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Everything posted by snowflake

  1. It sounds like fun! Would love to see old pictures too..please!
  2. Looked like a really nice gig through the photos!
  3. Randy, Happy Birthday! Snowflake
  4. Will send a check tomorrow. I know I only post something 3 times a year...but I'm thankful for the site. Thanks, snowflake Hope your tour went well!! Be safe driving.
  5. I'll be celebrating her life and how brave she was! Thanks for letting us know.
  6. Hope you have a great, safe trip! I know everyone will love you there!!
  7. Happy New Year! Thanks for great music!
  8. just glad you are ok...it could have been worse.
  9. Groovadelphia!!
  10. I really enjoyed too....it was worth the drive!!
  11. Have a Happy One........to the greatest drummer!! Snowflake
  12. The ipod generation is really missing out...don't ya think?
  13. I still love "Getz/Gilberto.
  14. Yes, Snowflake is a woman....Thanks for noticing Randissimo!
  15. Looking forward to Organissimo's new recording! Happy New Year!! Snowflake
  16. I was responding to what Jim said about Randy's biking shorts.
  17. Vinyl sounds so much better than a cd. It would be worth the extra money to purchase a copy. Nose plugs aren't that expensive either.
  18. A really great Drummer!!
  19. Yeah, I was a huge fan of Todd's in the 70's. I have and love all the same recordings. I saw him in concert every chance I could. But I'm not in to him any more. He wrote a lot of beautiful songs.
  20. Happy Father's Day to Randissimo too!!
  21. Thanks for letting us know about Baker's...I will be at one of the events for sure!
  22. Happy Belated Birthday!! Hope it was great. I hope you have many many more birthdays....but don't get too old. Sincere best wishes to Organissimo too!! Snowflake
  23. I really enjoyed it also!!! It was great to hear you at the Firefly. Too bad I couldn't stay longer...but next time. My best to you as always... Snowflake...melting
  24. My 1st exciting post... Kurt Elling w/ Laurence Hobgood trio at Orchestra Hall Nov.21st at 8 pm. Marcus Belgrave will be on after Kurt. Should be a nice evening.
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