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Everything posted by Aftab

  1. Hi all, It's been a looooong time since I've been around, but I figured I'd give it another go. Hello to all who may remember me, and to those of you who are new since the last time I was here. Anyway.... I've got a question regarding the 2003 Larry Young Mothership Conn CD - does the trumpet sound distorted or 'beyond peak limits' to you? And if so, is this corrected on the recent Japanese reissue? I noticed there isn't distortion on the version of Street Scene on the So Blue, So Funky comp. Any help you can provide would be great. Thanks!
  2. I haven't posted in a while, but this CD and topic drew me out. I love this album. Their voices really blend well together, and the music bed on which the vocals lie is thick, rich, and sounds great. Not thick like an orchestra, but that warm, a touch produced type of goodness. Some pedal steel, some wurlitzer, lots o' guitar and percussion, and upright bass. There are a few moments when Plant goes up for some upper register crooning, but he comes back down to a more subdued tone - his voice in this register sounds really cool. It's the opposite of "The Girl I Love She Have Long Black Wavy Hair" from the Zep BBC sessions for sure. Kraus is doing her usual thing, but digs in to a couple of phrases here and there - I wish she did more of that. Overall, this CD is highly recommended. At least check out sound clips on your fave website.
  3. Delightfulee is a great album - Sunrise Sunset and Yesterday are sweet!
  4. It seems weird to me that someone would object to Yes on the basis of their lyrics. I mean, yeah, if you try to take them literally/at-face-value then they come off as goofy, but this criticism seems to be off the mark. Would we take seriously similar criticism directed at scat singing? Guy "In and around the lake, mountains come out of the sky and they stand there..." I rest my case. Could it be Anderson is referring to the reflections of mountains as they appear in the lake - upside down and coming 'out of the sky'? hmmmmm . . . . .
  5. WOW! I can't believe this thread got dredged up from 3+ years ago - cool! I just listened to Fragile this past weekend on a long road trip - that's the first Yes I've listened to in a while, and I had forgotten how much I loved that album. Don't throw stuff at me, but I dig Big Generator, Talk, some of Union, and the ABWH stuff, too. Saw the ABWH tour at a racetrack outside of Syracuse NY - mindblowing to say the least.
  6. The CD I listed previously isn't on Lonehill, but I'd bet that the material is the same.
  7. So, how is it?
  8. If I had to guess, the Chet material is the same as this: Chet Baker with Dick Twardzik Not very good sound, IMHO.
  9. looks like the one I used in College
  10. Aftab

    iTunes Plus

    iTunes and EMI have released the new DRM-free tracks. Lots o' Blue Note titles received the upgrade. You have to upgrade your iTunes to 7.2, then you can see them/buy them - cool step for the d/l music world.
  11. That looks good - gonna have to add that to the list.
  12. Pepper Adams - Critic's Choice on Mighty Quinn $8 to a US Address PM me if you're interested
  13. the other June Conns are up as well. cool!
  14. $10 to a US address - pm me if interested
  15. Brecker - Pilgrimage Corea/Fleck - Enchantment up next is the Bad Plus - prog, a smattering of new conns, and some E.S.T.
  16. Thanks S. Sorry to be thick-headed - good to know my cd is complete
  17. Yeah, you're right - that's what I meant to say Yeah, that makes sense I suppose - I didn't think of that. So just to be clear (cuz I'm having a lame-brain day ) - no fold out whatsoever present - correct? Just wanna make sure my copy is not missing something (I'm a little particular, I know).
  18. HI - I just picked this up, and it didn't come with an English translation of the liner notes on a fold-out like all the other TOCJs. Does your copy have one? Thanks!
  19. Kenny Werner: Lawn Chair Society 30 years since he released his first jazz recording, Kenny Werner is still breaking new ground with his first album on the legendary Blue Note label, showcasing a quintet with Dave Douglas, Chris Pooter, Scott Colley, and Brian Blade. I've heard a sax player called a honker, but never a pooter
  20. PIcked up the McLean (finally get to hear this!) and the Hill - haven't spun either yet . . .
  21. Aftab

    Ipod Questions

    Are the gaps happening during a song or in-between songs (like on a live album or 2 tracks that blend together)
  22. For casual listening (small anounts of time) I use the iPod earbuds - they're good enough just to hear the music. But for listening I use these: Bose noise cancelling headphones Way cool. I couldn't afford them, luckily I got them as a gift.
  23. I didn't see anything about this on the board, so I thought I'd post about it. Check out this link to get a podcast video re: the event - it looks pretty cool - wish I was in NY. iTunes Morrison Hotel/Francis Wolff podcast page
  24. I'm a big Billy Joel fan, so I was excited when I heard he was singing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. So the day comes and they announce him, and he's sitting at a piano - OH HOW SWEET IS THIS GONNA BE!?!?! - I thought. Then he started singing, and the pitch correction started kicking in - and hard - totally ruining the performance! The adjustments were so 'off' that you could hear it harshly bouncing the pitch of his voice around - like that effect in that Cher song and countless others. Now, I can understand in a studio session using it to manipulate pitches, save time, fix a note here or there, etc. But in a live setting, with a musician like Billy Joel - I mean come on! The guy may be past his prime, but he's still better than most - and definitely not one to need correction for his vocal pitch. So what if he flattens a few notes? It's live! Very lame.
  25. I'll testify to the music - desert island stuff for me, no doubt - I have the older BN 4 disc set - superb. I think the 2disc BN/PJ set is still in print - I know I see it around fairly regularly - at least get that. The Annie Ross and Reunion sets are on the Gerry Mulligan Mosaic Select - so get the 2 disc, the Select, and the Konitz and you're good to go domestically and with better overall quality if I had to guess. A little more $$$, but the music is priceless.
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