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Everything posted by Noj

  1. Anyone see dude's helmet get shattered last night in the Dolphins game? Split clean in two like an egg! I have never seen anything like that happen, save the Earl Campbell highlight against the Rams where his jersey got ripped off and he kept running (right after he folded a db's chest in half with his helmet).
  2. They tried to lose last night and still won. B)
  3. We assume that Rocky went out the way he wanted to. Yeah, we like to think he sensed the end was near and went somewhere to die with dignity.
  4. Berigan--sorry to hear about your cat. Growing up I had an alley cat that looked a lot like yours (mostly black with white patches) and also lived nearly 20 years. We named him Rocky Balboa, because he was a fighter from the get-go and seemed to "box" with his paws. Rocky was a ruthless hunter, and since we live against the mountain he had no shortage of prey. He killed rabbits as big as himself. Once I heard him crunching something on the porch only to look out and see tarantula legs strewn about. Birds, lizards, snakes...nothing escaped Rocky's wrath. Another time, my little cousins were over and were running through the house like crazy. Rocky watched them go by a couple times then decided to take out the weakest one, tackling my little cousin Sara! We often joked that he was going to drag a deer back to the house one of these nights... Then, after all those years with us, one night Rocky didn't come home. That is no less sad, but easier than making the difficult decision to euthanize. My sympathies.
  5. Alexander--if you ever buy a Santana album, make it this one!
  6. BLINDFOLD TEST #4 disc one 1. The piano intro is nice, not too sweet. The composition isn't boring, seems to weave around if that makes any sense. Not bad. No idea who it is. 2. Great driving music, somewhat sinister. I like the steady beat. Is "Almost Good" what the guy's saying? No clue. 3. Woody Shaw came to mind for some reason, but I wouldn't venture him as a guess. Pretty good, I like the drums and bass on this one. 4. This one doesn't appeal to me right off the bat. I think it is that "big" sound of the horns, too over the top. The fuzzy guitar solo was suprising. Was that a clarinet later on? I like some aspects of the drumming...haven't the foggiest. 5. Not a JB song I've heard before, and like most songs of his I like this one. 6. Not my type of stuff but...well...it's purty. Would be a great choice for a romantic comedy, right in the reflective-we're-not-sure-if-the-relationship's-gonna-make-it scene. 7. Melancholy, uncertain, strange, difficult to categorize, a bit unsettling. 8. Stan & Shirley maybe? 9. Whoa! Sounds drunk! I like drunk. 10. I like this kind of showboating, this drummer is a madman. Are those bottles? 11. WW1 music? Must be obscure. 12. Scary, chaotic, is that what they're after? A pause, and then some slow paced creepiness more structured than the first part. As a whole...I just don't know what to make of it. 13. Enjoyable. I've given up guessing. 14. Again, not bad, not great. 15. I like the vibes, but I can't distinguish one player from another at this point. The touch of the mallets, whether they're hard or soft...can't hear it yet. Perhaps the last three songs are more rewarding with time...all three weren't bad, but somehow not exceptional... disc two 1. Some probing, spacey, improvisational fusion...I can dig it. Weather Report maybe? 2. Funky little hypnotic-paced rhythm, the chant of "Ornette Coleman" is intriguing since I have avoided OC to this point. 3. Weird funky soul vocal...the lyrics aren't repetitive. Cool. I know who it is, I think. 4. Mellow and breezey--is that guitar looped electronically? Sort of cheesey. 5. ZANY! Not my kind of stuff. 6. I like this better than the other big band tracks that are included...but still it doesn't do much for me after two listens. 7. Something slightly "off" about the whole thing...not sure if I like it or not. 8. I picture black & white camera footage of people dancing their asses off when I hear music like this. Not that there's anything wrong with that. 9. Played it three times. It struck me that the horn player has a lot of stamina, and the bass solo is impressive. 10. Damn, this is some funky bluesy type stuff. I like it! 11. This has got this whole okeedokee hokey country vibe that I just don't dig. Thanks a lot JSngry for the cool discs! And thanks again to RDK for the distribution.
  7. RDK, I think I was in your batch. THANKS!!! :rsmile: I'm going to go and listen to disc 1 again right now. I was in your batch as well, RDK. Thanks!
  8. I think those who are annoyed by material that is not jazz will know within a few bars that it isn't something they want to comment on, and could post something like "#7--decline to comment." Would it really take up so much time? Or maybe tell us all why it is the track in question is so terrible as to be a waste of time. Rake the compiler over the coals! Take him to task, one track at a time! It could be part of the fun, and may even reveal more about what makes jazz listeners tick. Express your distaste. It may even be what the compiler intended.
