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Everything posted by Aftab

  1. Go to iLounge and poke around a bit - they have a lot of info and tutorials about getting video to your iPod.
  2. The whole body and screen are protected by a layer of plastic - the sides have a silicone-rubber type material. The plastic keeps your iPod from getting scratches while the silicone provides some shock absorbtion in case of drops. I've dropped mine a few times while in the case and have had no problems. The case will not fit in a dock, but all switches and ports are accesible through the case. I did hours of research when I first bought my case 2 years ago, and have since researched again for a case for my new iPod, and the conclusion was the same. The deciding factors were - all-around protection (except for click wheel and ports), oversized cut-outs for larger headphone jacks and docking accessories, ease of iPod removal (for docking purposes, like iHome alarm clock, Apple dock, etc), and workmanship/design. Here's a picture of the case opened up - you can see it's design a little better. I have not - I just got a video iPod and have not had time to play with it. I have checked out a few of my friends' iPods and the video looks sweet, and the screen is nice and bright. A/V quality all depends on how it is compressed. The video available on iTunes looks great, as does some my friend has made. For all the iPod info you'll ever need, go to iLounge.com - the best iPod website I have found. Hope that helps.
  3. Marla- Once you get your iPod, I would suggest you get a case for it - the screens of the iPods scratch easily. If I may suggest - get a Contour Showcase - I've had one for 2 years and my iPod still looks brand new - the case is a little beat up, but better that than the iPod. Check out www.contourcase.com - I am not affiliated with the company, I just think they make a great product.
  4. Really looking forward to this - it can't come soon enough
  5. I'll edit this as I ponder some more, but some definites: Lee Morgan - Delightfulee Hank Mobley - Workout Curtis Fuller - Bone & Bari More to come . . . .
  6. Cannonball Adderley
  7. Definitely pickin' up the Hutch set.
  8. Daniel A - thanks for the info Guy - thanks as well, I can get it from iTunes, but I like to have the actual disc
  9. no plans to reissue either anytime soon that I've read about - so any help would be appreciated - thanks
  10. I'm looking for a mint condish or new/sealed copy of this one. Can anyone help?
  11. Absolutely great disc - the 3 of these guys together is as good lineup as the famed Motian trio with Lovano - just fantastic stuff!
  12. Since it is October and all . . . . But I also like . . . .
  13. Got mine today - YES! Now my MF 60-70's Columbia Collection is complete - for the first time since 1984 - it's a good day I could make my own Mosaic
  14. This is very sad to me personally. When I moved to Green Bay from Seattle, one of things that I missed was my bi-weekly or so trip to Tower Records in Bellevue - a very cool 2 story store that had a pretty decent jazz section 3 years or so ago. I used to love to browse through those aisles and just check stuff out - if they had one Grant Green cd they had all of them. And when you'd hit a sale it was awesome - I stil have discs I haven't got too yet with a Tower Records $7.99 sticker on them (I'm slow, I know) The place even had its own smell as dumb as that sounds. There's a decent B&N here, as well as a local chain that gets all the new jazz releases on release day (they have good prices too - RVGs - $9.99 all the time), but none of them compare to my memories of the Tower Stores in Bellevue and Seattle (that Seattle store is like a landmark!) It's a bummer for sure.
  15. still waiting
  16. Aftab

    Dogon A.D.

    I just looked and this isn't available anymore - darn it, I wanted to check it out - oh well
  17. The label's site says 'available now' - so hopefully the preorders have shipped . . .
  18. I just listened to some samples and it sounds nice - trio/4tet stuff with a few string arr tunes in there for flavor. Gonna have to pick it up . . . .
  19. Does anyone know if this shipped yet? Site says September release again - !?!?!
  20. Just got this email: Dear valued customer, Many thanks for your purchase of our forthcoming 2-CD set: Maynard Ferguson M.F. Horn 3 & M.F. Horn 4 & 5 Live at Jimmy’s (Vocalion 2CDSML 8429) We are sorry to inform you that our release date for this 2-CD set has, for reasons beyond our control, been put back from mid-September 2006 to the beginning of October 2006. Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused. With best wishes, The Dutton Vocalion Team. Please visit our new website www.duttonvocalion.co.uk and the wait continues - it's been 20 years, so what's another 2 weeks or so, I guess
  21. Hopefully not, as the $31 has already been charged to my account. I'm thinking we'll have it late Sept/Early Oct, but we'll see . . .
  22. So . . . . anyone pick 'em up? I grabbed the Jmac and Silver, and also last month's Dorham. Unfortunately, that's all I had time to do - still shrink wrapped Between Demon's Dance, MF Horn 3,4&5 and the Chet Baker/Mariachi Brass reissues (don't laugh), this is a great month or so
  23. My preorder is already in! http://www.duttonvocalion.co.uk/ Can't wait til this hits the doorstep!
  24. Wow. There is nothing else to say. I am totally heartbroken. I just heard the news as I've been camping and out-of-touch for a week or so. I've been a MF fan since I was 14 - that's 21 years. His 'Chameleon' album was the first jazz 'tape' I ever heard, and ever owned. From there my appreciation for jazz grew and spread out over many artists, but it all started with Maynard playing a tune by Herbie and a tune by Chick Corea (La Fiesta, also on Chameleon). I am seriously saddened by his passing. I got to see him about 6 months ago - great show; one to store in my brain for a while. Also saw him a few other times in hs and college. I am very much looking forward to the release of the album he recently finished recording. A friend of a friend is producing it, and from what I know about it, it should be a great way to finish off a great career. Rest in Peace kind sir, I will remember and spread your legacy to my boys (my 10 year old just started trumpet). Thanks for the great years and many great memories.
  25. Saw these guys on iTunes jazz new releases, and decided to check it out cuz I'm on a piano trio trip right now. VERY cool stuff, a little Bad Plus-ish, but less heavy handed (at least what I've heard) Check it out! http://www.neilcowleytrio.com also http://www.myspace.com/neilcowleytrio
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