of the old price. They offered no explanation, and it does not seem related to how many discs various people ordered, AFAIK. Extremely unfair and unprofessional. F*ck yourmusic.com.
  8. Thank you for the replies folks. I will stand by for additional info. I did try to learn more using the search function, but was unable to find definitive answers. My understanding was that the U.S. RVG program began using the Japanese remasters because the Japan RVG program began earlier and remains more extensive, rather than vice versa. But if that is true, it would raise the question of where and when the bonus tracks were remastered. So I remain a bit confused!
  9. My understanding is that at some point within approximately the past couple of years, Blue Note started using the same remasters for domestic RVG releases as were used for JRVGs, whereas prior to that time separate (and somewhat different sounding) remasters were generated for each series. My questions are: 1. Is this true? 2. If this is true, at what point did the change occur? 3. More to the point, for which sessions are the RVG and JRVG remasters the same and for which sessions are they different? 4. For sessions with separate RVG and JRVG remasters, are there consistent differences in sound? 5. If there are NOT consistent differences in sound, are there particular sessions for which the JRVG sounds better than the RVG or vice versa? The reason I'm curious is that I'm getting tired of fiddling with the mini-lp covers and considering selling my JRVGs and picking up domestic jewel case versions of those sessions where both are available. But I don't want to sell any JRVGs that I might regret not having later. Thank you for any light that can be shed on this topic!
  10. i beg to differ. venting frustration publicly on a newsgroup/bulletin board over a transaction before contacting the seller is in poor form. Not to turn this into a pissing match, but I agree completely with etherbored. I've been very happy with the discs I've purchased from donald. Anyone who isn't is certainly entitled to their opinion, but what is gained by publicly airing their complaint? IMO, it is more appropriate to contact the seller via PM and try to work it out privately.
  11. The TOCJ-66XXX series Freddie Redd "Redd's Blues" and Tina Brooks "Waiting Game" are hard to find 24-bit remasters from around 1999, in regular jewel cases. The 4000 and 4100 series TOCJs are 16-bit remasters. The 4200 and 4300 series TOCJs are 20-bit remasters.
  12. I don't know , but what's wrong with the sound on The Prestige Trio Sessions ( containing Little Barefoot Soul and Chun-King ) put out by Fantasy a few years ago ? I was just trying to find out more about the remastering of these Japanese releases. To my ears, 20 or 24-bit remastering often makes a significant improvement in sound. This generally holds true even if the original 16-bit remaster already sounded good. The Japanese are far ahead of the US in upgraded remasters so I'll often pick these up if they are a decent price, as these are. If the domestic and import versions have the same remastering, I don't worry much about finding Japan versions. The exception to this is if the price is the same, in which case I buy the Japan version because I've heard their quality control is better. I don't have any of the Trio Sessions, and I did see that these three sessions had been released domestically as a package. So if I find out that the imports aren't upgraded remasters, it makes more sense to buy the package- probably significantly less expensive than picking them up individually.
  13. Yes, thanks for the tip! I just checked Amazon for one I saw on the Dusty Groove page- Bobby Timmons "Little Barefoot Soul". Amazon lists it as "available for pre-order". Will be released Feb 27. So this must be a new reissue series? Does anyone know if they are 20 or 24-bit or any other details about the remastering?
  14. I've thought about this too. But if I'm not mistaken, there is some material on the Mosaic that is not available elsewhere on CD- the "Chant" session.
  15. Thanks for the explanation Jim! My gripe in no way reflects frustration with the board MODERATORS. I greatly appreciate you hosting this board and continue to learn a great deal here. Niko's suggestion worked great for me.
  16. this seems to be my post forever try searching on google and behind what you are searching for type site:orgassimo.org like search for "ecm reissues" site:organissimo.org on google it's not perfect, many hits are from some lofi version of the board (which however has the same posts in it ) and more recent things are mostly overlooked but it's something Good suggestion Niko, thank you!
  17. I was just trying to search for threads about the ECM label, specifically the set of reissues that came out in 2000. (Trying to find out if they are remastered or just reissued.) I'm also interested in learning more about this vast catalog. I tried: ECM ECM reissues But the search engine won't take terms less than 4 characters, effectively making any search for ECM impossible. Perhaps there is a good reason for this, but I find it VERY ANNOYING! Is there any work around for this?
  18. PM sent RE Alice coltrane-huntington ashram monastery
  19. Got this a couple days ago from DG, and spun it a couple times. GREAT stuff! As a big fan of Fela Kuti and other afro-jazz oriented music, I enjoyed this one a lot. Thanks again gslade! I also took the time to check out the Sonorama Records site- for those into Bossa Nova, it looks like they've reissued several obscure bossa dates.
  20. PM sent RE: tomasz stanko-purple sun woody shaw-the moontrane
  21. Thank you gslade! I just ordered it, after listening to a clip from one track on Amazon.de.
  22. Another reason to go with a "vintage" amp. The aforementioned Sansui has both MC and MM phono stages. BTW it sold for $800 new in 1979.
  23. Some may scoff at this suggestion, but if it were me I'd buy an amp from the golden age of audio gear- the late 70's to early 80's- and have it refurbed with some new caps. I prefer Kenwood and Sansui amps. You could probably find a Sansui AU-919 for ~$300, put another $200 into it to get it running better than new. VERY conservatively rated at 100wpc of very clean power, plenty to drive multiple sets of speakers, and build quality you will not find today for under $2000. Going this route would allow you to spend more on speakers which will give you the best sound for the money.
  24. I'm in remission on CD buying, but when I pick one up these days I tend to try and find the Japanese version. So far, I have not found a Japanese version of this CD. I'm sure they have to exist. Any opinons concerning the best sounding version of this session?
  25. Looks like LP only. I've been resisting getting dragged back into the vinyl world, but it is suggestions like this that weaken my resolve...
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