  9. Mine came in today's mail, and I'm through 11 tracks of listening. It will take a few times through for me to arrive at some opinions. I'll join the discussion thread soon... ...Track 12 is throwing me for a loop, this is some out there stuff. I really dig how this is bouncing around and touching lots of very different material. B)
  10. I have one of these, and it still works! I'm a big fan of Legos. I still have mine, and I still keep the space Legos in a separate box. The toys I wish I still had: I had a ton of Transformers and Star Wars toys, and I was the type of kid who kept them in great condition. While they were mine they still had all their loose parts, stickers, etc. In my teens I thought I had outgrown toys, and gave them to my younger cousins who promptly destroyed them all. Wow, the regret I feel today.
  11. Reno Victoria bow chicka waka bow bow
  12. I agree with Clinton Forry and what I'm hearing from a lot of people--this movie is the perfect combination of laughs for adults and kids alike while keeping it within the boundaries of what parents want their kids to see. Funny, but not crude or full of obscenities. Will Farrell is hilarious, in that embarrassing yet endearing way he has developed.
  13. FWIW I heard the Madlib BN thing and it isn't bad. Still haven't heard the Bird remixes... ...I'd still rather just hear the original songs.
  14. Great discussion about a great album. Second only to MOANIN' as far as Art Blakey albums I've heard (and I haven't heard nearly enough). The sound quality on this one is noticeably good even to my inexperienced ears. Was anyone following The Jazz Messengers when the lineup was changing? Was it big news in the jazz community whenever it changed? I haven't heard Moncur's EVOLUTION, now I wish I had it.
  15. Hell yeah! Great greeeeaazzzy stuff, it will be in the rotation for a long time to come. The Donaldson/Patton/Green/Dixon combo seemingly can do no wrong! FUNKY MAMA! B)
  16. The Getty Museum in L.A. is incredible. Not only is it loaded with fantastic art, but the buildings themselves are beautifully designed and perched high on a hill with great views of the city in all directions. Constructed with ancient marble carved from a special location in Greece, there are actually visible fossils in the outer walls. Well worth paying a visit if you're out here in the land of fruits, nuts, and earthquakes.
  17. Just came home to a nice big batch from the good folks at BMG: Chick Corea LIGHT AS A FEATHER Clifford Brown & Max Roach STUDY IN BROWN Willie Bobo A NEW DIMENSION Dexter Gordon OUR MAN IN PARIS Lou Donaldson THE NATURAL SOUL Grant Green AM I BLUE Kenny Burrell MIDNIGHT BLUE Donald Byrd BYRD IN HAND It's gonna be a hell of a night! B)
  18. SS1--all the Laker games have been on TV in LA, but some are on tape delay which I hate. The Lakers are playing some tough defense, and the ball movement on offense is a thing of beauty. I too hope Alonzo Mourning can get healthy and live a long life. He's really had some terrible luck. I had no idea he was only 6'9"--I thought he was a legit 7 footer! Makes his career numbers even more impressive. KMart should feel stupid for making all those negative comments about 'Zo.
  19. Oops, thanks for the correction. I meant "both" rather than "all three," and now that you mention it I'm not sure if Move Your Hand has wah wah either. Regardless, the funk and vocals might clash with Conn's tastes.
  20. It wasn't "Turning Point," Pete; it's "Think!" that I have and like. "Mozambique" was a big disappointment for me. Can't take those wah wah guitars and funky singing. Will admit, however, that the tunes really picked up when Lonnie did his solos. Haven't yet heard "Drive." I know that Undergroundagent talks about "Move Your hand" as his favorite Lonnie Smith. Conn, if you don't like Mozambique I'd say the odds are you won't like Move Your Hand or McDuff's Moon Rappin.' All three of these are funky, have wah wah pedals, and vocals.
  21. I'm throwing back a couple Sierra Nevada Pale Ales before the fantastic meal ensues. Let me say I am very thankful to have met all these great jazz enthusiasts here on Organissimo. Y'all keep me endlessly informed and entertained. I hope to one day share a cold one with everyone here! Cheers!
  22. Impressive, Peter. I ran three games of full court basketball last night and had my right calf cramp up horribly. Someone in your shape probably wouldn't break a sweat running three measley games.
  23. I'm not the best at knowing who played on what albums, so I was looking at Cedar Walton on AMG and found he's on some of my favorite albums: John Coltrane GIANT STEPS Sonny Criss UP, UP, & AWAY Dexter Gordon TANGERINE Joe Henderson MODE FOR JOE Milt Jackson OLINGA Clifford Jordan GLASS BEAD GAMES I also have his album ANIMATION, which gets a low rating on AMG but I think it has some cool moments. Edited for a repeat
  24. I've listened, and I'm impressed. I paid particular attention to the drumming and thought, "damn, Deep is good!" The music isn't my bag, but I have respect for the professional experience and hands-on knowledge of jazz creation that Danny D'Imperio brings to the table. Way to go man, keep jazzin' it up!
  25. We had some idiot do the same thing near my house but with a crossbow. The deer in my neighborhood are so tame they'll hang out 30 feet from me playing basketball. Gee, real tough targets!
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