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Everything posted by Noj

  1. Link on the way, Alex!
  2. Good Morning, Download links have been messaged. Please let me know asap if there is any trouble with the download, as this is my first time using that service. I hope no one is put out by the length of the test. It's 29 tracks total. Some are short, some are long, but I had a tough time paring it down and just decided to include them all! I will be in Seattle this coming Monday through Thursday, and will likely be busy for the rest of the weekend so I won't be around for the first week of the guessing and discussion. Enjoy! Jon
  3. Download links will be private messaged shortly. Any other takers?
  4. I love Bobby Hutcherson. I hope he isn't suffering.
  5. Bump.
  6. Greetings Organissimites, Please sign up here for Blindfold Test #128, hosted by yours truly! I'm going to give it my all to make this one a captivating listen, hopefully include a little something for everybody, and even more hopefully have something that everyone will love yet be unable to identify. This will only be available as a download as I do not have a reliable CD burner at this time. The download links will be private messaged to all respondents to this thread on November 1st, and this discussion threads will be posted the same day. Good luck! joN
  7. Noj

    Joe Sample 1939-2014

    I've been a fan of the Crusaders since my first days of getting into jazz, and I actually started collecting the funkier stuff before even knowing that they were originally the Jazz Crusaders. That meant I got two separate periods of discovery with the group, and I absolutely love their sound in both eras. Crusaders 1 and The Second Crusade were albums I paid extra money to obtain and they're still favorites. RIP Mr. Sample, and thank you for all the great music.
  8. I've had a mangled Gerald Wilson Pacific Jazz compilation LP since I first started collecting, and along with some Blue Note compilations it led to my purchase of his Mosaic. I love his music.
  9. The Virgin Megastore in Burbank was my own personal playground. It was a weird, magical place where I could plan purchases weeks in advance since I was almost always the only person in the jazz section (which was beautifully stocked, as were all the others). The whole store was great, though. Every genre was nicely represented.
  10. Fun stuff! I'm intrigued by the slick paper ink transferring technique, hadn't seen that one before. Did you come up with that on your own, mgraham333?
  11. At first read I thought the article was by Sonny Rollins (I'll admit to being naive but won't beat myself up over it). I thought maybe he was bitter because the current music which is so popular and pays so well is utterly without the immense talent and dedication artists like Sonny Rollins have poured a lifetime into. After being informed it was satire, I just sort of groaned and thought, "oh, that author's a dick. I didn't know the New Yorker did that old Onion-type stuff." Then I read the piece some tin-eared goof wrote about "jazz being out of ideas" and a bunch of other crap about music being "better with lyrics." My response there was that genres don't run out of ideas, but musicians and listeners might. All it takes is a new creative personality to bring a fresh touch to any genre. If a song with lyrics doesn't have you whistling it later, its melody isn't worth a damn. If a song without lyrics has you whistling it for days on end, it's doing everything a good song can do. Lyrics can enhance a song but aren't necessary to its success. In my experience the folks who can't appreciate a song without lyrics are less sophisticated, less eclectic listeners who haven't really wrapped their ears around what makes for quality music.
  12. This has been a long-time favorite of mine. The mp3 I downloaded years ago was encoded with the record spinning at a faster pace, and it was only like 3 minutes long. I'll have to be getting this from The Bastards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6hRvwaXzFo
  13. Noj

    R.I.P. Bobby Womack

    Got an all Bobby Womack playlist going this morning in his honor. RIP
  14. My feelings exactly. Mine too. I love Horace.
  15. As an aside, I found that finding the tracks LZ "borrowed" has made a fine primer for building a decent blues collection. And although covering the blues, LZ is distinctly rock and not blues. They had great taste in selecting what to steal and rockify.
  16. War messes me up. On the one hand it's good the bomb-strapped man didn't get a chance to detonate it amongst innocents. On the other, six men getting blown to bits is hardly cause to celebrate.
  17. I love the Jazz Crusaders and the Crusaders. RIP
  18. Noj

    Lou Donaldson

    Alligator Bogaloo is a must. "One Cylinder!"
  19. http://youtu.be/V2zUWSdkeNA
  20. I thought we called them the bastards because they fucking have everything!
  21. Thanks again, guys! My avatar is actually an action movie henchman of Lethal Weapon and Die Hard fame (who, I have from reliable sources in Hollywood stunt circles, is in reality a very nice guy).
  22. Thanks guys! I'm catching up to everybody.
  23. I love the first three albums. I think I recall reading the departure of their bassist resulted in their sudden decline. Lenny Kravitz. Can't help it, high school memories.
  24. ... was enough to send me careening off my mental highway. The only thing "tinny" are the ninny author's ears. I suspect he hasn't actually listened or had the depth of jazz listening experience to grasp Ellington.
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