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Everything posted by papsrus

  1. I see that this thread was started a while ago. Blogs have probably progressed a bit since the early comments here. I find the ones that interest me most are written by musicians or people who focus almost exclusively on reviews. A few I like: 1. Free Jazz 2. Point of Departure 3. Destination Out 4. Do the Math 5. Spider Monkey Stories Some offer opportunities to add your comments, some don't. None that I've come across offer the wide-ranging discussions that take place at sites like Organissimo. They seem very specific in focus, which is where their strength lies, IMO. Political or current events blogs are a different story altogether, with rambling discussions (shouting matches, flames, trolls, etc.) that go on forever. Extracting any insight at all from these discussions is pretty labor-intensive. Anyways, my 2 cents.
  2. Will post the Hamilton-Hill info at AAJ emusic thread. Still can't wrap my head around your ouster there.
  3. Sadly, no ... Used to have a neighbor who lived across the street who would blast classic rock while washing his car in the driveway. Journey, Jefferson Starship, Kiss. It was quite the party.
  4. papsrus

    Anthony Braxton

    Great thread ... haven't read all of it but I especially enjoyed JH Deely's synopsis of the Braxton lunch with the yahoo group. Braxton is one of a limited number of current musicians who'd have to be considered in the genius category, IMO. I have a good selection of his stuff, including the Dortmund disc, Montreux-Berlin, the three quartet discs from the British tour with Crispell, Hemingway and Dresser and the Iridium 2006 box, which is amazing, joyful music. Anyways, great to read through some of this. Cheers!
  5. MG, Hot Ptah ... good to see you both also. Lots of familiar faces here! I feel like I should order a round .... Bartender!
  6. Yes, welcome. Ah, and thanks Guy ... good to see you here. Just noodling around, this looks like a very nice site. I'd registered earlier this year but hadn't visited much. Just messing around with the controls, etc., and checking out the forums.
  7. I thank ya Noj!
  8. After seeing a lot of you folks over at AAJ when this site went down, thought I'd slip in to check your new place out ... nice.
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