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Everything posted by Noj

  1. I must say I am definitely in the camp that dislikes the cover art on these, but I agree the music is fantastic. I have been meaning to to get more but usually these are in the $18.99 range which often deters me. I have a Charles Kynard, a Boogaloo Joe Jones, and an Idris Muhammad from this series and I like them all.
  2. When I think of my social life, Boo Radley comes to mind. Guess I need to get out of the house! I go home from work, I throw on some jazz, and I start working on my art.
  3. I got to watch Scrotum, whoever made it is twisted!
  4. Carneys...small hands....smell like cabbage.
  5. Boney Back Davis on the set! B)
  6. Father: "William.....move your head. Look at the size of that boy's head. I'm not kidding it's like an orange on a toothpick!" Tony: "Shh. You're going to give the boy a complex..." Father: "Oh that's a huge noggin'. It's a virtual planetoid. Has it's own weather systems!" Father: "Head. Paper. Now. Move that melon of yours and get the paper if you can. Hauling that gargantuan cranium about. I'm not kidding, that boy's head's like Sputnik. Spherical but quick, pointy in parts. Oh that was off-side wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight on his huge pillow!"
  7. Thanks B, I thought I was alone with my (shallow) sense of humor.
  8. Someone (I assume it was the artist himself) used to post as Homestar Runner at another board I used to frequent. Funny stuff.
  9. I guess I'm just a sucker for English typed with a German accent. I thought sure it was an alias of someone, and always wondered who it was.
  10. Who was "Achtung Dr. Freud Calling"? Cracked me up every time.
  11. noj4possumproductions <and my avatar is a bit distorted, but it is an image of Ron Carter
  12. I knew I had those URLs saved from a post over at AAJ. It appears the image-posting is the same for here, AAJ, and the late BNBB. Right-click on a image, go to properties, then select and copy the URL, then paste it into the IMG prompter.
  13. I just tried to go to BNBB and it has a message up that it will be closed until May 1. The BNBB is dead indeed.
  14. I really dig Al Green and Ann Peebles, so count me in as a Charles Hodges fan. I've heard a bit of Solomon Burke that I liked. Ann's "I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down" is a personal favorite.
  15. PD, I have been slowly trying to "balls up" my collection as was recommended to me at the BNBB a little over a year ago. I have been buying a lot of Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Herbie Hancock, and Grant Green. I have scheduled my next purchases to include Art Blakey, Hank Mobley, and at your recommendation, some Clifford Brown. If the version of "Once In A While" you mention is the caliber of "Delilah," I'm sure I'll dig it. Thanks for the advice.
  16. I have this song "I Can't Keep From Crying Sometimes" and it is real, real good. It is from 1969 originally released on RCA. Does anyone know any other information about them/her?
  17. Herbie Hancock "Mimosa" B)
  18. Whoops, I didn't read far enough to see Bill's recs. I thought it had turned into the "bash Chet's vocals" thread. I only have one Clifford Brown, the "Ultimate" compilation. "Delilah" and "Stardust" are my favorite tracks. My collection has holes big enough to skipper an aircraft carrier through.
  19. What would you guys recommend from Chet where he leaves the singing up to his trumpet?
  20. Cool, thanks. I'll have to check that out. I have very little jazz vocals, but I have heard some I like. I have John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman that I like very much.
  21. Hey Soul Stream, I have Chet Baker's She Was Too Good To Me on CTI. I don't listen to it much, but for some reason I have deemed it worthy of saving for another listen. Is his Pacific stuff similar or better?
  22. Thanks B-3er. I may make this set my first plunge into the Mosaic world(I had never heard of them before I joined BNBB). 80 clams for 5 cds is a great deal. http://www.mosaicrecords.com/DisplaySelect...electionID=1021
  23. Have I overlapped the box with any of the ones I own?
  24. I have: Salt Song Love. Sugar Love. Cherry Love. Pieces Of Dreams So-so. What's next?
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