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Everything posted by Noj

  1. Same boat. I would have guessed it to be their entire output.
  2. Fire in, fire out. PS on another chat board this is the longest running topic with tens of thousands of responses.
  3. It's still the most cheated I've ever felt as a sports fan. Poor Tim Brown. Best play of Charles Woodson's young career. That was the best Raiders team of my (sports fan sentient) lifetime.
  4. Target only?!!?? #$@$%*!!!!
  5. I'd love to see Pop coach Timmy & the Spurs to another title, much more than I'd like to watch the Heat win again. The Spurs are a class organization, especially now that Karate Kid Bowen is in the announcing booth instead of purposely getting under opposing players feet so they roll their ankles (a dirty skill he passed to Dahnte Jones, apparently).
  6. Such a yawner of an NBA season. The Heat are going to win it all and scarcely break a sweat doing it. Their team is too good. They didn't need any changes to still be the favorite, and instead they got upgrades and more depth at multiple positions. My guess is OKC will return to the Finals to face the Heat and get beat worse than last season. I'll be rooting hard for the Lakers, who will go down in the first round if they make the playoffs. Then I'll be all in for the Clippers, who won't have enough. San Antonio's team of virtual unknowns will fall back to earth. Every team in the East who might give the Heat a fight is depleted or old. Size up the rings for LeBron and company.
  7. Some...are boomboxes.
  8. Yeah, you're right starthrower. I know I've been one plenty of times, and I regret them all. Nobody's perfect.
  9. Non-musician here. Zappa is much more miss than hit for me. I was gifted a bunch of his albums (Guitar, Make A Jazz Noise Here, Weasels Ripped My Flesh, 200 Motels, Hot Rats, maybe more that I can't remember). Some songs I really like, most I don't feel. In interviews I've watched on youtube Zappa strikes me as a brilliant yet very bristly, grumpy, quick-to-judge character. It's not an excuse for his being a racist jerk to Chuck and his friends. It just seems like he's the sort of character who would have been an asshole to anyone if he was in the wrong mood. While disappointing, I'm sure even Chuck would grudgingly agree one incident doesn't discount everything Frank Zappa had to say or all the music he created.
  10. As long as I can hear all the instruments, I really don't care. My audio systems aren't sophisticated enough to lay bare the differences. The most annoying thing for me are the different qualities of digital audio files which make the volume go up and down on my iPod.
  11. Noj

    Donald Byrd

    I've heard others say they find A New Perspective to be "embarrassing;" that the vocal parts are some sort of capitulation to an undeserving audience or that it's a poorly conceived fusion of sounds that don't belong together (I've never quite understood the problem). I'm wondering if the same critics have the same reaction to Black Christ Of The Andes or any of the recordings MG just listed.
  12. Timberlake often golfs at the course where my friend Kevin is the pro, and Kevin says Justin is a great guy. Really down to earth and funny.
  13. I'm excited to see if the Dodgers can put a winner together in the near future. Maybe not this season, but these new owners sure have opened up the checkbooks (perhaps not in the wisest ways, but hell if McCourt ever even tried). These guys did it for the Atlanta Braves, maybe they'll bring winning baseball to LA. It's been ages of discouraging baseball for me since '88, which I watched happen with my brothers and parents and was the last time I can remember really loving baseball. Since then it's been hope the Dodgers make the playoffs, and when they have it's been root hard and be disappointed. Haters gonna hate.
  14. Sorry to have offended you Mark (or anyone else for that matter). My job is wearing on me, apparently.
  15. I suppose I deserve that, and I should have qualified it by saying that many of the people I deliver to are in such bad shape that I totally understand why their house is dirty--but it sure isn't true of all of them. These beds are loaned out for free to whoever fills out a form. MOST of the time there is someone else there who ought to be cleaning up. A free pass is given to everyone who is too old or too fucked up and has zero help. And no matter what, I'm polite and I deliver with a smile on my face. I'm glad to help, sincerely. I don't voice my thoughts about the fat and lazy but perfectly mobile person who is sitting on the couch watching reality TV rather than doing anything to improve the living situation.
  16. Franklin's The Skipper features the sublime "Theme For Jojo," a personal favorite. I'd like to order a number of these. Maybe next month.
  17. I don't mind other people's pets, but since I've been delivering hospital beds to people I must say I'm disturbed by the number of people who live like animals. People whose homes positively reek of animal urine and are covered in pet hair. People who don't clean up after their animals and don't train their animals. People like that shouldn't have pets, as they are incapable of taking care of themselves much less an animal. The whole experience has turned me off having pets. I like nice, friendly, clean animals. I might be more of a dog person since they tend to be more personable. But...I don't think I want one or to clean up after one. No thanks.
  18. In the wake of his passing, I noticed I didn't have much Dave Brubeck so I picked up Jazz Impressions Of New York, Jazz Impressions Of Japan, and Time Further Out.
  19. "Hey Gypsy Boy" is an instant favorite.
  20. It's really a remarkable comp. I should add that although it is a mix, eMusic has the complete individual tracks. So it's way longer than what would fit on a CD.
  21. I downloaded the first two volumes of this Various Artists compilation by Amorphous Androgynous (of Future Sound Of London fame, apparently) from eMusic. Since I've had it, its weirdness has consistently drawn my attention in the random mode on my iPod. A tremendous compilation with incredibly strange and beautiful music. Highest of high recommendations from a compilation junkie. Volume 1 Volume 2 There's a third volume I've yet to pick up, but I will be rectifying that shortly. Great stuff for someone like me who wouldn't know where to start with a lot of the odd prog/psychedlic stuff out there.
  22. My thanks as well. The images of the ruins of Detroit are depressing. A once great metropolis, crumbled.
  23. In stories such as these, it should be mandatory to include an upload of the music in question for listening purposes.
  24. I should clarify that my list is not from memories, since I wasn't born until '76.
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