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  1. What do members here think of Wilkins' 2nd outing, The 7th Hand? I liked Omega. Wilkins' quartet is inspired, especially his piano player Micah Thomas. So I was looking forward to his new one. But I was quite disappointed. Whereas Omega strikes me as good post-bop, somewhat Coltrane influenced but not cloned, The 7th Hand is much less compelling, for me at least. I suppose it would help if I liked "free" jazz more, which is the style of "Lift" what seems to be regarded as the standout tune on the 2lp set, taking up the entire 4th side. It's pretty much noise jazz in my book, and I found it pretty much unlistenable. A lot of rapid fire notes, to be sure, but definitely not for me. The rest of the set if not as "out" as the 4th side. I'll try to give it another chance, but not sure I'll even be keeping this one. Perhaps Wilkins and his trio feel the need to experiment and push boundaries more than they did on Omega, as they continue to build their body of work. I respect that. But I'll definitely do some spot checking before buying any more of their output.
  2. I searched "Strata East" here and pulled up this thread, after looking at the list of Strata East vinyl reissues being put out by Pure Pleasure in the UK. I have 3 Charles Tolliver titles in this series and am interested in exploring more. Felser's list above is helpful; a few of them are among those being reissued by PP. Anyone here into vinyl should check this series out. They are very nicely done.
  3. Thanks I am going to grab it.
  4. I have a copy of African Nite on hold at my local record store. It is either the original US issue, or a reissue, on Inner City. I'm curious how the sound on that compares to the Owl records French version.
  5. I was able to follow the link and add the colored lp to my cart. I went through checkout up until the final steps, then bailed. So it may still be available if anyone is interested. That all being said, the VMP website is sort of glitchy. I couldn't get the search function to work just now. So they may just not have taken the order function down, or updated that page. Lastly, the regular black vinyl version of Coolin' is available as an Amazon pre-order for $17.99 right now.
  6. This was posted over on the Hoffman forum today: "Don Was, of Blue Note/Universal Music Group and Joe Harley (sic) of Audioquest, announced a reissue program. While the pending reissue series will be under a different banner than Music Matters, it will follow the same level of quality - both in packaging, extras, and sonic quality as the Music Matters series. Two of the first reissue titles will be: 1) Wayne Shorter, Et Cetera, and, 2) Chick Corea, Now He Sobs, Now He Sings. (Please note: I am sure on the Wayne Shorter title and 80% sure on the Chick Corea title)."
  7. I'm sure I DON'T like it, and agree 100% with Kevin that it is a very disappointing trend. The MM 33s are great, really like it that they introduced this series and wish it was going to be as extensive as the 45 series was. On the other hand, Mobile Fidelity seems to have moved from 33 to 45 with their Miles Davis reissues, and as a consequence, I quit buying them. The 45s are unnecessarily expensive and inconvenient, a wrongheaded trend IMO and one that I hope draws to a close soon!
  8. Yesterday I listened to a new-to-me copy of the Connoisseur Series vinyl of Wayne Shorter's Schizophrenia. Sounded fine to me, and was certainly more affordable than an early issue.
  9. Cool! Thanks for the review Laton. I think I will order it- probably my favorite McLean.
  10. PM coming Hope, Elmo All Star Sessions Mance, Junior Straight Ahead Webster, Ben & Coleman, Bill Swingin' in London Nelson, Oliver Live from Los Angeles Stitt, Sonny I Remember Bird Fuller, Curtis Jazz Conference Abroad Coltrane, John Impressions MCA/Impulse and probably a few more
  11. Bumping this thread to mention that oldies.com has two Kloss lps - Celebration and Now - for less than $2 each. Not sure if these are worth hearing or not, but at these prices I can afford to gamble!
  12. Pharaoh Sanders - Tauhid, original pressing on Impulse, VG++ condition for $1.00 Non-jazz category: Stones - Exile on Main Street, original, 4 sides with Artisan stamp, Monarch pressing, including all 12 postcards EX+ condition, $15.
  13. I'll take the Hill. PM coming..
  14. I'll echo Lon in agreeing that you have hit the nail on the head with this observation. It is quite annoying that its taken the music industry 25 years to finally offer decent sounding CDs of this music.
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