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Everything posted by MoGrubb

  1. Boncana Naiga Amazon.com Boncana Malga
  2. It was OK on my last post in the "7000,000" thread; real time and post time were coordinated.
  3. Yaaa! *Rocky theme*
  4. Sterling Moss Rod Sterling Dollar Brand
  5. Screwed up here too. My clock reads 11:32 AM and some posts read 12:15 PM, etc. The first post time for this post read 12:32 PM, so maybe the clock's off exactly an hour(?).
  6. Arthur Godfrey Jack Benny Fibber McGee & Molly
  7. Raiders of the Lost Ark Star Wars The French Connection[i don't know if this qualifies exactly. It was mostly mind games acted out; which, I suppose, is what action flicks are all about.]
  8. Janis Joplin Big Mama Thornton Eartha Kitt
  9. Silverman is a female standup comic[seriously potty-mouth hilarious]. She made a video with Matt Damon(a movie actor/star) to worry her husband(Kimmel). She sings about fucking Matt Damon, You got the rest.
  10. re: clarity Aebersold has some guitar education stuff{I didn't make myself clear.}. No. I don't work for Aebersold.
  11. I got this in an email from a cousin. [i vaguely remember Burma Shave as a very young kid. I remember my parents chuckling, but I didn't know why. ]: For those who never saw any of the Burma Shave signs, here is a quick lesson in our history of the 1930's and '40's. Before there were interstates, when everyone drove the old 2 lane roads, Burma Shave signs would be posted all over the countryside in farmers' fields. They were small red signs with white letters. Five signs, about 100 feet apart, each containing 1 line of a 4 line couplet......and the obligatory 5th sign advertising Burma Shave, a popular shaving cream. Here are more of the actual signs: DON'T STICK YOUR ELBOW OUT SO FAR IT MAY GO HOME IN ANOTHER CAR. BURMA SHAVE TRAINS DON'T WANDER ALL OVER THE MAP 'CAUSE NOBODY SITS IN THE ENGINEER'S LAP Burma Shave SHE KISSED THE HAIRBRUSH BY MISTAKE SHE THOUGHT IT WAS HER HUSBAND JAKE Burma Shave DON'T LOSE YOUR HEAD TO GAIN A MINUTE YOU NEED YOUR HEAD YOUR BRAINS ARE IN IT Burma Shave DROVE TOO LONG DRIVER SNOOZING WHAT HAPPENED NEXT IS NOT AMUSING Burma Shave BROTHER SPEEDER LET'S REHEARSE ALL TOGETHER GOOD MORNING, NURSE Burma Shave CAUTIOUS RIDER TO HER RECKLESS DEAR LET'S HAVE LESS BULL AND A LITTLE MORE STEER Burma Shave SPEED WAS HIGH WEATHER WAS NOT TIRES WERE THIN X MARKS THE SPOT Burma Shave THE MIDNIGHT RIDE OF PAUL FOR BEER LED TO A WARMER HEMISPHERE Burma Shave AROUND THE CURVE LICKETY-SPLIT BEAUTIFUL CAR WASN'T IT? Burma Shave NO MATTER THE PRICE NO MATTER HOW NEW THE BEST SAFETY DEVICE IN THE CAR IS YOU Burma Shave A GUY WHO DRIVES A CAR WIDE OPEN IS NOT THINKIN' HE'S JUST HOPIN' Burma Shave AT INTERSECTIONS LOOK EACH WAY A HARP SOUNDS NICE BUT IT'S HARD TO PLAY Burma Shave BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL EYES ON THE ROAD THAT'S THE SKILLFUL DRIVER'S CODE Burma Shave THE ONE WHO DRIVES WHEN HE'S BEEN DRINKING DEPENDS ON YOU TO DO HIS THINKING Burma Shave CAR IN DITCH DRIVER IN TREE THE MOON WAS FULL AND SO WAS HE. Burma Shave PASSING SCHOOL ZONE TAKE IT SLOW LET OUR LITTLE SHAVERS GROW Burma Shave
  12. Pete Condoli May-nard Ferguson Doc Severinsen
  13. I'm glad, maybe he'll provide a stabilizing influence on her, get her some pro help. Nobody deserves to be mentally ill. It can be a horrible existence.
  14. Hal Leonard stuff is popular with horn music educators. Jamey Aebersold would be a very good source. I've gotten a lot of stuff from him at jazzbooks.com
  15. Sarah Silverman's a scream!
  16. Paul Newman(charity activist) Alfred E. Newman Paul Schaeffer[(sp)Tonight Show]
  17. Is this bad, good, etc.? I always use my own spellchec ke r, I didn't notice an automatic thingy happening, if an automatic thingy is indeed happening with my IE.
  18. thanks *whew* My machine's OK.
  19. Alvin and the Chipmunks Allan Sherman Shelley Berman
  20. Light constant rain and chillie, around 50 degrees. It's supposed to have cleared up by now *gripe*.
  21. This site was down/not available to me this morning. Was anyone else shut out? *cluck cluck*
  22. Organissimo wasn't available for me this morning from about 7:30 AM to 8:30. [i didn't try again until after 12 PM so I don't know when it became available.] Was anyone else shut out, or just me? Thanks.
  23. Charlie Mariano Charlie Byrd Charlie Parker
  24. One big difference I notice at jazz gigs today - as opposed to half a century ago when I first started listening - is how many women there are now taking an active interest in the music. No longer just "chicks" on guys' arms, as in the old days. There's more women interested in jazz today than yesteryear because jazz is considered more of a hobby or sideline than before. There's not as much "danger" that a guy will pursue it to feed the family. The ladies don't need to distance themselves, or lead the guys away from jazz. Scoot over in that cave, BillF.
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