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Everything posted by Noj

  1. I figured this image is a must here:
  2. My friend Omar's boxer Ace would regularly rip farts of an unbelievable stench. The sharpest, most overwhelming odor I have ever encountered. And I've been a janitor off and on for years, so I have a well-tested nose.
  3. Dog farts really are incredibly potent. Eye-watering.
  4. I have the compilation called Eat To The Beat: The Dirtiest Of Them Dirty Blues which features a number of the tracks posted here. I'll be tracking down the ones I don't have. Cool thread!
  5. When I managed a warehouse space in Hollywood, I got to go into Janie Hendrix' vault space and see all Jimi's original audio. Hallowed ground, baby.
  6. oh, yeahhhhhh, I could do that. Don't get me wrong, it looks like nothing I could possibly accomplish. But Jim looks like he requires minimal concentration to do that which I couldn't possibly accomplish.
  7. You make it look easy, Jim!
  8. I'm a moderator on another board, so I'm familiar with how to use message board software. The only trouble is I'm not as active on message boards these days since my job has me away from the computer much of the time. I'm on line a cumulative hour at most, most days.
  9. Congrats, !!!
  10. Ron Artest is out for what will be the Lakers final game this year, joining Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash, Steve Blake, and Jodie Meeks. Mercifully, this horrible torturous piece of crap season will come to an end on Sunday.
  11. I'd written off the Lakers for this season since before it began. Too many old defenders, not enough shooters, a weak bench, and the wrong coach twice. The Heat will win this title running away after being mildly tested at most.
  12. Ditto. And ditto.
  13. This thread is awesome. One of my earliest memories of Miles: What's odd is that although I was 12 when Scrooged came out, I'm pretty sure I knew who Miles Davis was and I got the joke. Which means I was a hip little twerp.
  14. I have "Holding You, Loving You" on a compilation and it's one of those tracks that was super goofy to me at first and then it grew on me. His albums have been on my radar but I haven't picked them up...yet. Cool stories above, thanks for sharing them. RIP
  15. You mad, JHD?
  16. I have watched Kobe for his whole career, so it's tough to see him go down. D'Antoni should have pulled him earlier in the game when it looked like he got hurt twice. Or rested him at some point over the last seven games. Kobe should know to rest, really. Can't play every minute of every game without risking injury. The Lakers should amnesty him next season, if he has to sit out. Otherwise they'll be paying $30 million for nothing.
  17. There have been talks that the USPS may go under. They already plan to scrap Saturday to cut costs.
  18. Not sure how I missed this thread, but I've been a big fan of Shuggie since the Inspiration Information reissue. The Here Comes Shuggie Otis/Freedom Flight and Shuggie Otis Plays The Blues reissues also have some real gems on 'em. Nice to read he might be slowly rounding himself back into form, but much like Sly Stone there's always the old stuff.
  19. Chuck's description makes me like Mr. Ebert even more. RIP
  20. My lone leader purchase from Jordan is Glass Bead Games, which I very much enjoy and gets a ringing endorsement from a number of you here. I'll have to add to my Clifford Jordan section with some recommendations from this thread.
  21. RRK's The Three Sided Dream In Audio Color seems...to have a number of ideas which fall right in line with those of electronic music, and some strange overdubbed voices to boot. Just sayin'. I can understand taking music seriously, but Mingus was really off his rocker.
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