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    West Coast

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  1. I received my copy of the John Handy Select a couple days ago. I'm so glad I was following this thread and saw that it hit last chance. I had forgotten how much I enjoy his music.
  2. Thanks for posting this! I ordered my copy.
  3. I have ordered from them through the Amazon Marketplace dozens of times without problem. I usually get my order in about a week (I'm one state away from them). I haven't ordered from their website.
  4. Happy Birthday!! :party:
  5. Happy Birthday!! :party:
  6. Happy Birthday!! :party:
  7. I would have loved to see that!
  8. He sounds like an amazing person. I'm sorry for your loss.
  9. Happy Birthday, Kevin!! :party:
  10. I wasn't aware of sites that track flights. Thanks for sharing this.
  11. Happy Birthday!! :party:
  12. Happy Birthday!! :party:
  13. Happy Birthday!! :party:
  14. Happy Birthday!! :party:
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