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Everything posted by Antelope

  1. Thanks for the feedback about the album. The messages were actually the core of "Antelopes" without the messages, the rest of the album would not be able to exist, if I receive enough requests for an alternative mix without messages, I would entertain the idea. I am currently working on another Voltress record with Roscoe and a bigger cast of classic Jazz greats and it should be done and out by next fall (I hope!) The new one does not feature any phone messages, but has another interesting concept in their( the messages) place. As for the language, all of the musicians heard the album and understood the concept before they recorded. Although harsh at times, there is a specific story link to each side which I felt was nessesary to present un-edited. I truely appreciate the attention and your feedback dedicated to this project. I certainly don't expect everyone to dig it, but hopefully it pushes some of the bonderies of music structure and the current trends. cheers, Eric I have seriously thought of asking Mr. Hartz if he could mix a voice-mail free version of the album and sell it to me. It would be enjoyable on a certain level without the extensive phone messages. I know that there is a tradition of using spoken word parts in experimental music, including "found" or real life speech. However, to hear almost non-stop voice mail messages over two sides of an album, which compete with the music throughout, is a bit much for my taste.
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